Scorned by the Boss / The Texan's Secret Past: Scorned by the Boss

Scorned by the Boss / The Texan's Secret Past: Scorned by the Boss
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Be swept away by passion… with intense drama and compelling plots, these emotionally powerful reads will keep you captivated from beginning to end.Scorned by the Boss Maureen ChildWhen shipping tycoon Jefferson Lyon’s ‘faithful’ secretary finally had enough of his demanding ways and quit, he followed her to a tropical holiday resort. Jefferson was playing at seduction in order to get Caitlyn back to work. But his ex-assistant was turning out to be more determined, and more desirable, than the arrogant millionaire had ever realised.The Texan’s Secret Past Peggy Moreland She knew working for Jase Calhoun would amount to nothing but heartache. The wealthy rancher had never seen Mandy as anything more than the shy girl next door. But then the handsome Texan decided bedding Mandy would be perfect. Now that she’d slept with her boss, how could they ever go back to business?

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Scorned by the Boss

by Maureen Child

“Seducing me is not going to work, you know.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

She hoped so.

No, she didn’t.

Oh, hell. Yes, she did.

He took her wine glass from suddenly nerveless fingers. Setting it on the table behind him, he turned her in his arms and stared down at her for the longest moment of her life. She felt heat pour into her body.

“You know me so well, Caitlyn,” he said softly.

“Yes, I do,” she heard herself murmur, just before he lowered his mouth to hers. “Better than you know…”

The Texan’s Secret Past

by Peggy Moreland

“You listen to me, Jase Calhoun.I agreed to run your office, not your whole house.”

She marched to the kitchen. “If you think you’re going to turn me into your personal servant,” she warned as she twisted open a can, “you’ve got another think coming. I don’t need this job. In fact, I still don’t know why I agreed to come here.”

“Because you love me.”

Feeling his breath on her neck, she whirled, unaware that he’d moved. “As a friend,” she informed him, and pushed a hand against his chest to keep him from drawing any closer. “Nothing more.”

Hiding a smile, he reached to thread a tendril of hair behind her ear. “Are you sure about that?”

Scorned by the Boss


The Texan’s Secret Past




Maureen Child


is a California native who loves to travel. Every chance they get, she and her husband are taking off on another research trip. The author of more than sixty books, Maureen loves a happy ending and still swears that she has the best job in the world. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two children and a golden retriever with delusions of grandeur.

You can contact Maureen via her website

Dear Reader,

Scorned by the Boss is the first book in a trilogy about three women who are best friends.

We all know what that means. There are things we can tell a girlfriend that we would never admit to anyone else. And in these three books, you’ll see that Caitlyn, Janine and Debbie work together to help each other through the uncharted jungles of love.

In the first book, you’ll meet Caitlyn and her boss, Jefferson Lyon. Caitlyn’s been running Jefferson’s business and personal life for years, but she’s finally had enough. When she quits her job, though, things start to get interesting…

Also, I hope you really enjoy reading Seduced bythe Rich Man, which is available next month, and I hope you’ll let me know what you think of Cait, Janine and Debbie…

Happy reading,


To friendship. That amazing, wonderful sense of

belonging you can only find with someone who

knows the real you and loves you anyway.

And to my friends, thanks for everything.


Caitlyn Monroe knocked once, then entered the lion’s den.

She was prepared, like any good lion trainer, for whatever might be waiting for her. A furious, chained beast looking for something to chew on? Probably. A pussycat? Not likely. In the three years she’d worked for Jefferson Lyon she’d learned that the man was much more likely to be snarly and aggressive than accommodating.

Jefferson was used to getting his own way. In fact, he accepted nothing less. Which was what made him both an amazingly successful businessman and a sometimes pain-in-the-neck boss.

But this she was used to. Dealing with Jefferson’s demands was normal. And after the jolt she’d had over the weekend, she was ready for the normal. The everyday. The routine. She appreciated the fact that she knew Jefferson Lyon. Knew what to expect and wouldn’t be blindsided by something shattering coming out of nowhere.

No, thanks, she thought. She’d had enough of that Saturday night.

Her boss looked up when she entered, and just for a minute, Caitlyn allowed herself to appreciate the view. Jefferson’s jaw was strong and square, his blue eyes piercing enough to see through any attempts at deception and his tawny hair cut and styled to lay fashionably at his collar. A modern-day pirate with less conscience, when it came to business, than Bluebeard.

Most of the people who worked for him walked a wide berth around the magnate. Just the sound of him coming down the halls was usually enough to send people scattering. He had the reputation of being a hard man. Not always fair about it, either. He didn’t suffer fools easily and expected—demanded—perfection.

So far, Caitlyn had been able to provide it. She ran his office and most of his life with proficiency. As Jefferson Lyon’s personal assistant, she was expected to hold her ground against his overpowering personality. Before she had come to work here, the man had gone through assistants every couple of months. But Caitlyn was the youngest of five children in her family and she was more than used to speaking up and making herself heard.

“What is it?” he snapped and lowered his gaze back to the sheaf of files strewn across his wide mahogany desk.

Situation normal, Caitlyn thought as she let her gaze slide around the huge office. The walls were painted a deep twilight-blue, and several paintings of Lyon ships at sea dotted the wide expanse. There were two plush leather sofas facing each other in front of a gas fireplace that was cold now and a conference table sat beside a wet bar on the other side of the room. Behind Jefferson’s desk, floor-to-ceiling windows provided a gorgeous view of the harbor.

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