Protector's Temptation

Protector's Temptation
О книге

When AJ Decker left Dallas for the peaceful Georgia town of Copper Lake, the big-city cop wasn't looking to put his life at risk again. But when an old friend asked him to help out a woman in danger, how could he refuse? Then he found out who she was. Masiela Leal. His ex-lover.Masiela knew AJ lived by a strict code of honor. That made him the only man the embattled attorney could trust. But hiding out in AJ's house awakened bittersweet memories of the night she'd spent six years trying to forget. As desire reignited, Mas knew they were fighting for their future…and a second chance at love.

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“Can you help me out of this shirt?”

Can’t you just sleep in it? she wanted to ask. Helping him put it on had been intimate enough. Taking it off…

She was about to straighten and leave the room when his fingers caught her shirt, then slid up into her hair, around to her neck and pulled her closer.

Before she could ask what he was doing, his mouth touched hers—just a solid pressure, lips against lips, a platonic kiss. Then his tongue levered between her lips, dipping into her mouth, and her knees damn near gave way. There was no hurry, no desperation or need, just wanting. He wasn’t going to die without her, or starve, or burst into flames.

No, the dying/starving/flame-bursting was all hers.

When he released her, his eyes remained closed. “Damn” was all he said, a hint of all his years in Texas creeping into the word, making it twice as long.

Yeah. Damn.

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Dear Reader,

I’ve loved every book I’ve ever written and feel a great fondness for every couple that peopled them, but something about AJ Decker and Masiela Leal just grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. I can’t tell you why. They’re smart and capable and mature—but so are my other heroes and heroines. They’re flawed and human—but so are the others. They’ve suffered some deep hurts—but so have… Well, you get the idea.

Maybe it’s because Decker is a cop, like my husband. Maybe because he has a deep sense of honor, like my father. Or maybe his hardheadedness reminds me of my son. And Mas—she’s a strong woman, not just physically but in every other way. Like my mom, my sisters, my best friends. Like me.

Whatever the reason, I loved every moment I spent in Decker’s and Mas’s company, and I hope you do, too!


Protector’s Temptation

Marilyn Pappano


has spent most of her life growing into the person she was meant to be, but isn’t there yet. She’s been blessed with family—her husband, their son, his lovely wife and a grandson who is almost certainly the most beautiful and talented baby in the world—and friends, along with a writing career that’s made her one of the luckiest people around. Her passions, besides those already listed, include the pack of wild dogs who make their home in her house, fighting the good fight against the weeds that make up her yard, killing the creepy-crawlies that slither out of those weeds and, of course, anything having to do with books.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

The blow was sharp and unexpected. An elbow slammed AJ Decker in the gut, followed by a bite to his left hand. His grunt bit off into a curse, drowned out by a shout from the uniformed officer hustling around the car.

“Watch out, Lieutenant! Willie likes to go for the—!”

The warning faded as the prisoner, hands still cuffed, kicked out with regrettable accuracy. Blood drained from AJ’s face, and little more than a huff of breath escaped him as he sank to the ground on hands and knees. Pain washed up in waves, creating a roaring in his ears that reduced the pounding of feet and the struggle between prisoner and officers to a distant rumble. Oh, God, he was going to be sick.

Gritting his teeth, he willed the nausea away. He would never live this down—the growing crowd of witnesses spilling out of the police department confirmed that—but damned if he’d make an embarrassing situation worse by puking up his guts in front of the whole damn department.

AJ’s vision cleared as three or four officers dragged Willie away kicking and screaming obscenities, and he focused on a hand stuck out to him. He took it, and Tommy Maricci, one of the detectives who worked for him, pulled him to his feet. Maricci was trying hard not to grin when he let go.

“Rule one in dealing with Willie Franklin—always protect your nads,” Maricci said mildly.

“I’ve never dealt with Willie Franklin before.” AJ’s voice was reasonably strangled, since even the shallowest of breaths hurt deep inside. “Please God, I never will again.”

The officer who’d been bringing Willie in for booking—thirty pounds over department fitness guidelines and two years short of retirement—reluctantly approached. His cheeks were red, and sweat gleamed on his forehead. “I should’ve warned you sooner, Lieutenant, but I just figured everyone knew you don’t give Willie a chance to kick.”

“Yeah, well, now everyone knows.” AJ straightened to his full height, then sucked in a pain-filled breath. He’d managed to reach the age of thirty-eight without ever taking a hit to the testicles, but now he understood why guys who did curled into the fetal position. It hurt. Like hell.

As his audience drifted back inside the building, he took a tentative step, then another, grinding his teeth against the throb. He wasn’t sure he would ever walk normally again. He managed a few more steps before a voice cutting through the warm afternoon brought him up short.

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