Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / Белоснежка и семь гномов

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / Белоснежка и семь гномов
О книге

Всемирно известная сказка о принцессе Белоснежке, ее коварной мачехе, друзьях-гномах и прекрасном принце. Текст сказки адаптирован специально для самых маленьких читателей, которые только начинают свое знакомство с английским языком. В конце книги содержится раздел с вопросами на понимание текста, а также словарь с переводом ключевых слов и выражений.

Книга издана в 2013 году.

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Об авторах

Братья Якоб и Вильгельм Гримм – одни из самых известных сказочников в мировой литературе. Первый сборник их сказок вышел более 200 лет назад, и в него вошло всего 83 сказки. На протяжении всей своей жизни братья собирали сказочные истории, опрашивая своих друзей, знакомых, а также обращаясь к простому народу. В настоящее время известно около 200 сказок братьев, они были переведены на множество языков и одинаково любимы как детьми, так и взрослыми.

Самыми известными сказками братьев Гримм являются «Белоснежка», «Хензель и Гретель», «Бременские музыканты», «Золушка», «Красная шапочка» и другие.


It was a cold winter’s day. A white sheet of snow lay over the palace grounds and trees and on the roofs and chimneys. The Queen sat by the window, humming a lullaby to herself as she sewed a little dress. She looked out of the window and saw a black raven, and as she looked, she suddenly pricked her finger with the needle. She looked down and saw a drop of blood fall on her gown. It was so red!

“I wish I have a daughter with skin as white and pure as snow, hair as black as a raven, and lips as red as this drop of blood on my gown,” thought the Queen.

Not long afterwards, the Queen’s wish came true. After a few months, a baby girl was born to her. The baby’s skin was really as white and pure as snow, her curly hair as black as the raven and her lips as red as blood.

She was a lovely baby.

“I shall name this beautiful child of mine Snow White,” said the Queen to her husband.

So the Princess was named Snow White. Each day saw her grow more and more beautiful. She was very kind to everyone in the palace, and they all loved her.

Sadly for Snow White, her mother died within a few years and her father married again. The new Queen was a very beautiful lady, but she was vain and proud of her beauty. She wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

She had a magic mirror in her room. She would look into it every morning and ask:

“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest one of all?”

And the mirror would reply:

“O Queen, you are the fairest one of all.”

The Queen would smile and be very happy because she knew that her magic mirror never lied. It also made her vainer. Nobody in the palace loved her; rather, they were afraid of her.

The years passed by as the Queen watched Snow White grow into a beautiful girl. This did not please her. As Snow White grew older, she became more and more beautiful. This made the Queen very jealous, because she feared that the Princess would become prettier than her.

One day, when she asked her mirror:

“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
Who is the fairest one of all?”

The mirror answered:

“O Queen, you are fair,
But Snow White is the fairest one of all.”

The Queen was mad with jealousy. She had to do something. Snow White had to die. She could not allow Snow White to become more beautiful than herself!

She decided to get rid of her. She would have Snow White killed!


The Queen called for a hunter and said to him, “I want you to take Snow White deep into the forest and then kill her. And to prove that you have really killed her, bring back her heart and show it to me. You are to tell no one of this plot.”

The hunter was shocked and sad to hear the Queen give such cruel orders. He, like everyone in the royal household, loved the little princess. He did not want her to die, and he did not want to be the one to kill her. He would have to think of some way to save her. However, he bowed before the Queen and promised to follow her orders.

There was a very large forest not far from the palace. Usually Snow White was allowed to go to a certain part of this forest, where there were many birds, rabbits and deer.

One morning, the Queen called Snow White and said to her, “Snow White, go with the hunter to the forest. I know that you love to go there, and play with the birds and animals. Today is such a fine day! Go and enjoy yourself.”

“Oh, thank you, Mother!” said Snow White happily, because she really loved going to the forest. She loved the birds singing and warbling upon tree trunks, the rabbits with their fluffy tails hopping in and out of holes or chasing each other, and the gentle deer with their beautiful eyes frolicking about. They loved her too, and always came to greet her and play with her whenever she visited them.

So Snow White went happily with the hunter, singing and skipping as she went along. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and white clouds were drifting about. It really was a gorgeous day. The forest creatures welcomed her and ran along with her. She played with them for many hours. They were having a wonderful time.

Snow White suddenly realised that they had gone very deep into the forest.

They walked for a long time. Still the guard walked on, taking her deeper and deeper into the forest.

“Why are we going so deep into the forest?” Snow White turned and asked the guard anxiously. “It’s time to go back to the palace. We are already late. The Queen will be very angry.”

The guard looked very sad. He did not want to kill Snow White. She was such a good and kind girl, and very beautiful, too. Everybody in the palace loved her. He told her why the Queen had sent them to the forest. He had been ordered, he said, not only to kill her, but also to carry back her heart as proof that he had really killed her.

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