Sentence Builder

Sentence Builder
О книге

Учебное пособие содержит упражнения по синтаксису английского языка и состоит из семи разделов, каждый из которых включает в себя лексико-грамматические упражнения на тренировку рассматриваемого грамматического явления в различных ситуациях иноязычного общения. Материал для упражнений подобран из аутентичных книг.Способствует формированию учебных умений и навыков, большей самостоятельности студентов. Может быть использовано при самостоятельной работе.

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© Александра Егурнова, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0059-5293-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


The suggested textbook is intended for the students with B2-C1 level of English.

The textbook contains exercises on the syntax of the English language and is divided into seven sections, which includelexico-grammatical exercises to practice the mentioned grammar phenomenon indifferent situations of foreign language communication. The material used in exercises is taken from the authentic books of VOA and BBC Programme Highlights or from the same sites.

Presented exercises cover a wide range of formats (correlation, filling gaps, error correction, multiple choice, word-formation, transformation, composing sentences, translation, creative exercises), which allows to consider them as a complex sufficient for different types of educational activity both in school and at home.

As there is a great variety of textbooks and curricula, it seemed reasonable not to link lexical and grammatical material to any topics or books on speech practice in particular. At the same time exercises in each section are presented in the order from simple to difficult, which gives the opportunity to choose those exercises that comply with students’ level. The transition from skills to abilities is ensured with the help of exercises where you are to use a certain grammar phenomenon according to speech circumstances without any lexical prompts.

The textbook assumes oral practice under the guidance of a teacher, who gives necessary explanations, and subsequent written work at home with the analysis of mistakes made. It can also be used for self-studying. Answer key gives students the opportunity to critically evaluate their knowledge and to outline the ways of elimination of gaps in it. Thus, the presented textbook helps to assure an uninterrupted educational process.

Compound Sentence

Theoretical Part

1. A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The structure of a compound sentence sends certain messages to readers. First, it tells readers that the sentence contains two ideas, each one deserving its own independent clause. Second, it tells readers that these two ideas are approximately equal in importance, since they are balanced as a pair.

A number multiplied by zero is zero, and a number multiplied by one is the same number.

Число, умноженное на ноль, равняется нулю, а число, умноженное на единицу, равно самому себе.

2. Compound sentences can be formed in three ways:

a) by using coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet) or a or by a set of correlatives (either-or, neither-nor, not only-but also, both-and). Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma.

They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom.

Они могут убить нас, но не могут забрать нашу свободу.

Not only do our parents encourage us to work hard, but also they reward us when we succeed.

Наши родители не только побуждают нас работать усердно, но и поощряют нас, когда мы добиваемся успеха.

b) by using the semicolon, either with or without conjunctive adverbs (also, besides, hence, for example, however, meanwhile, then, so, finally, as a result, earlier, that is, in fact, however, thus).

The apples weren't selling very well; so he decided to have a sale.

Яблоки покупали плохо, поэтому он решил устроить их распродажу.

Note. When two independent clauses are joined by a long linker (consequently, therefore, henceforth, however, moreover, nevertheless, as a result) there is a semicolon in front of that linker and a comma behind it. When only a semicolon is used to link independent clauses, the clauses should be thoroughly parallel in structure and word choice.

I can recite lists of irregular verbs any time of the day or night; therefore, I am idolized by my students.

Я могу в любое время перечислить все неправильные глаголы, поэтому мои ученики боготворят меня.

October days are often beautiful; November days often aren’t.

Дни в октябре красивы часто, в ноябре – никогда.

c) by using the colon instead of a semicolon between two sentences when the second sentence explains or illustrates the first sentence and no coordinating conjunction is being used to connect the sentences.

Rabbits make good pets: they don’t make too much noise and they are clean.

Кролики – хорошие домашние животные: они чистоплотны и не сильно шумят.

3. The semantic relations between the clauses making up the compound sentence depend partly on the lexical meaning of the conjunction uniting them, and partly on the meanings of the words making up the clauses themselves:

a) copulative conjunctions (and, neither…nor) express the addition of the meanings:

You would hardly ever see a cat walking outside of the house with its master, nor would you see a teenager in public with his or her parents very often.

Вряд ли ты сможешь увидеть кота, гуляющего по улице со своим хозяином, ты также не часто можешь увидеть на людях подростка в сопровождении своих родителей.

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