Prince Incognito

Prince Incognito
О книге

Riveting romantic suspense to set your heart racing! Heroic and courageous characters battle against danger and face challenges to their faith… and to their lives.A PRINCE WITH NO MEMORY Injured in an attack on the royal motorcade and missing his memories, Alec has one person he can trust. Lillian Bardici, the woman who rescued him. Lily has a soft heart for any hurt creature, but her family has a bitter grudge against Lydia’s ruling family—Alec’s family.For once his memory returns, Alec knows the truth. He is Prince Alexander, and his family is in danger. All he wants is to find and help them…but now that Alec’s found his purpose, will he lose Lily who’s under orders by her family to betray him? Reclaiming the Crown: Born to rule with faith, honor…and love

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Injured in an attack on the royal motorcade and missing his memory, Alec has one person he can trust. Lillian Bardici, the woman who rescued him. Lily has a soft heart for any hurt creature, but her family has a bitter grudge against Lydia’s ruling family—Alec’s family. For once his memory returns, Alec knows the truth. He is Prince Alexander, and his family is in danger. All he wants is to find and help them…but now that Alec’s found his purpose, will he lose Lily, who’s under orders by her family to betray him?

Reclaiming the Crown: Born to rule with faith, honor...and love.

Enjoy a special 15th anniversary bonus story from Love Inspired, Family Ever After by Linda Goodnight

“You’ve got to get out of here!”

The scream of another incoming explosive buried Lillian’s words, but thankfully, the blast struck farther away.

The man seemed to find his feet and trotted forward, his expression determined in spite of the blood that marred his face.

“You need to get to a hospital.”

“No.” He stopped, his earnest blue eyes boring into hers. “No hospital. I’ve got to get out of the country. I can’t stay here. It’s not safe.” He took another step forward. “I have to hurry. Don’t let them find me.”

Lillian paused, unsure what she should do. It had always been her nature to help, to bind up injured animals, to rescue the wounded. That’s why she’d gone to veterinary school. But she wavered now, uncertain whether she should try to help, or back off. She said a silent prayer that God would make clear what she was supposed to do.

Again the soldier’s eyes met hers. “Help.”


is a mild-mannered housewife, and the toughest she ever has to get is when she’s trying to keep her four kids quiet in church. Though she often gets in over her head, as her characters do, and has to find a way out, her adventures have more to do with sorting out the carpool and providing food for the potluck. She’s never been arrested, gotten in a fistfight or been shot at. And she’d like to keep it that way! For recipes, fun background notes on the places and characters in this book and more information on forthcoming titles, visit

Prince Incognito

Rachelle McCalla

Dear Reader,

In 2012 Love Inspired Books is proudly celebrating fifteen years of heartwarming inspirational romance! In honor of this special occasion, we’re spotlighting the Love Inspired Suspense series this month.

If you haven’t read a Love Inspired Suspense book before, now is a wonderful time to discover them. Love Inspired Suspense offers gripping suspense, compelling romance and an inspirational message—all within one series. These edge-of-the-seat, contemporary romantic suspense stories feature Christian characters facing challenges to their faith…and to their lives!

We’re excited about our author line-up this month. Look for Threat of Darkness by Valerie Hansen, the latest book in her exciting miniseries, The Defenders. Terri Reed delivers the dramatic finale to Love Inspired Suspense’s continuity series, Fitzgerald Bay, with The Deputy’s Duty. Rachelle McCalla’s Reclaiming the Crown miniseries continues with Prince Incognito. Susan Sleeman rounds out the month with Double Exposure, the first book in her new miniseries, The Justice Agency.And enjoy a fifteenth anniversary bonus story at the end of each book.

I hope you enjoy each and every story. Look for four new Love Inspired Suspense books every month for the perfect combination of riveting suspense and inspirational romance!


Tina James

Senior Editor

To Knox, my prince, with love.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

—Isaiah 30:21


His Royal Highness Prince Alexander of Lydia stood at attention in the palace courtyard, his back extra straight, his arms practically immobilized by the stiff sleeves of his dress uniform. The classic-cut olive-green suit was reserved for formal occasions, and Alec hadn’t realized until he’d squeezed into it for this evening’s state dinner just how long it had been since he’d last worn it.

About fifteen pounds of muscle ago, judging by how tight the shirt felt around his neck. He couldn’t take a deep breath, and he felt a tingling sensation in his fingers every time he tried to bend his arms at the elbow. The warm weather of the June evening didn’t help, though Alec was at least accustomed to heat.

His last deployment, a humanitarian mission in the deserts of North Africa, had required daily physical labor. Alec hadn’t appreciated how much the work had transformed him until he’d returned home to Sardis, Lydia’s capital city, the day before and found that none of his old clothes fit the same.

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