Revealed: A Prince and A Pregnancy

Revealed: A Prince and A Pregnancy
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From dark-hearted rebel to ruthless Royal!When heiress Simone Duvalier sashays back into Rafael Alexander’s life, Rafe can’t wait for her to head back home and leave him to his empire-building in Australia. They once shared so much, but all that remains are memories and the desire to bed her…Simone has never forgotten fiercely ambitious, achingly sexy Rafael – and neither has her traitorous body! But when a princely secret and an unplanned pregnancy threaten to change everything…can this dark-hearted bad boy become a prince and a father?Hot Bed of Scandal Modern Heat™ introduces Kelly Hunter’s deliciously sexy new duet!


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‘Careful, Simone.’ His eyes had narrowed. A muscle worked in his jaw. ‘Swearing doesn’t become a lady.’

‘If you had any kind of memory left you’d remember that I often take exquisite pleasure in not behaving like a lady. Would you like a demonstration?’

‘What are you going to do, Princess?’ They were toe to toe. Tension radiated from him in waves. ‘Hit me?’

‘Oh, no.’ Tempting as it was. ‘I was thinking of something a whole lot more subtle by way of a demonstration.’ She put her hand to his chest, to his heart, before finally curving it round the back of his neck and pressing her lips to the strong curve of his jaw. Gently.

‘You think I didn’t love you,’ she murmured. Another kiss for that stubborn jaw, followed by the slow slide of her lips across to the edge of his mouth. ‘You think your feelings were the stronger.’

She gave him time to move away. She did give him that.

His chest heaved and he drew a ragged breath. But he stayed right where he was.

‘You’re wrong,’ she whispered, and set her lips to his.

His lips were warm and firm. And closed. She touched the tip of her tongue to the crease in them and tasted salt. She felt the shudder that ripped through him but his mouth stayed stubbornly closed to her. She started to pull away. Experiment over. Experiment failed.

And then his hand came up to cup her face, his lips opened beneath hers, a dam broke somewhere, and the world around her simply disappeared.



To Maytoners.

And Puppies.

Dear Reader

In my last book, EXPOSED: MISBEHAVING WITH THE MAGNATE, I wrote Gabrielle and Lucien’s story, and fought hard to keep Gabrielle’s brother Rafael off the page. Not because he was bad, but because if I’d given him any leeway whatsoever he’d have dominated the story and captured my heart—and I couldn’t have that. It wasn’t his story.

In REVEALED: A PRINCE AND A PREGNANCY Rafe’s been allowed full rein—and reign he does. Emerging from a cold and traumatic childhood, Rafael is an enigmatic, driven man with a clear moral compass, a closely guarded heart, and a steely determination to protect those few people he loves.

The last person he wants to see at his sister’s wedding is bridesmaid Simone Duvalier, who witnessed so much of his childhood humiliation and broke his heart as a young man. But Simone brings acceptance and understanding with her, along with revelations guaranteed to turn Rafael’s world upside down.

Simone and I gave Rafael a very hard time. There’s no denying that. We shattered his present. We forced him to re-examine his past. We forced upon him a future he wasn’t ready for. But we also lost our hearts to him in the process, and I hope you will too.

Warm wishes

Kelly Hunter

Chapter One

THE moment she saw the elegant two-storey guest house nestled in the heart of one of Australia’s premier wine-growing regions, Simone Duvalier approved of it. Granted, it was no seventeenth-century French chateau, but if one had to attend a wedding halfway around the world then this picturesque venue gave at least some consolation. Someone here had an eye for detail, reflected in the immaculately kept gardens and gleaming house. Someone here had a penchant for whimsy. The strutting metal flamingos cobbled together from nuts and bolts and what looked like spare engine parts telegraphed that.

As for the scenery…The big sky and the eucalypt-clad hills on the horizon. The tidy rows of grapevines flanking the drive…She’d been expecting a hint of wildness about the Australian landscape and it did not disappoint her, but there was order here too and that surprised her. Simone liked surprises. Surprise was an emotion that could almost compete with the nervousness that clawed through her whenever she thought about seeing Rafael Alexander again.

Rafael, her childhood playmate. Rafael, the housekeeper’s son.

Rafe the ambitious, the driven, the brilliant.

Rafael, the man she’d spurned.

Would he hold a grudge? Still? After almost nine years?

Would her soon-to-be brother-in-law be in any way pleased to see her? Probably not, but the one thing she’d made sure he could not do was throw her out. The land surrounding the guest house might have belonged to Rafael, but the guest house itself did not. And as adamant as Gabrielle had been about the wedding taking place in Australia rather than France, she’d also chosen to hold both the ceremony and the reception here at the guest house rather than at Rafe’s vineyard.

Neutral ground, and a concession for which Simone was supremely grateful.

Smiling grimly, Simone negotiated the narrow drive-way and parked her hired Audi in the car park behind the guest house before finally cutting the engine. At least she had a day to compose herself before meeting him again. Time enough to recover from her flight and the harrowing drive to the valley. Time enough for her to put on her happy face and work her way in to the moment.

‘One step at a time,’ she murmured. That was how she’d made it this far. By forcing one foot in front of the other, painting a smile on her face and making herself move towards the moment she dreaded.

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