Rodeo Dreams

Rodeo Dreams
О книге

Love is one unpredictable ride Ride straight to the top of the rodeo circuit–that's June Spotted Elk's dream. Yes, bull-riding is a man's world, but she won't let anyone–not even a sexy, scarred stranger–get in her way.Seasoned bull rider Travis Younkin knows what it's like to make it to the top–and then hit the bottom. Back in the arena to resurrect his career, he can't afford a distraction like June. No matter how far he'll go to protect her from the danger. No matter how deeply the stubborn and beautiful rider gets to him…


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Love is one unpredictable ride

Ride straight to the top of the rodeo circuit—that’s June Spotted Elk’s dream. Yes, bull-riding is a man’s world, but she won’t let anyone—not even a sexy, scarred stranger—get in her way.

Seasoned bull rider Travis Younkin knows what it’s like to make it to the top—and then hit the bottom. Back in the arena to resurrect his career, he can’t afford a distraction like June. No matter how far he’ll go to protect her from the danger. No matter how deeply the stubborn and beautiful rider gets to him…

He was still one of the best in the world. He just had to prove it the hard way.

By God, Travis had spent too long rehabbing his broken body and then working his way up from the very bottom of the bull-riding circuits to have his plans blown to hell and back all because some pretty girl wanted to ride with the big boys.

And the fact that June was beautiful? Nothing but an unwelcome distraction. Distractions got a man killed out there. Hell, distractions had already almost gotten him killed once—when he’d caught his girlfriend, Barb, making eyes at Chet Murphy right before he’d gotten on that damn bull, No Man’s Land. He’d paid dearly for wondering what the hell she was doing instead of focusing on the bull.

He couldn’t allow another woman to distract him. Not ever again.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the rodeo, where dreams are made—and broken—in eight seconds in the arena on the back of a two-ton bull.

Men like Travis Younkin have been riding bulls for years—and Travis has the scars to prove it. He’s trying to make his way back to the top of the bull-riding world, but there’s one rider who’s standing in his way—June Spotted Elk.

June was born to ride bulls. The fact that she’s a woman in a man’s world doesn’t slow her down in the least. She’s out to prove she can ride with the big boys—and she’s not about to let something like an old schoolgirl crush on her favorite rider, Travis Younkin, get in her way.

Travis knows how dangerous bull riding can be and he’s determined to keep June safe. But when his concern turns into something more, they’re both risking their rodeo dreams.

Rodeo Dreams is a sensual story about fighting for your dreams and falling in love. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! This book will always hold a special place in my life because I sold it almost six years after I wrote it. Rodeo Dreams is a real-life example of the power of perseverance. Be sure to stop by and join me as I say long live cowboys!

Sarah M. Anderson

Rodeo Dreams

Sarah M. Anderson


Award-winning author Sarah M. Anderson may live east of the Mississippi River, but her heart lies out West on the Great Plains. With a lifelong love of horses and two history teachers for parents, she had plenty of encouragement to learn everything she could about the tribes of the Great Plains. When she started writing, it wasn’t long before her characters found themselves out in South Dakota among the Lakota Sioux. She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how their backgrounds and cultures take them someplace they never thought they’d go. One of Sarah’s books, A Man of Privilege, won the RT Book Reviews 2012 Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Awards Series:

Harlequin Desire.

When not helping out at her son’s school or walking her rescue dogs, Sarah spends her days having conversations with imaginary cowboys and American Indians, all of which is surprisingly well tolerated by her wonderful husband. Readers can find out more about Sarah’s love of cowboys and Indians at

To Mary Dieterich, who loved this book before I’d even finished it, and to Stacy Boyd, who bought this story almost five years after she originally rejected it. You two never gave up on June and Travis—or me—and I wouldn’t be where I am today without either of you. I will be forever grateful.


“OKAY, HONEY, IF you can ride Ball and Chain, then you’re in.”

The fat man mopped his brow with a bandanna as he added, “But I’m not responsible for what happens out there, right?”

“Right.” June Spotted Elk fought an eye roll as Chain kicked the metal chute holding him tight.

“I’m just doing Dave a favor,” Mort went on as June reviewed her draw.

Ball and Chain was a small bull, only thirteen hundred pounds. Not the best bull on the Total Championship Bulls Ranger Circuit—the minor leagues of the TCB. Two-thirds of the riders made the eight seconds for a good ride. Tended to break left. No, not a bad bull to start out on.

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