When you're a Little Red Riding Hood, everyone wants to send you somewhere. Also, my grandmother, as luck would have it, bought herself a house in a dense forest, which I don't want to approach, let alone enter. And that's what she needs my pies for? She's been on a diet for ten years. But who will listen to me? Not my mother, that's for sure.
“Don't forget the oil!” She shouted from the second floor, and I just sighed, stuffing the jar intothe basket.
Something told me that I would be sent back with the same supplies. She can't stand this oil. When will my relatives remember each other's tastes?
Covering the basket with a napkin, I tried to walk quietly to the hallway so that no one would have time to remember any other unnecessary thing. But… I completely forgot about the creaking floorboard right by the door!
“Don't forget to weara hat!” My father shouted immediately.
Closing my eyes, I exhaled. In a dense forest, it is better to merge with nature, and not shout with your red hat, like a beacon, to all wild animals about your location.
But then again, who would listen to me?
Quickly throwing on a fur coat, I looked longingly at the hat. My father will swear if he sees her after I leave. And he's sure to check if I listened....
Ah, the wolves are with them. If I am torn apart by animals in this forest, I will understand them until the end of death as a ghost. It's not for nothing that I'm friends with the village witch. However, she can only do tinctures for colds....
The basket still came out quite heavy, even though I tried to pull out absolutely unnecessary things. Well, why does Grandma need bath salt when she doesn't have this very bath?
It's a pity Pierre went hunting and now he won't be able to see me off. Although I tried not to be afraid that I would go to my grandmother alone for the first time, it turned out very badly. It's one thing you have a brutal hunter at your side, who will pull you out of the ditch and protect you from animals, but here? With a basket, except to fight back.
The frosty wind immediately hit in the face, it was worth leaving the village and getting closer to the forest. Frowning, I looked at the dark clouds over the fir trees. Just not to get caught in a blizzard on the way.... That's my grandmother's love for saving came out sideways to me. Was it really impossible to understand that a house could not cost so cheap even in our village? Especially with a bath house. Eh, now it would be warm for this very bathhouse. Wrapping my fur coat tighter, I couldn't hold back another sigh.
“Okay, I'll get there faster, I'll get to the bathhouse faster.” I nodded to myself, taking a new step towards the forest.
Wild animals were only called wild. Everyone knew that the stories about talking animals were not like that at all. There were so many horror stories that they could talk to death. They are bored, you see, talking to each other, they like to talk to people. And if a person likes it very much, they can drag him into their caves or burrows. And they are afraid of hunters only with a gun, but for ordinary people… they don't care deeply about poor people with baskets. Especially in red caps.
Therefore, childrenare always instructed with very strange speeches, at first glance. In cities, children are asked notto talk to strangers,but in our country they are punished not to greet animals.
Only what kind of child will approach this terrible forest?
Shrugging my shoulders, I looked around. And nothing had passed, but it seemed that it was already in the thick of the dark branches, which seemed to be reaching out to grab with their clawed paws and stop. The echoes of the village could no longer be heard, but neither could the singing of bullfinches. Apparently, there will still be a snowstorm, since they hid. Speeding up my pace, I tried not to lose sight of the marked trees with scarlet ribbons. Still, a good idea came to Pierre's mind after we got lost on the road for the first time. The trail was covered up again and, drowning in snow almost knee-deep, I knew for sure that I would have to stay at my grandmother's for the night. The shoes will be wet and it's good if they dry out by morning, otherwise you will only have to go back to the village in the evening.
“And who is this it her-r-re?” it sounded very close, and I froze.
So, the main thing is not to show fear. Just go ahead and ignore it.
“Can't you hear me?” it seems that this beast is already on the side?
Lifting my chin, I continued on my way. It's better not to even look at who fate has thrown me here. I'll be the most boring girl, maybe this beast will leave me alone.
But suddenly a huge wolf jumped right in front of me, and I swallowed and stopped. He's almost as tall as me, what are they eating here in this forest?
“You don't want to talk?” he growled, squinting. “O-r-rr cheat?”
“When did I cheat?” I muttered, trying to get around him.
And then she closed her eyes, closing them. It was necessary to say it out loud!
“Ah, so you hear,” the wolf drawled in a satisfied voice.