Shadow Search

Shadow Search
О книге

INTO THE HEARTThe bloody terrain of West Africa is the staging ground for a rescue mission with almost impossible odds. Mack Bolan's directive comes straight from the Oval Office: find and recover two hostages, kidnapped to blackmail the embattled head of a civil-war torn province.Bolan is facing powerfully backed terrorists whose campaign of death strikes fear into the heart of a struggling nation. And his offensive loses ground when he clashes with ruthless slave traders, whose innate knowledge of the hostile African bush makes the enemy–and the hostages–more elusive. But the war continues deep into the shadow land where violence and death rule, and justice comes only at the uncompromising hand of the Executioner.


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A shot rang out

Bolan heard the slug whack into the wall behind him, felt chunks of clay strike his shoulders. He took evasive action, going down on one knee and returning fire. The shadowy figure on the far side of the room flew backward, becoming entangled with a chair and fell hard, blood coursing from his chest and throat. He lay for a while choking on blood and sucking air through his shredded windpipe.

Bolan stayed alert, scanning the room until he was satisfied he was alone. He moved from man to man, checking for signs of life. There were none. He picked up the dropped weapons and threw them in a corner after pulling the magazines.

Then he turned and stepped outside, feeling the heat of the sun as he crossed to the old truck—and the figure bound to it.


The Executioner

#227 Blood Circle

#228 Terminal Option

#229 Zero Tolerance

#230 Deep Attack

#231 Slaughter Squad

#232 Jackal Hunt

#233 Tough Justice

#234 Target Command

#235 Plague Wind

#236 Vengeance Rising

#237 Hellfire Trigger

#238 Crimson Tide

#239 Hostile Proximity

#240 Devil’s Guard

#241 Evil Reborn

#242 Doomsday Conspiracy

#243 Assault Reflex

#244 Judas Kill

#245 Virtual Destruction

#246 Blood of the Earth

#247 Black Dawn Rising

#248 Rolling Death

#249 Shadow Target

#250 Warning Shot

#251 Kill Radius

#252 Death Line

#253 Risk Factor

#254 Chill Effect

#255 War Bird

#256 Point of Impact

#257 Precision Play

#258 Target Lock

#259 Nightfire

#260 Dayhunt

#261 Dawnkill

#262 Trigger Point

#263 Skysniper

#264 Iron Fist

#265 Freedom Force

#266 Ultimate Price

#267 Invisible Invader

#268 Shattered Trust

#269 Shifting Shadows

#270 Judgment Day

#271 Cyberhunt

#272 Stealth Striker

#273 UForce

#274 Rogue Target

#275 Crossed Borders

#276 Leviathan

#277 Dirty Mission

#278 Triple Reverse

#279 Fire Wind

#280 Fear Rally

#281 Blood Stone

#282 Jungle Conflict

#283 Ring of Retaliation

#284 Devil’s Army

#285 Final Strike

#286 Armageddon Exit

#287 Rogue Warrior

#288 Arctic Blast

#289 Vendetta Force

#290 Pursued

#291 Blood Trade

#292 Savage Game

#293 Death Merchants

#294 Scorpion Rising

#295 Hostile Alliance

#296 Nuclear Game

#297 Deadly Pursuit

#298 Final Play

#299 Dangerous Encounter

#300 Warrior’s Requiem

#301 Blast Radius

#302 Shadow Search

The Executioner®

Shadow Search

Don Pendleton

Wrongdoing can only be avoided if those who are not wronged feel the same indignation at it as those who are.

—Solon, Athenian Statesman c.638 B.C.

The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of everyone.

—Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize winner

To those who prey on the defenseless and the weak—beware. I have seen that despair and weakness in your victims and I will not stand aside and abandon them, or allow it to continue.

—Mack Bolan

To all of the coalition military personnel who have been, or are, serving in the Middle East. Thanks.


Tempala Airport, West Africa.

Phil McReady wasn’t a nervous type but he felt slightly uneasy in the presence of the man he knew only as Mike Belasko. Since his introduction to the man at the airport just outside Tempala City, McReady had sensed there was far more to Belasko than the quiet-spoken, reserved persona he displayed. Belasko had stepped off the plane, checking the corner of the airfield that had been allocated to the U.S. team led by Ambassador Leland Cartwright. His manner was that of a man who didn’t trust any situation until he had checked it out personally. Because of the presidential authorization given to Cartwright’s organization, McReady had been able to take Belasko straight to the waiting car and out of the airport.

Belasko moved with the confidence of a man who knew his way around. His manner belied his physical appearance. Over six foot in height, with a solid physical build, he weighed around two hundred pounds, none of it wasted on fat. He made no play about his appearance. He didn’t need to. McReady had also noticed the quiet way Belasko spoke. He didn’t raise his voice, yet there was something in his manner that drew good responses from those he did talk to.

As far as McReady was concerned, Belasko was another addition to the U.S. government team in Tempala. That was how he had been told to view Belasko, and to ask no questions. Belasko was also to be given all the cooperation he required—again with no questions asked. It was all on a need-to-know basis. McReady had been given his orders and that was it. The moment Belasko had stepped off the plane, his eyes checking out the area as he walked across the apron to meet McReady, he showed his true calling. This was no man to fool with. McReady made a mental note to keep his curiosity in check. Plain and simple, the message was, do not ask questions and do not get on the wrong side of this man. On the other hand, McReady wasn’t an idiot. He knew why Belasko was there. It irritated him because his insider knowledge allowed him the privilege of knowing what had happened to start all this off. The frantic calls to Washington and the U.S. President. McReady had been in on all of it, and then Cartwright had started getting tight-lipped about the whole thing.

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