Plain Danger

Plain Danger
О книге

DANGEROUS INHERITANCEWhen Carrie York arrives at the house she inherited from her father in an Amish community, she’s shocked to discover a soldier’s body on the property. And as her neighbor, army special agent Tyler Zimmerman, starts investigating the murder, Carrie fears it’s related to her father’s mysterious death. Tyler doesn’t trust the pretty speechwriter or the suspicious timing of her arrival—especially since her boss is responsible for his father’s death. But when someone attacks Carrie, Tyler insists on protecting her. With his help, will Carrie be able to hold on to her inheritance and her life?Military Investigations: Serving their country and solving crimes.


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When Carrie York arrives at the house she inherited from her father in an Amish community, she’s shocked to discover a soldier’s body on the property. Her neighbor, army special agent Tyler Zimmerman, starts investigating the murder, and Carrie fears it’s related to her father’s mysterious death. Tyler doesn’t trust the pretty speechwriter or the suspicious timing of her arrival—especially since her boss is responsible for his father’s death. But when someone attacks Carrie, Tyler insists on protecting her. With his help, will Carrie be able to hold on to her inheritance and her life?

Military Investigations: Serving their country and solving crimes.


Startled by the sound, Carrie gripped the steering wheel of her car even more tightly as she drove through the rain. The car suddenly veered left, crossed the center line and crashed into the ditch that edged the roadway.

Rain pelted the windshield. She struggled to free herself and clawed at the door, unable to push it open.

“Help!” she cried, knowing no one would hear her.


Tyler! He grabbed the door handle and ripped it open. Reaching around her, he unbuckled her seat belt.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded. He pulled her free.

Rain pummeled her face as she looked into eyes filled with concern.

She swallowed down the fear and nodded. “I…I’m okay. How—”

He turned to study her car, then glanced back to where the wheel lay on the edge of the roadway. Retrieving the tire, he pried off the hubcap. “Three of your lug nuts are missing.”

Her ears roared, and she shivered in the chilly rain.

“Someone tampered with your wheel, Carrie,” he said, his voice deathly calm. “They wanted the tire to fall off.”

DEBBY GIUSTI is an award-winning Christian author who met and married her military husband at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Together they traveled the world, raised three wonderful children and have now settled in Atlanta, Georgia, where Debby spins tales of mystery and suspense that touch the heart and soul. Visit Debby online at, blog with her at and, and email her at [email protected].

Plain Danger

Debby Giusti

Store up treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

—Matthew 6:20–21

This story is dedicated to the wonderful readers

who buy my books and share them with their friends. Your encouragement and support mean so much to me. Thank you!


Bailey’s plaintive howl snapped Carrie York awake with a start. The Irish setter had whined at the door earlier. After letting him out, she must have fallen back to sleep.

Raking her hand through her hair, Carrie rose from the guest room bed and peered out the window into the night. Streams of moonlight cascaded over the field behind her father’s house and draped the freestanding kitchen house, barn and chicken coop in shadows. In the distance, she spotted the dog, seemingly agitated as he sniffed at something hidden in the tall grass.

“Hush,” she moaned as his wail continued. The neighbors on each side of her father’s property—one Amish, the other a military guy from nearby Fort Rickman—wouldn’t appreciate having their slumber disturbed by a rambunctious pup who was too inquisitive for his own good.

Still groggy with sleep, she pulled on her clothes, stumbled into the kitchen and flicked on the overhead light. Her coat hung on a hook in the anteroom. Slipping it on, she opened the back door and stepped into the cold night.

“Bailey, come here, boy.”

Black clouds rolled overhead, blocking the light from the moon. Narrowing her eyes, she squinted into the darkness and started off through the thick grass, following the sound of the dog’s howls.

She’d have to hire someone to mow the field and care for the few head of cattle her dad raised, along with his chickens. Too much for one person to maintain, especially a woman who knew nothing about farming.

Again the dog’s cry cut through the night.

Anxiety tingled her neck. “Come, boy. Now.”

The dog sniffed at something that lay at his feet. A dead animal perhaps? Maybe a deer?

“Bailey, come.”

The dog glanced at her, then turned back to the downed prey.

A stiff breeze blew across the field. She shivered and wrapped the coat tightly around her neck, feeling vulnerable and exposed, as if someone were watching...and waiting.

Letting out a deep breath to ease her anxiety, she slapped her leg and called to the dog, “Come, boy. We need to go inside.”

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