Run for Covers

Run for Covers
О книге

Personally sampling every erotic attraction is not part of the deal. When Adam Grant agrees to give newspaper reporter Tori Ford the hotel's inside story, he never dreams she'll insist on his full cooperation and participation.This button-down executive is in for an even bigger surprise when it turns out that she really wants to unbutton him.Tori's campaign to get Adam to drop his inhibitions doesn't miss a trick. When she finally persuades him to join in her fun bedtime games, she knows anything goes. And soon their sexual games become a race to see who hits the covers first.


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Didn’t Tori Ford think about anything but sex?

If answering the door wearing little more than a transparent robe over her lingerie was any indication, no, she did not. And that was bad news for Adam and his determination to remain strictly professional. He could pretend she was fully clothed—and hope she didn’t do anything more outrageous.

“Shall I come back later?” he asked in a voice that didn’t sound as raw-edged as he felt. Despite his intentions, his gaze drifted to her pouty lips pursed to kissable perfection. So tempting… He should have had the self-control to stop there.

He didn’t. His gaze fell to her breasts, barely concealed by her silky bra, to her slim waist, to the scrap of fabric that hardly qualified as panties.

The blood drained from his head so fast he felt dizzy. He immediately raised his eyes, catching Tori’s sexy smile.

“Actually, I need your help with the zipper of my dress.” She turned and walked into the room, treating him to a remarkable view of her backside.

This was one temptation he couldn’t resist.

Dear Reader,

I hope you’re enjoying my steamy miniseries FALLING INN BED…and the various ways that falling in bed can lead to falling in love.

After Laura and Dale (Hot Sheets, Blaze #153) finally gave in to their long-term lust, I decided to explore a case of “sparks at first sight.” After all, falling in love should be fun, and I’ve never met a man more in need of lightening up than Adam Grant. As the assistant general manager of the “most romantic getaway,” he has a responsibility to his guests, and himself, to get into the spirit of things.

Fortunately for Adam, reporter Tori Ford arrives to cover the Naughty Nuptials, and as it turns out, she’s not content to report what’s happening at Falling Inn Bed—she wants to experience the magic for herself. Now she just has to convince Adam to share that magic, too….

I hope you enjoy Tori and Adam’s love story. Let me know. Drop me a line at And look for Miranda and Troy’s story, Pillow Chase, Blaze #161, coming next month!

Very truly yours,

Jeanie London

Run for Covers

Jeanie London

To Stephanie Kondas. Thirteen seems like forever ago (it was?!) and I’ve appreciated every day of your friendship since. Now repeat after me, “We’re going to be *sskickin’ little old ladies who know how to have fun…in the very distant future!”



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15



SEXUAL CHEMISTRY wasn’t a thing like champagne.

Tori Ford always knew what to expect when she poured a flute of her favorite beverage—perfectly chilled, a sugar cube tossed in because more fizz made that first sip burst over her tongue like tiny orgasms.

With sexual chemistry, on the other hand, she never knew quite what to expect. Fortunately, Tori liked surprises because her latest assignment had started off with a bang. She never expected to walk through the grand entrance of Falling Inn Bed, and Breakfast, known locally as Falling Inn Bed, and get caught up in the spirit of this romance resort so quickly.

Oh, she knew all about the place. No one who lived in Niagara Falls could have missed the rebirth of this historic property from failing hotel to winner of the prestigious Most Romantic Getaway Award, lauded by hospitality magazines and industry periodicals worldwide.

With a philosophy that translated into something like “Life belongs to lovers and lovers belong naked,” Falling Inn Bed backed up their stance with romance-themed suites designed to get couples feeling amorous. They even let staff members with titles such as the bedding consultant loose on their guests.

While a big proponent of anything promoting l’amour, Tori reserved opinion on the inn’s bedding consultant. She reserved opinion on a few things about her latest reporting assignment, actually—including walking through the door to a powerful case of lust at first sight. Yet one look at Adam Grant, the too-attractive assistant general manager, and the bulb on her lust-o-meter popped like a cork from a champagne bottle.

That the man looked like someone her family would approve of came as another surprise. Tori usually went for the rough-around-the-edges, daring and dangerous types who wouldn’t be welcomed within five miles of the family mansion.

But her family would have flung the doors wide for this one, with his neat sable hair and black eyes. His custom-tailored suit hugged his body like a glove. He was tall, handsome and too conservative with a composed air of self-assurance.

Adam made her itch to rough up the veneer of powerful male he wore along with his intense expression. And while his businesslike appearance and serious demeanor didn’t interest her, everything simmering below it did.

As a reporter, Tori’s observation skills were top notch. She recognized the calm deliberation in his gaze, the calculating mind, the tension in the impressive body that convinced her he was equally aware of her. But instead of checking her out, this guy locked his sex appeal tight under lock and key.

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