Scarlet Sails / Алые паруса. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Scarlet Sails / Алые паруса. Книга для чтения на английском языке
О книге

В книгу вошли замечательные произведения русского писателя Александра Грина «Алые паруса», «Искатели приключений», «Корабли в Лиссе» в переводе на английский язык.

Книга издана в 2019 году.

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© КАРО, 2019

Scarlet Sails

A Fantasy

(translated by Fainna Glagoleva)

Presented and dedicated to Nina Nikolayevna Grin

by the AUTHOR
November 23,’ 1922 Petrograd

I. The Prophesy

Longren, a sailor of the Orion, a rugged, three-hundred ton brig on which he had served for ten years and to which he was attached more strongly than some sons are to their mothers, was finally forced to give up the sea.

This is how it came about. During one of his infrequent visits home he did not, as he always had, see his wife Mary from afar, standing on the doorstep, throwing up her hands and then running breathlessly towards him.

Instead, he found a distraught neighbour woman by the crib, a new piece of furniture in his small house.

“I tended her for three months, neighbour,” the woman said. “Here’s your daughter.”

Longren’s heart was numb with grief as he bent down and saw an eight-month-old mite peering intently at his long beard. Then he sat down, stared at the floor and began to twirl his moustache. It was wet as from the rain.

“When did Mary die?” he asked.

The woman recounted the sad tale, interrupting herself to coo fondly at the child and assure him that Mary was now in Heaven. When Longren learned the details, Heaven seemed to him not much brighter than the woodshed, and he felt that the light of a plain lamp, were the three of them together now, would have been a joy unsurpassed to the woman who had gone on to the unknown Beyond.

About three months previously the young mother’s finances had come to an abrupt end. At least half of the money Longren had left her was spent on doctors after her difficult confinement and on caring for the newborn infant; finally, the loss of a small but vital sum had forced Mary to appeal to Menners for a loan. Menners kept a tavern and shop and was considered a wealthy man. Mary went to see him at six o’clock in the evening. It was close to seven when the neighbour woman met her on the road to Liss. Mary had been weeping and was very upset. She said she was going to town to pawn her wedding ring. Then she added that Menners had agreed to lend her some money but had demanded her love in return. Mary had rejected him.

“There’s not a crumb in the house,” she had said to the neighbour.

“I’ll go into town. We’ll manage somehow until my husband returns.”

It was a cold, windy evening. In vain did the neighbour try to talk the young woman out of going to Liss when night was approaching. “You’ll get wet, Mary. It’s beginning to rain, and the wind looks as if it will bring on a storm.”

It was at least a three hours’ brisk walk from the seaside village to town, but Mary did not heed her neighbour’s advice. “I won’t be an eyesore to you any more,” she said. “As it is, there’s hardly a family I haven’t borrowed bread, tea or flour from. I’ll pawn my ring, and that will take care of everything.” She went into town, returned and the following day took to her bed with a fever and chills; the rain and the evening frost had brought on double pneumonia, as the doctor from town, called in by the kind-hearted neighbour, had said. A week later there was an empty place in Longren’s double bed, and the neighbour woman moved into his house to care for his daughter. She was a widow and all alone in the world, so this was not a difficult task. “Besides,” she added, “the baby fills my days.”

Longren went off to town, quit his job, said goodbye to his comrades and returned home to raise little Assol. The widow stayed on in the sailor’s house as a foster mother to the child until she had learned to walk well, but as soon as Assol stopped falling when she raised her foot to cross the threshold, Longren declared that from then on he intended to care for the child himself and, thanking the woman for her help and kindness, embarked on a lonely widower’s life, focusing all his thoughts, hopes, love and memories on the little girl.

Ten years of roaming the seas had not brought him much of a fortune. He began to work. Soon the shops in town were offering his toys for sale, finely-crafted small model boats, launches, one and two-deck sailing vessels, cruisers and steamboats; in a word, all that he knew so well and that, owing to the nature of the toys, partially made up for the hustle and bustle of the ports and the adventures of a life at sea. In this way Longren earned enough to keep them comfortable. He was not a sociable man, but now, after his wife’s death, he became something of a recluse. He was sometimes seen in a tavern of a holiday, but he would never join anyone and would down a glass of vodka at the bar and leave with a brief: “yes”, “no”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “getting along”, in reply to all his neighbours’ questions and greetings. He could not stand visitors and would get rid of them without resorting to force, yet firmly, by hints and excuses which left the former no choice but to invent a reason that prevented them from remaining further.

He, in turn, visited no one; thus, a wall of cold estrangement rose up between him and his fellow-villagers, and if Longren’s work, the toys he made, had depended in any way on village affairs, he would have felt most keenly the consequences of this relationship. He bought all his wares and provisions in town, and Menners could not even boast of a box of matches he had sold to Longren. Longren did all his own housework and patiently learned the difficult art, so unusual for a man, of rearing a girl.

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