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This one-stop practical guide will show you how to run – for health, fitness or fun. To make your progress easier, it comes with handy expert advice throughout.Eager to start running? Want to run your first race? Or need to improve your speed and stamina? Collins need to know? Running is the one-stop guide to everything from setting a training plan to dealing with injury to keeping motivated.Written by experienced runner and journalist Alison Hamlett, this user-friendly and accessible introduction gives you all the information and advice you need, including:• How and why to make running part of your everyday life• Get from ‘can’t run’ to half-hour runner in six weeks• Warming up, cooling down and stretching• Planning your training – why hills help, why fartlek is fun• Fundamentals of sports nutrition• Running kit and training tools• The five most common running injuries and how to avoid them• Training schedules for every distance from 5K to marathon• Race-day tips• Ideas to take your running further – ultras, triathlons and adventure races• Directory of websites and further information


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Collins Need to Know?


Alison Hamlett

Running is a very simple sport. It requires little, if any, special equipment. There are no courts to book or opponents to juggle your schedule around. You can do it almost anywhere, at any time and for as long or as little as you like. And, best of all, we all know how to do it – we don’t need to learn how to run.

Benefits of running

However, despite its simplicity, running is also a powerful sport. It’s the most effective form of exercise you can do, burning more calories per minute than any other form of aerobic activity. Regular runners also have a lower incidence of heart disease, certain kinds of cancers and lower stress levels than their sedentary counterparts. Running genuinely has the power to change lives and it can change yours, too.

New challenges

If you have never run before, this book will help you to take your first running steps. It will provide you with all the basic knowledge and inspiration that you need when you are starting out: from buying your first pair of running shoes to the best way to fit your running into a busy lifestyle. You will be surprised at how quickly you will improve. Today you might be out of breath walking up a flight of stairs but in just six short weeks – if you can commit 30 minutes three times a week to running – you could be taking part in your first race.

From there, the possibilities are endless – whether you want to challenge your competitive side or make running the active part of a healthier lifestyle. You will find information on all of these subjects and much more in the following pages. Learn everything from what you need to eat and drink to fuel your new hobby, to how to stay motivated so you never miss a run. This will add up to make you the best runner you can possibly be. Your new hobby will introduce you to physical and mental health benefits as well as new friends and opportunities. Welcome to a new you.

Running is one of the simplest sports around. If you can walk, you can run, and all you really need to start out is a decent pair of running shoes and some enthusiasm. You can run any time and anywhere. Whatever the weather, you can enjoy a run alone or with friends. Once you start you will be surprised at how quickly your running improves. You will feel fitter, healthier, and full of energy and zest for life. Isn’t it time you made running part of your life?

Make running part of your life

You’ve decided that you want to run – and that’s great. In just a few short weeks you will be able to step out of your front door and run for more than half an hour. Before you get to that stage, however, you need to know how to make running part of your life.

must know

Plan ahead

If your diary becomes booked up days or even weeks in advance, schedule your runs just as you would any other meeting. By blocking out a chunk of time for your run, you’ll get into the habit of approaching your training as non-negotiable.

Make it fun

Have you ever noticed how much fun children look as though they are having just running around? Try to inject some fun and originality into every run by doing something a little different. Run a favourite route in the opposite direction, set yourself a little goal, such as seeing how many other runners you can say hello to, or just sing to yourself. Lots of runners find that they enjoy a run much more if they have great music for company. A collection of your favourite tracks will put a spring in your step and take your attention away from the miles. Remember that you are more likely to stick with it when you are having a good time.

Get real

You may be so enthusiastic when you start running that you want to run every day, seven days a week. While it’s great that you’re so keen, you need to give your body time to adapt to your new routine or you might succumb to injury. Remember that running is a lifelong aim. Don’t expect to be lining up at the start of the London Marathon with Paula Radcliffe on your next birthday – although that’s possible, if it’s really your goal. Take it slowly when you’re starting out, and running will become a lifelong friend.

must know

Believe in yourself

Don’t decide in advance that you cannot do something. You may think you’re too old, too heavy, or too out of shape to start running, but when you commit just a few hours a week you’ll see benefits almost immediately. Taking your first running steps can be just as tough as training for a marathon but it’s your attitude that counts. Believe in yourself and you really can achieve anything.

Don’t give up

There will be times when you wonder why you are struggling through the rain or forcing yourself to run up a hill when the sofa looked so inviting, but don’t give up. Anything worth doing is going to be tough, running included, but that’s exactly what makes it all worthwhile in the end. Prepare to feel exhausted, frustrated and impatient, but use these emotions to motivate yourself. You always feel better after a run, and you will have more energy and a fresh perspective on life. Try it and find out for yourself.

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