Seduced by the Moon

Seduced by the Moon
О книге

Into the woods… Skylar Donovan comes to her late father’s Colorado cabin to find answers that explain his death. Instead, she meets a handsome Forest Ranger with a dark side, a stranger who appears in her dreams as something other than a man…Werewolf Gavin was bitten by a monster in the hills he has sworn to protect and has committed his life to searching for the beast. Now Gavin must protect Skylar from the evil he is stalking – but the forbidden lust that burns between them might be the greatest danger of all.

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“Does the approach of a full moon make animals restless? I think I hear them at night,” Skylar said.

Now she was pushing things. She was an idiot.

Gavin came closer than she should have allowed and faced her squarely. He smiled, but with an expression of sadness. Heartbreaking sadness.


Whatever she had expected, it hadn’t been that.

As he slowly moved toward her, she felt every inch he traveled as if the air between them had been compressed. When he stopped, they were nearly chest to chest, and she had to look up to see his face.

Liquid lava coursed through her veins. She was hot enough to be combustible and was breathing hard … all these reactions serving to confirm that she hadn’t been wrong about one thing. Something was going on between them on a crazy personal level. Their chemistry had been instantaneous and impossible to ignore.

Animal magnetism taken to extremes.

Lust at first sight.

Dreams trespassing into the realm of reality.

LINDA THOMAS-SUNDSTROM writes contemporary and paranormal romance novels for Mills & Boon>® Desire™ and Mills & Boon>® Nocturne™. A teacher by day and a writer by night, Linda lives in the West, juggling teaching, writing, family and caring for a big stretch of land. She swears she has a resident Muse who sings so loudly, she often wears earplugs in order to get anything else done. But she has big plans to eventually get to all those ideas. Visit Linda at or on Facebook.


by the Moon

Linda Thomas-Sundstrom

To my family, those here and those gone, who always believed I had a story to tell.

Chapter 1

Skylar Donovan was being haunted by the same dream.

Four nights in a row.

An erotic, half awake, half asleep nightmare from which she awoke in tangled sheets, body slick with sweat, with her hand between her thighs.

Looked like nothing had changed tonight, either.

The minute Skylar closed her eyes, the dream returned. Moonlight lit the mountains. Shadows edged that light. And through the dark came the echo of a man’s voice: a mesmerizing wordless whisper that was the equivalent of a highly charged sexual invitation.

Her dream guy was there again. Hell, it was impossible to tune him out. The remote Colorado cabin she bunked in had no TV for white noise, and she’d left her headphones behind.

He called to her, and she responded to the raw sensuality in his voice. Though his words weren’t clear, his provocative tone left her ready to do something about the effect he had on her, whether he was real or not.

These damn dreams would have topped the charts as the best wet dreams ever...if it were an actual man she lusted for instead of a hallucination. Something her mind had created as a distraction from recent painful events. Everyone knew that fantasy was a notoriously viable way of coping with loss.

Problem was, this nighttime lustfest wouldn’t stop. Neither would the questions she didn’t dare acknowledge out loud.

Who was he?

What was he?

What would this creature’s skin feel like against her? How about his mouth? With a voice so totally seductive, surely the rest of him would be sublime.

Although Skylar knew the difference between dreams and reality, there were no clear-cut definitions here. With her eyes closed, she fell under his spell. His image stuck to her with supernatural glue.

Wide shoulders above a broad muscular chest. Thick torso. Narrow waist and hips. Dark hair worn long. His stance was determined, his face sometimes raised to the star-filled sky. And over everything was an aura of wildness that catapulted things into nightmare territory. Because there wasn’t the slightest chance of mistaking her nocturnal seducer for a normal human being. He was, in fact, anything but normal.

He was a magnetic combination of man and beast with a ridiculous twist on the DNA sequencing of two species that couldn’t share the same physical space in reality. A unique being with its own name.


Hell. Yes. Werewolf.

With a presence powerful enough to sift through REM.

Of course these were just dreams. She got that. She wasn’t an idiot.

Well, maybe she was. Because...

She was so very hot for the creature that stood on that hilltop and looked like a man at times, though that outline was deceptive. She felt vulnerable when he was around, and slightly out of control. But maybe she was only an eavesdropper, and he waited for someone else. Something else.

Was the moon his mistress? Wasn’t that how things worked for werewolves?

Why, then, was he yanking her chain?

A sudden spike in her heart rate, far beyond the usual range, jolted Skylar’s eyes open. Anxious, she rolled over on the mattress and sat up, sweat trickling between her breasts, heart pounding too damn fast.

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