
О книге

The selling secrets that experts and top professionals use.Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Selling.Includes how to:• Pitch your product to meet the needs of your customer• Use body language to build rapport• Negotiate and close the deal• Make your customers keep coming back for more• Develop new business relationships


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The experts tell all!

Nick Constable

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

3.2 Make a prospect list

3.3 Plan your sales campaign

3.4 Play the numbers game

3.5 Try telephone prospecting

3.6 Create your 60-second pitch

3.7 Develop your telephone tactics

3.8 Overcome your reluctance

3.9 Handle objections

3.10 Keep yourself motivated

Meeting the customer

4.1 Plan your sales visit

4.2 Make a great first impression

4.3 Adapt your style

4.4 Telling isn’t selling

4.5 Questioning is a powerful tool

4.6 Remember to SPEND!

4.7 Be a business doctor

4.8 Qualify the opportunity

4.9 Silence is golden

4.10 Move things forward

Making your pitch

5.1 Build a business case

5.2 Write a great proposal

5.3 Present in style!

5.4 Structure your presentation

5.5 Take care with offers and discounts

5.6 Add some sparkle

Gaining commitment

6.1 Prepare for negotiation

6.2 Negotiate the deal

6.3 Price is just one variable

6.4 Spot the buyer’s tactics

6.5 Handle the competition

6.6 Ask for the business

6.7 Overcome the final obstacles

6.8 Know when to retreat

6.9 Know what to do after you’ve sold

6.10 Manage your customer

The right attitude

7.1 Prepare and persist

7.2 Define your success

7.3 Manage yourself

7.4 Develop your creativity, enthusiasm and drive

Jargon buster

Further reading

Useful websites

About the author


About the Publisher

A few years ago, when the world of business was gripped by the Internet boom, it was fashionable to predict an end to traditional selling done by humans. Michael Dell, to name but one, was showing the world how to sell complex technology on a website. The tantalizing prospect of doing away with expensive salespeople was seriously entertained.

But 10 years on, professional selling is just as vital to the conduct of good business as it ever was. And over the 25 years that I have been selling, the skills and techniques have evolved with the development of technology and markets. It’s a highly sophisticated profession.

I’ve been a successful salesperson, a sales manager and a sales director for companies large and small, and I’ve been able to observe the very best and the worst in sales practices. Selling isn’t, as some will tell you, all about instinct. As I’ve seen when running my training courses, if you learn the techniques and skills that have been proven to work, and then develop the right attitude, you too can be one of the best.

This book will share 50 of the fundamental secrets of how to excel in this exciting profession, whilst, I hope, having some fun and building some great relationships with those you meet, along the way. The 50 secrets are divided into seven chapters:

 How and why people buy. If you understand the real motivations people have for buying, you’re half-way to becoming a smarter salesperson.

 Selling to the right people. Don’t waste your valuable time with the wrong people. Learn how to identify the ones who will buy.

 Generating new business. No business can grow without finding and winning new clients. Learning to do this for yourself will make you a ‘self-sufficient’ salesperson.

 Meeting the customer. Selling is about human interaction and behaviours. The precious time you spend with customers is when those things matter most.

 Making your pitch. Whether you’re writing a proposal or delivering your presentation, there’s a lot to think about to make your offer compelling.

 Gaining commitment. Reaching a satisfactory agreement, whilst negotiating the obstacles, takes patience and planning.

 The right attitude. Your success will depend on your willingness to develop the personal motivation and desire to win.

You might be completely new to sales, or an old-timer like me, but I am certain that if you follow the tips and techniques in this book you will see the positive effect on your own achievements!

Selling relies on a set of professional skills that will improve with practice and persistence.

In this first chapter we are going to explore how and why people buy. Even the smallest transactions rely to some extent on the trust and respect between the seller and the buyer. Understanding the motivations people have for investing their money with you is the first step on the road to learning the behaviours and skills that create great business relationships.

Let’s start not by considering what you need to do to become a great salesperson, or how good your products or services need to be; let’s start by thinking about customers, and the real reasons why they might spend their money with you: it’s often little to do with the technical excellence of your product, but because they want to change something.

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