Socrates in the City: Conversations on Life, God and Other Small Topics

Socrates in the City: Conversations on Life, God and Other Small Topics
О книге

Following the extraordinary success of the New York Times bestseller Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas's latest book offers inspirational and intellectually rigorous thoughts on the big questions surrounding us all today.The Greek philosopher Socrates famously said that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’. Taking this as a starting point, Eric Metaxas founded a speaking series that encouraged busy and successful professionals to attend forums and think actively about the bigger questions in life. Thus Socrates in the City: Conversations on ‘Life, God, and Other Small Topics’.This book is for the seeker in all of us, the collector of wisdom, and the person who asks ‘what’s the point?’. Within this collection of original essays that were first given to standing-room-only crowds in New York City are serious thinkers from all around the world taking on Life, God, Evil, Redemption, and other similarly small topics.Luminaries such as Dr. Francis Collins, Sir John Polkinghorne, Tom Wright, Os Guinness, Peter Kreeft and George Weigel have written about extraordinary topics vital to both secular and Christian thinking, such as ‘Making Sense Out of Suffering’, ‘The Concept of Evil after 9/11’, and ‘Can a Scientist Pray?’. No question is too big – in fact, the bigger and the more complex the better. These essays are both thought-provoking and entertaining, because nowhere is it written that finding answers to life's biggest questions shouldn't be great fun…


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Eric Metaxas




Title Page

Socrates in the City - Eric Metaxas

Belief in God in an Age of Science - Sir John Polkinghorne, Frs, Kbe

Q & A

Can an Atheist Be a Good Citizen? - Fr. Richard John Neuhaus



Q & A

Who Are We? C. S. Lewis and the Question of Man - Jean Bethke Elshtain



Q & A

The Good Life: Seeking Purpose, Meaning, and Truth in Your Life - Charles W. Colson



Q & A

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense - N. T. Wright



Q & A

The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World - Alister Mcgrath



Q & A

The Case for Civility—and Why Our Future Depends on It - Os Guinness



Q & A

The Language of God: A Believer Looks at the Human Genome - Francis S. Collins, Md, Phd



Q & A

How Good Confronts Evil: Lessons from the Life and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Eric Metaxas



Q & A

Eric’s Acknowledgments

Speaker Biographies

Selected Published Works

About the General Editor


About the Publisher

Socrates in the City An Introduction

Can you imagine how happy I am that this book has come out? If not, let me tell you how happy—very, very. It’s a tremendous joy for me to look at the evidence of something we’ve been doing for ten years now and to realize that these talks are just as fresh on the page as they were the actual evenings of the events. That is saying a lot, because most of these events were magical. Just ask the people who have attended over the years.

In reading the talks in this book, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are treasures, nothing less, and to think that they are available to the readers of this book—that they are not lost to the ether but are right here for you to enjoy, just as we enjoyed them on the evenings of our events—absolutely thrills me.

But before I say more, perhaps you don’t really know what Socrates in the City is. Let me explain: We are a UFO cult. There, I’ve said it. Of course, that’s not for public consumption. To the public we present ourselves as an elegant and upscale Manhattan speakers’ series. So, I’ll have to stick with that description going forward in this essay, but you and I will know that I am really talking about a UFO cult and that underneath our terribly sophisticated street clothes, we wear cult-issue silver unitards with a nifty lightning-bolt-and-leaping-leprechaun logo. It’s quite a logo. But we won’t mention this again.

But seriously, it’s hard to believe it’s been more than ten years since I started Socrates in the City with the simple idea that the philosopher Socrates was quite right when he famously said that the “unexamined life is not worth living.” It struck me that in New York City, where I live, people weren’t being much encouraged to think deeply about the big questions—or should I say, the Big Questions. It seemed that there was something about our culture which worked against examining the Big Questions. I wanted to remedy that a bit.

Also, I realized that I have had the privilege of being acquainted with a number of brilliant writers and speakers who had thought rather a lot about the Big Questions and who had some pretty terrific answers to those questions. Why not bring them to New York? And why not invite my friends to hear them? And why not serve wine and hors d’oeuvres? And so, Socrates in the City was born.

As it happened, eight of our first ten speakers were named Os Guinness. That’s not a weird coincidence, but it is evidence of the generosity of a dear friend, to whom we here gratefully doff our caps.

I remember that our second event—Os was not the speaker—took place the day after the hotly contested 2000 election between Al Gore and George W. Bush. Everyone had stayed up till three or four a.m. the night before, hoping to find out who had won. Little did they know the issue would drag on for many weeks.

So, the next night a handful of our audience members had some difficulty keeping their eyes open during David Aikman’s terrific talk on Solzhenitsyn, Nelson Mandela, and Elie Wiesel. Quel dommage! In all these years that has never happened again, but should it ever happen to you at a Socrates event, you should probably consider getting a good night’s sleep the night before and cutting back on the pre-talk libations. The act of open-mouthed snoring while Bishop N. T. Wright or Sir John Polkinghorne—or any other ecclesiastical worthy—is holding forth is still considered déclassé in most respectable New York social circles.

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