Sex at Work: Come Back to Me / This Is What I Want / Psychic Sex

Sex at Work: Come Back to Me / This Is What I Want / Psychic Sex
О книге

A radio call-in talk show host has an after-hours caller who offers the best phone sex she’s ever had. A bodacious personal trainer fulfills her wildest sexual fantasies. . . by astral projection.A drab office worker transforms herself at night into the sex goddess of the blogosphere. These passionate ladies make the astonishing discovery that the most tantalizing, exciting sex of their lives can be enjoyed from afar. Here are three delecatably naughty erotic tales from Spice Briefs available at one low price. Bundle includes Come Back to Me by Kimberly Kaye Terry, Psychic Sex by Cathleen Ross and This is What I Want by Megan Hart.

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The Sex At Work Bundle

Come Back to Me: An Erotic Short Story

By Kimberly Kaye Terry

Psychic Sex

By Cathleen Ross

This is What I Want

By Megan Hart

Come Back to Me


Kimberly Kaye Terry

Part I

“Are you wearing the panties I sent you?” A deep voice I had come to know so well, whispered huskily.

My breath quickened and my pussy clenched in automatic response to his deep, chocolate-smooth baritone.

Oh God, it was him again. I swallowed nervously.

We’d been communicating for less than a week and each time I had the same reaction when he’d call me after my radio talk show ended. Right off the bat, he’d asked me such intimate questions I’d wanted to hang up in his face. Yet, I hadn’t.

He’d called every night over the last week, and to my shame, I’d come to need his nightly calls. Normally, he called when my show had ended, and I’d sent my engineer home and was all alone.

I glanced at the clock mounted on my desk, surprised to hear from him so early in the night. Tonight was a rerun of a previous show, and for all intents and purposes neither I, nor my engineer, needed to be in the studio.

Yet, there was no way I was going to stay away whether I needed to be here or not. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

From the first time I heard his voice he’d captivated me and I hadn’t been able to deny him anything. He’d started out talking dirty to me. Asking me if I had a man, if I needed one, and telling me he wanted to be the one to give me what I needed. The way he’d laid it down so smooth, so hot, I tried my best to hang up. Damn, I did. I wanted to tell him to go to straight to hell. But I couldn’t.

From the first night, well, things had progressed. And after what he had me doing to myself last night…I swore I wouldn’t take any more of his kinky calls. Particularly, when I came into work and found his “gift” on my desk, wrapped in a pretty pink box with a pearl-beaded bow.

“Did you hear me?”

My heartbeat slammed against my breastbone, and my treacherous nipples beaded in response to the low-toned voice pouring from the small speakers mounted in my desk.

I quickly glanced up to see if my engineer, Trina, had overheard.

I released a heartfelt sigh of relief when she wasn’t looking my way. Thank God, she didn’t seem to be paying me any attention behind her soundproofed glassed-in booth, gathering her things as she prepared to leave for the night.

Nevertheless, I quickly snatched up the phone and sat back down in my chair.

“Please…I told you, no more calls. If you want advice on love, call during the show’s regular time, and currently we’re doing a Best of show, so that’s not going to happen tonight. I suggest you find somewhere else to get your kicks,” I answered, trying my best to infuse as much attitude as I could in my tone, but even to my own ears it came out sounding pitiful and weak.

His answering, deep-throated chuckle confirmed it for me.

“Keep saying that, Dr. Adams, and maybe you’ll convince yourself. Damn sure not convincing me,” he arrogantly replied.

“Look, Mr.—”

I waited for him to fill in the name, knowing full well he wouldn’t.

“Dr. A, I’m going to be leaving for the night, to meet my mon…aw no, woman! Is that another caller? I thought I’d put the answering machine on.” Trina came hustling out of her control room and groaned. She flipped one of her long dreads over her shoulder and came to a halt near my desk, her large hemp bag thrown over her shoulder.

“No, Trina, it’s okay. You get out of here and go and meet your man. This isn’t anything I can’t handle.” I smiled reassuringly at her and held the phone away from my ear as I spoke, purposely allowing him to hear what I said.

Some of my nervousness must have come through. Trina gave me a look. “Dr. A, Jerrod can wait, ees no problem if you need me to stay…” she said in her deep Jamaican accent, allowing the sentence to trail off questioningly. Despite the nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach, I laughed.

“Go! You aren’t going to get that man of yours mad at me because I kept his honey, knowing full well you two have plans,” I said, laughing, reminding her of their plans to get away for the weekend. “Honestly, this is nothing. I’ll wrap up in a minute and do some odds and ends. I plan on heading out of here within the next hour or so myself,” I reassured her.

“Are you sure, then?

“Yes, I am. I’ll have one of the sound guys make sure the tapes run smoothly. There’s no need for me to be here.” I reminded her that I wasn’t needed at the station, either. “I’m going to head home early. In fact, could you close the blinds for me?” I asked.

“And I’ll be believing that when I see it, Doctor A! I don’t tink you’d know what to do with yourself if you weren’t here.” Trina laughed.

I took a mock swipe at her. “I’m fine…now go before I change my mind and keep you here with me all night!”

“I’m going, I’m going!” she said, laughing, and quickly closed the blinds before she scurried to the door.

Right before she opened it, she turned back to me and gave me a small, half grin, a look of concern crossing her pretty cocoa-brown face. “Seriously, Dr. A, you give all the great advice on love, and you know I be admiring you…but maybe it’s time for you to take your own advice, woman!” she said, stretching out the word woman. “Let go and have some fun.” She blew me a kiss before closing the door behind her.

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