Slow Waltz Across Texas

Slow Waltz Across Texas
О книге

World rodeo champ Clayton Rankin had honorably married Rena when she' d gotten pregnant…hell, he' d given the twins his name! What more could a wife want? Cuddles? Well, cowboys don' t take too easily to cuddles. But Rena needed tenderness– and Clayton would do anything to keep his woman. So he' d darn well convince his beautiful Texas bride that he was 100% husband material. Even if it meant a lifetime of tenderness…


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“We Don’t Have A Relationship. We Simply Share An Address And A Bed, When The Mood Strikes You.”

Clayton slammed his fist against the railing, then whirled to face Rena. “Haven’t I provided you with a home, seen that you and the kids have everything you need, everything you could possibly want? What the hell is it you expect from me?”

Rena stared at him, her eyes filling with tears. Then she dragged the back of her hand across her cheek and gave her chin a lift. “Nothing,” she said and turned for the door. “Absolutely nothing.”

Something in her voice—a certainty of purpose, a calmness despite the earlier storm—chilled Clayton to the bone. This wasn’t some dramatic stunt she was pulling in order to get his attention. She really intended to leave him!

But Clayton wasn’t a four-time rodeo world champion for nothing. He knew how to win his heart’s desire…and his heart had never desired anything more than his wife….

The toughest men in Texas

are about to be tamed!

Dear Reader,

As we celebrate Silhouette’s 20>th anniversary year as a romance publisher, we invite you to welcome in the fall season with our latest six powerful, passionate, provocative love stories from Silhouette Desire!

In September’s MAN OF THE MONTH, fabulous Peggy Moreland offers a Slow Waltz Across Texas. In order to win his wife back, a rugged Texas cowboy must learn to let love into his heart. Popular author Jennifer Greene delivers a special treat for you with Rock Solid, which is part of the highly sensual Desire promotion, BODY & SOUL.

Maureen Child’s exciting miniseries, BACHELOR BATTALION, continues with The Next Santini Bride, a responsible single mom who cuts loose with a handsome Marine. The next installment of the provocative Desire miniseries FORTUNE’S CHILDREN: THE GROOMS is Mail-Order Cinderella by Kathryn Jensen, in which a plain-Jane librarian seeks a husband through a matchmaking service and winds up with a Fortune! Ryanne Corey returns to Desire with a Lady with a Past, whose true love woos her with a chocolate picnic. And a nurse loses her virginity to a doctor in a night of passion, only to find out the next day that her lover is her new boss, in Doctor for Keeps by Kristi Gold.

Be sure to indulge yourself this autumn by reading all six of these tantalizing titles from Silhouette Desire!


Joan Marlow Golan

Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

Slow Waltz Across Texas

Peggy Moreland

Knowing that I’ve entertained a reader or fulfilled a reader’s

expectations is what makes the hours of sitting in front of a computer monitor worthwhile. I’d like to dedicate this book to four readers who have always taken the time to write and tell me that they’ve enjoyed my stories: Daisella Vann, Bonnie Hendricks, Kathleen Stone and Christy Jenkins. Thank you, ladies, for the kind words, the unflagging support and the encouragement you’ve offered throughout the years.


published her first romance with Silhouette in 1989 and continues to delight readers with stories set in her home state of Texas. Winner of the National Readers’ Choice Award, a nominee for the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice Award and a finalist for the prestigious RITA Award, Peggy has appeared on the USA Today and Waldenbooks bestseller lists. When not writing, she enjoys spending time at the farm riding her quarter horse, Lo-Jump. She, her husband and three children make their home in Round Rock, Texas. You may write to Peggy at P.O. Box 2453, Round Rock, TX 78680-2453.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine



He could see it, almost feel it, as he watched them.

He imagined calling out their names. Hey, Brittany! Brandon! His children turning to him, their eyes going wide, their surprise upon seeing their daddy quickly turning to excitement. They would run down the sidewalk, squealing, their chunky little legs churning, their tiny arms flung wide in welcome. Laughing, he would scoop them up in a big bear hug and swing them around and around until they were all three dizzy.

He could see it. Almost feel it.


But a fear learned at an early age of exposing his feelings and being rejected kept Clayton from putting the scene he envisioned to the test.

Instead he strode across the street to the park where the twins played, his hands shoved deeply into his pockets, his expression shadowed by his cowboy hat, his eyes—as well as his emotions—concealed behind dark aviator sunglasses. He came to a stop not six feet from the sandbox where the twins were carrying on a game of tug-of-war with a bright red sand bucket.

“My turn,” four-year-old Brittany cried, giving the bucket a determined tug.

“No, mine,” her twin brother, Brandon, argued stubbornly, and yanked right back.

The plastic sand bucket looked as if it would snap any minute from the pressure placed on it by two sets of warring hands.

“Can’t you two share?”

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