Sentinels: Jaguar Night

Sentinels: Jaguar Night
О книге

Powerful and passionate protector of the land…Come nightfall Dolan prowls the Southwest as a shape-shifting Sentinel, a formidable creature destined to protect the world from darkness. By day, this intensely gorgeous man needs the intuition and spirit of innocent Meghan to find redemption. Her mother died protecting a magical manuscript that the Sentinels’ dark counterparts would do anything to recover.With an unbreakable will and all-consuming passion, only Dolan possesses the strength to save Meghan. But is she strong enough to tame his inner beast?


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Dolan’s eyes narrowed as he drank in the rising power of what lay between them…

He let it swell within him instead of fighting it, until it verged on intoxication.

Below him, Meghan drew her sweatshirt together with one hand and shoved her hair back with the other, poised for flight. Suddenly vulnerable–and yet unable to keep from leaning towards him ever so slightly.

It was his undoing.

He leaped from the rock, invoking the shift along the way–riding the flash and crackle of the change and landing human.

And damned ready to face this thing between them.

“Meghan,” he said, and his voice came out as more of a growl. He rode the pounding demands in his body, the ache of being so close and yet not touching her. Until she lifted her face slightly, leaning into what lay between them. She took a deep breath; she let it out on a single, quiet, “Yes.”

He hesitated an instant longer–just long enough to be sure of what she’d said.

Doranna Durgin spent her childhood filling notebooks, first with stories and art, and then with novels. After obtaining a degree in wildlife illustration and environmental education, she spent a number of years deep in the Appalachian Mountains. When she emerged, it was as a writer who found herself irrevocably tied to the natural world and its creatures–and with a new touchstone to the rugged spirit that helped settle the area, which she instils in her characters.

Doranna’s first fantasy novel received the 1995 Compton Crook/Stephen Tall award for the best first book in the fantasy, science fiction and horror genres; she now has fifteen novels of eclectic genres on the shelves. Most recently she’s leaped gleefully into the world of action romance. When she’s not writing, Doranna builds web pages, wanders around outside with a camera and works with horses and dogs. You can find a complete list of her titles at, along with scoops about new projects, a lot of silly photos and a link to her SFF Net newsgroup.


Jaguar Night


Doranna Durgin


Dedicated, of course, to the critters in my life–

Jean-Luc, Cheysuli Jean-Luc Picardigan


Belle, Cheysuli’s Silver Belle


Connery, Ch Cedar Ridge DoubleOSeven


and Kacey, Xtacee Carbon Unit, CGC, who was still

with me when I wrote this book, and Strider the WonderHound, who was there when it all started.

But especially to Duncan the Lipizzan, aka Pluto

Gladys, who has resisted critical injury, extreme distance and lengthy separation to always fulfil the task of keeping me humble.

And with thanks to Tashya Wilson and Tara Gavin,

for giving me a chance at all this fun!


Meghan crossed her arms over her flat ten-year-old’s chest and gave her mother a defiant stare. “You never listen!”

Her mother smiled. Her mother always smiled. Sometimes her smile hinted at a joke not yet discovered by anyone else…sometimes it was a cleverness she’d seen in the world. Sometimes it was just because. Thus was the coyote shape-shifter—hard to pin down, cheerfully unpredictable.

Tonight, that smile broke Meghan’s young heart. “The animals are worried! Listen to them!”

“Ah, my sensitive girl…connected with us all.” Margery Lawrence sat right where she was, cross-legged there on the ranch-house porch, and pulled Meghan’s resisting body into her arms. Lanky, coltish Meghan didn’t quite fit there any longer, but her mother appeared not to notice. Her mother ran a hand along Meghan’s hair, smoothing…petting.

Meghan wasn’t fooled. She didn’t relax into the embrace. “You shouldn’t go,” she muttered. It sounded sullen even to her own ears.

“Meggie,” her mother said, making the word a caress. “I won’t be alone. There’s someone coming to help, a fine young man who takes the jaguar when he shifts. He’ll watch for me.”

The demand burst out of her. “Then why doesn’t he do all of it? Why make you go out?”

Her mother laughed in genuine amusement. “Because he’s big and brawny, but he’s not half so clever as this nimble coyote…and he’s got no nose for the tricky things. Besides, he doesn’t know this land the way I do. The way you do.”

But Meghan sat, stiff and resistant and still unable to keep her lip from quivering.

Her mother pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “I might not really be one of them, Meggie, but I don’t need the Sentinels to tell me how important this is. Neither do you. The animals wouldn’t feel it, otherwise—or the land. Or even you, for that matter. So the fine young man will meet me here, and we’ll go take care of things. And then the animals won’t feel this way to you any longer, and neither will the land.”

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