Self-Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need

Self-Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need
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In these high pressure times we are in need of ways to relax and gain a sense of happiness and peace. There are many skills and techniques that we can master to bring healing and well-being to our minds, bodies and emotions.'This introduction includes:'Visualisations to encourage your natural healing process.Affirmations to guide, transform and inspire.Ways to develop the latent power of your mind.Techniques for gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and others.David Lawson is a leading international expert in self-help and self-healing. As a healer and teacher he runs workshops throughout the world, including many approved by Louise L. Hay, author of 'You Can Heal Your Life'. David has written several acclaimed books on the subject, including 'I See Myself in Perfect Health', also published by Thorsons.


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‘Healing’ is not something that can be ‘done’ to us, it requires our active participation in changing our thoughts, changing our old emotional patterns and ultimately changing our circumstances so that we can engender a healthier state of being.

This is an exceptional book in the field of ‘self-healing’ in that it doesn’t eschew tried and tested medical techniques. We are, however, asked to learn how to balance the advice and knowledge of medical and complementary practitioners with our own innate healing skills. In doing so we can change the patterns in our lives that have helped to create our problems and ailments in the first place.

Reading this book will furnish you with all the tools that you need to start changing the ingrained mental and emotional patterns that you have learned from early childhood. Applying these techniques will help you emerge as a healthier and more empowered person.

‘Healing’ is also about quality of life. Not everyone will get well again, but we can all learn to live with honour, dignity and courage, whatever the future holds. While self-healing is primarily concerned with extending and celebrating life, for some, the process of dying can produce the greatest healing of all.

David Lawson is a warm and skilful healer; everyone who comes into contact with him departs recharged and invigorated by his kindness, skill and words of wisdom.

I trust that you will enjoy this book as much as I have and that it will benefit you in countless, and as yet unimaginable, ways.





Self-healing is an ongoing adventure, a voyage of self-discovery where each of us has the opportunity to explore a multitude of choices and solutions to our ever-changing needs. Whether we begin our journey completely healthy or in the midst of dealing with a physical illness, mental problem or emotional need, there is much to discover and to put into practice that will enhance our lives in ways that go beyond our wildest dreams. Our ticket as we embark upon this adventure is a desire to learn and grow, our passport a willingness to change our lives for the better.

Your desire may already be clear to you. Perhaps you wish to stay healthy and prevent the onset of illness, disease or disharmony. Perhaps you are looking for support in dealing with an existing health problem and making the most of the medical or complementary therapies that you are encountering along the way.

For some of you reading this book, your need or desire may be less specific. Perhaps you wish to exorcise some ghosts from your past or create a greater sense of wholeness, inner peace, confidence, self-esteem and forward direction. In some cases you may wish to build on the foundation of well-being and happiness that you already have in your life, to discover more joy, more freedom and greater opportunities for fulfilment.

This book explores the principles of self-healing; these principles can be adapted to help you with any aspect of life-enhancement or personal development. The principles that underpin any exercise that focuses on physical healing can equally be directed to helping with emotional, mental or spiritual needs. Please use the ideas and techniques that are appropriate for you and be creative in adapting them for your own special requirements.


Self-healing is a continual process of taking charge of your health, well-being and personal potential. It comes from actively seeking solutions to the many challenges that we face in our lives rather than seeing ourselves as victims of fate. Instead of doing our best to negotiate a route through the ups and downs of our existence we can make a decision to create the life that we desire and to live it to the best of our ability.

• Self-healing is using the powers of your mind positively and constructively. To heal and develop your life, you need to be willing to discard the old thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that no longer support you in health and harmony, and exchange them for new ones that do.

• Self-healing is listening to the intelligence and wisdom of your body. You need to be aware of your physical needs and you need to take action to exercise, feed and think about your body in ways that are loving and healthy.

• Self-healing is harnessing the creative, positive energy of your emotions. You need to be willing to listen to your heart, acknowledge your feelings and express them safely and effectively.

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