Sir Ashley's Mettlesome Match

Sir Ashley's Mettlesome Match
О книге

The Rake’s Last Mistress!Determined to overthrow a notorious smuggling operation, gentleman thieftaker Sir Ashley Saunders will let nothing stand in his way! Until he runs up against spirited Pippa Kingslake, who’s just as determined to protect her own interests… With a string of demanding mistresses in his past, Ash thinks he’ll handle Pippa with ease.Still unsure where her loyalties lie, Ash vows to keep her safe. But could Pippa’s fierce independence end Ash’s case – and his rakish ways?The Piccadilly Gentlemen’s Club Seeking justice, finding love


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‘You believe in love overcoming all, then?’ Pippa asked.

‘Of course. Without it the world would be a poorer place.’

‘Have you ever fallen in love?’

‘My dear, I do it all the time. At least once a month.’

‘Now you are roasting me.’ ‘Perhaps.’

‘What other attributes?’ she continued.

‘Why, she must be good-natured, generous, sympathetic to others, well-read, able to converse properly without simpering, and she must love me, of course.’

‘And have you found such a one?’

‘No. Which is why, once a month, I am disappointed.’

‘Perhaps you do not come up to the ladies’ expectations. Have you thought of that?’


SIR ASHLEY’S METTLESOME MATCH is the fourth in my series about law and order in Georgian times. Each has a hero dealing with a different crime. Sir Ashley is concerned with smuggling, and of course Pippa, my heroine, is mixed up in it—albeit innocently. The idea came to me when I was reading The Lawless Coast by Neil Holmes, which deals specifically with the trade on the north Norfolk coast. Smuggling was not the romantic pastime that many imagine, and many tried to thwart the smugglers at their peril. If duty conflicted with love it became even more difficult—as Sir Ashley discovers. I hope you enjoy reading it.

If you would like to find out about the other novels in this series, or any of my books, visit my website:


Mary Nichols

Born in Singapore, MARY NICHOLS came to England when she was three, and has spent most of her life in different parts of East Anglia. She has been a radiographer, school secretary, information officer and industrial editor, as well as a writer. She has three grown-up children, and four grandchildren.

Previous novels by the same author:



*Part of The Piccadilly Gentlemen’s Club mini-series

Chapter One

The night was inky black and the wind, coming off the German Ocean, was biting into Pippa’s bones, numbing fingers and toes and making her huddle into her cloak and wish herself back home and in the warm. The summer, coming on top of the worst winter anyone could remember when the rivers and even the sea froze, was wet and cold. It was a foolish idea to come out. The sea was rough; huge breakers were rolling up to the sandbanks just off the shore, so perhaps they would not land, or she might have been mistaken in thinking that there was going to be a delivery in Narbeach this night. The signs had all been there earlier in the day: everyone whispering and hurrying home after evensong; no one showing any lights; dogs chained up, stable doors left unlocked and a ship hove to half a mile out to sea. It was a beautiful vessel, long and sleek, rigged fore and aft with a long bowsprit to take a jib sail, intended to outrun the revenue cutters. Now the sails were furled and it was simply a dark outline against the horizon.

She wanted to witness a landing, to watch the cargo being brought ashore, to find out where they hid it and how many men were involved. What could she learn that reading the reports of smuggling trials in the news sheets would not tell her? she asked herself. The atmosphere of the landing, she supposed, which dry-as-dust accounts could not give: the drama and tension, the sheer volume of goods piled up on the beach, the essence of danger, which she had to feel in order to convey it in writing. But if she were seen …

She pulled her dark hood over her head and huddled even farther into her cloak, crouching down behind a sand dune, as much to shelter from the wind as to hide herself. If she were seen and accosted, they would not hesitate to kill her. They had too much at stake to let her live.

As she watched she heard the jingle of harness and the rumble of wheels on the lane behind her and threw herself down into the sand and prayed they would pass by without noticing the dark heap almost at their feet. She dare not look up and expose her pale complexion, which would easily be seen even on so dark a night. From beneath her shadowing arm, she could just see their feet as they passed, leading horses and carts down onto the beach. There were dozens of them, silently tramping past the spot where she lay. No one spoke, not even a whisper.

At last they were gone and she risked lifting her head. The beach, which a few minutes before had been empty, was swarming with men, pack mules, horses and carts. It seemed as if the whole male population of the village was there. Someone struck a flint and lit a lantern and swung it to and fro. It was answered insimilar fashion from the darkened ship. Now everyone was facing seawards and Pippa dared to stand up and watch. Two boats were lowered and two men scrambled down into each to receive and stow the goods being slung down to them in nets. She could not see what the cargo was, but when the boats were riding low in the water the oarsmen began pulling for the shore.

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