Promoted: Secretary to Bride!

Promoted: Secretary to Bride!
О книге

Mousy Molly Taylor has always been half in love with her boss! What was I thinking? As if a new dress and a pair of borrowed hopes-and-dreams shoes were going to get me noticed by my scrummy boss! After all, he has barely looked at me in the last three years, so why should he now? But last night, after Jarrod drove me home from that posh work party, things seemed different, and for one crazy moment I felt sure he was going to kiss me!Oh, well, it will be back to business on Monday, and everything will go back to normal… But Molly’s boss has other things on his agenda!Nine to Five From city girl to corporate wife!


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Jarrod’s gaze dipped, trailed over her shoulders and lower, and came back to her face. ‘You looked stunning.’

Molly should remind him that she didn’t fit in, or play down his praise, but instead she couldn’t concentrate on anything but his nearness, and how much she wanted his kiss as his hazel eyes darkened and intent came into his features. Instead she said, ‘I’m…glad you liked the dress.’

‘I liked it a lot.’ His fingers crushed the soft fabric against her skin as he cupped her shoulders. His knee touched hers as he turned more fully towards her. And then his hands were on skin alone—shoulders, back—in the lightest touch that still managed to hold her.

‘Why did I never see you?’ He whispered the words, as though if he spoke them aloud the spell would be broken. ‘Why can’t I stop seeing you now?’

Molly wanted to be seen. Oh, she did. And she wanted his kiss. And at last his lips came down to cover hers.

Australian author Jennie Adams grew up in a rambling farmhouse surrounded by books, and by people who loved reading them. She decided at a young age to be a writer, but it took many years and a lot of scenic detours before she sat down to pen her first romance novel. Jennie is married, with two adult children, and has worked in a number of careers and voluntary positions, including transcription typist and pre-school assistant. Jennie makes her home in a small inland city in New South Wales. In her leisure time she loves long, rambling walks, starting knitting projects that she rarely finishes, chatting with friends, trips to the movies, and new dining experiences.

Jennie loves to hear from her readers, and can be contacted via her website at

Dear Reader

Sometimes it takes a transformation for us to see what’s been in front of us right from the start. That’s how it is for Jarrod Banning when he draws Molly Taylor deep into his world to help him sort out a problem—and ends up creating some problems of a whole other kind for himself.

Molly is a special heroine, with a unique kind of family. They’re all about fairytale dreams as a harmless means of escape from their very ordinary lives. Molly wants only to keep her feet on the ground for everyone, and she’s done a good job—despite working for a ‘dream boss’ for the past three years. She’s rather concerned when the rules suddenly change!

I hope you enjoy visiting sunny Queensland with me—the real bits and the fictitious bits—as Molly and Jarrod’s story unfolds.

Love and hugs from Australia





For Laura Hamby,

with thanks for the sanity-saving IM chats, the daily doses of ‘And Today’s Whinge Is’, the title brainstorming, Cupid, the e-card, the secret spook and the many M&Ms—especially the peanut butter ones. Consider yourself publicly outed for niceness above and beyond the call of duty!


‘THAT’S a very generous invitation, Mr Allonby.’ An invitation that took geek-girl Molly Taylor completely by surprise. She wanted to assure the man there was nothing wrong with her boss’s business whatsoever. There couldn’t be! And yet the man sounded so sure.

Molly’s gaze moved past him, to the view outside the fourteenth-floor windows of the Brisbane office that housed Banning Financial Services. The Australian sky was as bright a blue as ever, the buildings in the cityscape as tall, the river area below as wide and calm.

Yet a few words from this stranger and Molly’s cheerful, all-but-perfect world—if you ignored the few niggling things that weren’t so perfect about it—didn’t feel quite so bright and secure after all.

What if Allonby was correct, and Jarrod’s business was in deep trouble? Allonby was offering her a job, but nothing could compensate for having to walk away from her boss.

‘You’ve taken me by surprise.’ She turned back to face the man, smoothed a few strands of dark-brown hair back into the ponytail that had a tendency to slip its moorings when she least expected it. One long, slim finger pushed her funky black-framed glasses farther up her nose as she stared at the middle-aged man.

‘I’m sure what you’ve heard must be some sort of mistake.’ It had to be. Molly’s boss loved the challenge of investing enormous amounts of money in complicated portfolios for a diversity of wealthy clients, and he was really, really good at it.

‘I can only assure you what I’ve been told came from reliable sources.’ Though they were alone in the middle of what was both Molly’s office and the reception area for the business, her boss was only a closed door away from them.

A fact Peter Allonby must have considered, because he leaned forward and lowered his voice. ‘Even billionaires can get into difficulty. They simply have more at stake if that happens.’

‘Ah, well, I’d guessed millions, actually.’ And this was not a topic for open discussion either way. ‘I’m afraid I know very little about my boss’s finances,’ Molly said primly.

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