Positive Thinking: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice

Positive Thinking: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
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Vera Peiffer’s thoroughly practical and no-nonsense bestseller, which has already helped thousands regain their lust for life.Many things can zap self confidence and your natural lust for life… strains at work, juggling work and children, juggling work, children and a social life. If you’re yelling ‘what social life?’ and are feeling stressed by all your commitments, this book is for you.These complaints are all too common in today's world of uncertainty and tension, and it's time we learned to take responsibility for ourselves.Vera Peiffer's no-nonsense and thoroughly practical bestseller Positive Thinking has already helped thousands to take control of their own lives. You too can discover that there really are no limits to what you can achieve. In her characteristic punchy style, Vera Peiffer shows you how to:set up a personal success programme• overcome stress at work and home• make new friends and be a more loving and responsive spouse• pinpoint how stress, worry and other confidence zappers develop• tackle the symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle• mobilize your subconscious through self-hypnosis and visualization


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Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice

Vera Peiffer

For Nada and Ljuba

Excuse me, have you had this trouble with your eyesight long? No trouble with your eyesight. I see. In that case, would you please read the heading again? OK, now just skip the foreword and go on to the next chapter. Thank you.

I don’t believe this. You’re still reading on when I specifically asked you not to!

You see, when I started working on this book, a friend asked me how far I’d got with my writing and I replied that I had just started on the foreword. My friend waved a contemptuous hand and assured me that she certainly never read any forewords and, as far as she was aware, nobody else did either. That got me thinking. Since I wanted my foreword to be read I thought why not use it to prove a point?

The fact that you were not supposed to read the foreword made it practically irresistible – after all, you’re still reading now, aren’t you?

Note: The harder you try to avoid something, the less you can do it.

You will encounter the implications of these notes throughout the book, and I will demonstrate in the following chapters how they work and how you can use them to your advantage. What is more I know that you will succeed in making the findings of this book work for you, provided you act on your intention of getting more out of life and therefore put these findings into practice.

Theoretical knowledge is a marvellous thing. It increases your self-esteem, impresses your friends and looks good on your CV. All this is also very useful and certainly desirable, but theoretical knowledge cannot effect change: it will never change you from a miserable person into a happy one or from an unsuccessful person into a successful one.

In order to change your life for the better, you need more than just theoretical knowledge. You need to put these theories into practice. This, of course, means that you have to assume responsibility for your own well-being and stop blaming everyone else for things that go wrong in your life. This is not easy, because, let’s face it, it is just so much more convenient to blame your parents/the Government/the weather for the fact that you cannot cope with certain aspects of life, rather than admit that you have not been pulling your weight and are therefore still stuck in that same old job, are still without a partner or still as miserable as you were two years ago.

In the long run, taking responsibility for your actions is a winning strategy because it opens the door to a completely new range of possibilities for becoming a successful person. When I am speaking of success I am speaking of a number of different areas, like health, wealth, happiness and personal fulfilment.

There are practically no limits to what you can achieve provided you put your mind to it. Reading this book will help, but you still have to go out and put the theories into practice. This ultimate step lies with you and you alone. Get on with it now; don’t wait for the ‘right moment’, it may never come.

Note: The best time to act on new resolutions is now (not the 1st January).

I know you can do it!


Before we get into theoretical discussions of how the mind works, I would like you to try the following experiment.

Find a piece of string and tie a ring to one end of it. It is quite unimportant what sort of string you use or what kind of object you tie to the end – if you don’t have a ring, use a key or a pen with a clip. The main thing is that you can fasten it somehow to the end of your string.

Now tie the other end of the string around your right index finger. As it is important to keep your right hand perfectly still, I suggest you sit down at a table, firmly rest both elbows on the table and support your right wrist with your left hand.

Lower your right index finger to allow the object to rest on the table, then gently lift the index finger again so that the object hangs still. It is of the utmost importance that you do not move your hand while you carry out this experiment.

Now fix your gaze on the object and begin to imagine that the pendulum starts swinging from left to right. See the movement in your mind, imagine how the object begins to swing, left to right, left to right. Say it silently to yourself, ‘Left to right to left to right’, and you will see that the pendulum actually begins to swing from left to right. It will begin to swing very slightly first, so keep on imagining, seeing in your mind’s eye how the movement is becoming more pronounced, and you will see that this, too, will happen.

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