Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations

Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations
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This book provides a remarkably revealing picture of your total personality, by going beyond the simple twelve Sun signs and combining them with the twelve Moon signs. Sun Sign, Moon Sign gives you a deeper insight into your own-and your friends' and family's-true personality, and leaves you truly astounded at just how accurate astrology can be!Contents:Find your Sun and Moon signs instantly with the easy-to-use tables.• Learn the characteristics of each of the 144 Sun-Moon combinations.• How the different Sun-Moon personalities behave in love, and their greatest strengths and weaknesses.• Discover the personality secrets of your friends and family.• Analysis of the Sun-Moon personalities of famous people.

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Sun Sign, Moon Sign

Discover the Key to Your Unique Personality through the 144 Sun, Moon Combinations

Charles Harvey & Suzi Harvey

To our parents, Cordelia, John, Jack and Joyce

To our children Natasha, Giles and Alexander

To Grant Lewi who lit the way

For convenience sake, and to make for easier reading, we have used the masculine gender pronoun throughout the text (most of the time). Astrology emphasizes through the Sun and Moon that we all contain both male and female attitudes and approaches to life.

To thine own self be true


Resolve to be thyself; and know, that he who finds himself, loses his misery



Imagine a cinema centre. It is showing two films of your life. On one screen Triumph is being shown; on another screen, Tragedy. Each of us has the possibilities for both scenarios within us. Most of us will experience something of each.

The difference between success and failure in life ultimately comes down to self-understanding. Within you are many different gifts, conflicting wishes and pressures, obligations and ambitions. The more you are able to recognize and work with your different sides and tendencies, the more you are likely to turn tragedy into triumph, rather than snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

We feel that the first step in recognizing and reconciling these different ‘selves’ inside you is getting to know intimately not only your Sun sign but your Moon sign as well – and how they create a lively, sometimes problematic, but always interesting dialogue within you. And what we offer you in these pages is a series of ‘film clips’ showing some of the main features of the 144 most important Sun – Moon story lines. One of these is yours. It describes the essential personality of two of the most important and central characters in the drama of your life. These characters, as represented by the sign positions of the Sun and Moon at your birth, are the heart and soul of your story. The better you can get to know them the more will you be able to understand, and even consciously collaborate on, the script of your life. Once you can comprehend the innate contradictions, you can turn them to good use – a bit like adjusting the seasoning in a soufflé. You will discover it is a good recipe, a fine script – do not fight it; enjoy it!

We have tried to give you a taste of the contrasting pressures and inner dilemmas that each combination is most likely to experience, and to show how these different aspects of you can work positively together. You will not agree with everything you find here (unless you are the most watery of Water types), but if these profiles encourage you to reflect more on the full-length film of your life and how you can give it the best performance and production you can, we will be more than happy.


If you have not had your personal birth chart drawn up, and do not know your Sun – Moon combination, Part 3 gives instructions and tables for finding the sign position of your Sun and Moon.

If you do not know your time of birth and there is uncertainty as to which sign your Sun and/or Moon is in, you will need to read the two different possible combinations. This should help you to decide which is the more likely position and so narrow down the likely time of your birth. Care is needed with this method, however, as other chart factors may be involved of which you are unaware. If your decision is between a Cancer and Leo Moon, for example, you may decide your Moon is in Cancer, yet this could be because your Rising Sign is in Cancer.


We have given our findings and interpretations for each Sun – Moon combination under the following main sections:

• quotations

• themes

• main text

• relationships

• your greatest strengths

• your greatest weaknesses

• images for integration

• famous people with this combination

Some details about the contents of each of these sections follows.

The Quotations – In Their Own Words

Each one of us views the world from a different place and in a different way. What we notice and what interests us is very much conditioned by our birth chart, and not least by our Sun and Moon positions. So if we want to understand a combination more fully we cannot do better than to listen to the ideas and observations of those who have lived a lifetime with that particular Sun – Moon combination.

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