Seduced By Grace

Seduced By Grace
О книге

The youngest of the fabled Three Graces of Graydon is waylaid from her bridal cortege, preserving one man from the notorious curse. But another may yet fall.…When Lady Marguerite Milton is abducted by the enigmatic–and famously insatiable–Golden Knight, it is the stuff of fantasy. Or would be, if Marguerite weren't pining for her David, who pledged his devotion ten years before…and disappeared. But the only thing more heartbreaking than a man that does not keep his word is one bound by it.…David is the Golden Knight, reaffirming his oath to protect Marguerite and, maddeningly, to love her, but chastely. More infuriatingly, Marguerite has been a pawn–bait to lure David into King Henry VII's latest intrigue. To divide Yorkist insurrectionists, David is groomed as a rival to their latest pretender to the throne.Marguerite is desperate. If David fails, the rebels will destroy him; if he succeeds, Henry will not scruple to execute the would-be king he himself created. Suddenly, love and life seem far beyond the reach of any mere curse.…


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Selected praise for


“Each of her carefully researched novels

evokes a long-ago time so beautifully that you are swept into every detail of her memorable story.”

—RT Book Reviews

“Blake…has rightly earned the admiration and

respect of her readers. They know there is a world of enjoyment waiting within the pages of her books.”

—A Romance Review

“Beguiling, sexy heroes… Well done, Ms. Blake!”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“Jennifer Blake is a beloved writer of romance—

the pride and care she takes in her creations shines through.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Guarded Heart is a boundlessly exciting and

adventuresome tale…sure to be one of the best historical romances I will read this year.”

—Romance Junkies

“Blake’s anticipated return to historical romance

proves to be well worth the wait.”

—A Romance Review on Challenge to Honor

Seduced by Grace

Jennifer Blake

To the NOLA Stars,

North Louisiana Chapter of Romance Writers of America. For all the grand accomplishments— and all those to come.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Author’s Note


June 1497


H e rode toward them out of the sunset, a knight upon a milk-white destrier with his armor burnished to eye-stinging splendor by rays of orange and gold. The white plumes that topped his helm danced and swayed. The gilt embroidery on the white tabard worn over his armor shimmered with his every movement. The nimbus of brilliant light surrounding him made him appear incredibly tall and broad, a figure of legend.

The knight slowed his mount, turned broadside so he blocked the road. Sitting at his ease upon his monstrous warhorse caparisoned and armored as if for war, he raised a gauntleted hand in a gesture of command.

The mounted column with which Lady Marguerite Milton was traveling to her wedding came to a jangling halt. Just ahead of her, the captain of the men-at-arms exchanged an inquiring glance with Sir John Dennison, the emissary for her future husband. That gentleman’s broad face creased in a self-important frown and his mouth tightened as he stared at the apparition before them.

The noises of early evening faded to breathless silence. Not a bird, frog or cricket was heard from the copse of oaks and alders that crowded the roadway. For a moment, a soft breeze fluttered the pennon of pale blue marked by a green-leaved crown that rose above the opposing horsemen. It sighed into stillness so complete it was almost possible to hear the dust trail of the column settle into the ditches.

“The Golden Knight…”

The whisper came from somewhere behind Marguerite. A shiver moved over her as she heard that strangled sound with its edge of awe. Her heart stuttered in her chest before rising to lodge in her throat.

Everyone knew the name, one awarded by the king of France after a grand tournament, along with a priceless suit of armor chased with silver and gold. Champion of champions, bravest of the brave, boldest of the bold, the man who held it was celebrated in song and story, known across the reaches of Europe and up down the length of Britain. Invincible, they called him, unconquered and unconquerable, though never arrogant withal. He fought like the devil himself, so it was said, using intelligence and honed instinct instead of brawn, though he had the last, as well. Known to be of a learned turn, he could debate any issue. As handsome as one of heaven’s militant archangels, he was a favorite with the French queen, and a gallant of tender prowess and renown among her court ladies and their nubile daughters. The very soul of honor, not an ill word could be said against him.

Such a paragon was he painted, so full of strengths and virtues, that many doubted his existence. Marguerite had been among them. Until now.

He appeared all too real, a solid presence blocking their passage, as immovable as the mountains of the northern marches from whence she had ridden on this, her nuptial journey. A shiver of dread ran down her spine with a prickling like the scrabble of mouse feet. Marguerite jerked with it, so the mare she rode danced a few steps to the side, arching her neck before Marguerite could bring the palfrey under control again. Through the brief struggle, she kept her gaze upon the knight, her mind churning with doubt and a healthy measure of distrust.

“Good day to you, sir!” Sir John called in testy greeting as he eased his considerable weight in the saddle with a great creaking of leather. “Know you that we are upon the king’s business. Stand aside at once.”

“That I cannot do. No, nor would I if you rode under Henry’s own dragon banner, which you do not.” The answer was courteous yet layered with steel.

Sir John swelled with indignation. “By what right do you stay our progress?”

“By right of arms.”

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