Take Me in Your Arms

Take Me in Your Arms
О книге

The sweetest surrender Casual comes easy to Angela Brown. Her three-dates-max rule lets her have fun without getting burned again. But now Cameron Stewart is back in her life. The high-flying corporate lawyer is the one man who answers a deep need within her. No woman could resist his hot, sultry, sensual assault–and Angela doesn't intend to try. She just won't let it go beyond the physical.It's not enough for Cam to get Angela into his bed. They're perfect for each other, and he's sure she knows it, too. And when she's evasive, Cam's persuasive, chipping away at her defenses. One tender, soulful seduction at a time, he'll coax her out of her shell–and into his waiting, loving arms….


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The sweetest surrender

Casual comes easy to Angela Brown. Her three-dates-max rule lets her have fun without getting burned again. But now Cameron Stewart is back in her life. The high-flying corporate lawyer is the one man who answers a deep need within her. No woman could resist his hot, sultry, sensual assault—and Angela doesn’t intend to try. She just won’t let it go beyond the physical.

It’s not enough for Cam to get Angela into his bed. They’re perfect for each other, and he’s sure she knows it, too. And when she’s evasive, Cam’s persuasive, chipping away at her defenses. One tender, soulful seduction at a time, he’ll coax her out of her shell—and into his waiting, loving arms….

“Can I tempt you with something?”

He smiled mischievously. “I was just about to fix some lunch.”

“No, thanks. I’ve got to get back for a staff meeting.”

“Okay.” He slowly walked toward her, eating up her oxygen with each step he took. “Thanks for checking on me.”


“I’m sorry I worried you.”

“I’m glad you’re okay and that you’re following the doctor’s orders and resting.” She breathed a little easier as she slipped back into her professional mode.

“I told you I would. Didn’t you believe me?”

“Let’s just say that I’m pleasantly surprised you are being a good boy.”

“Normally, I’m not, but I have motivation to be.” He ran a hand lightly down her arm before grasping her fingers. “Very lovely incentive.”

“I need to leave now.”

“If you must.” He reluctantly released her hand. “See you tomorrow night.”

If she had any sense, she’d cancel their date. Her strong reaction to his immense charm was disquieting. But she knew if she tried to back out now, he would unleash more of that charm against her until she gave in again. And frankly, she didn’t think her heart could take it. Therefore, she would go on one date with him as she’d promised, but that was it.

“Bye, Cam.” She turned and walked out into the hallway. He followed her to the front door, where she glanced at him and softly ordered, “Next time, answer your phone.”

“I’ll keep it by my side.” He made an X over his heart with a finger—a spot her lips longed to taste. “I promise.”


is a Texas native who has always been an avid reader—particularly of romance. Judy loves well-written, engaging stories with characters she can identify with, empathize with and root for. When writing, she honestly can’t wait to see what happens next; she knows if she feels that way, she’s created characters and a story that readers will thoroughly enjoy, and that’s her ultimate goal.

Take Me in Your Arms

Judy Lynn Hubbard


Dear Reader,

Finally, here is the sequel to These Arms of Mine! I always intended to write Cam and Angela’s story immediately following Alesha and Derrick’s book, but I was sidetracked by My First Dance. Cam and Angela wouldn’t let me forget about them, though, and I’m pleased that their story is now available.

Currently, I’m working on Victor James’s book (the lovable matchmaking brother from Our First Embrace), and I’m hoping to have his story completed soon. Follow me on my website, Facebook and/or Twitter for updates.

While I hash out some other ideas in my cluttered head, I hope you enjoy Cam and Angela’s story.

As always, thanks for your support. Happy reading!


www.JudyLynnHubbard.com Twitter: @JudyLynnHubbard Facebook: Judy Lynn Hubbard

This book is gratefully dedicated to my fabulous readers who emailed, posted on Facebook and contacted me via Twitter asking me to write a story for Cam and Angela.

I sincerely hope you find their story worth the long wait. Thank you for your support, and please know that it and you mean more to me than words can say.

Chapter 1

Cameron Stewart’s pupils dilated happily when his eyes focused on Angela Brown—the beautiful woman he had been thinking a lot about lately. She was standing alone across the room looking somewhat bored. He sent up a silent prayer of thanks that she appeared dateless and made his move. An assured stride carried him determinedly toward Angela, fingers grabbing a drink along the way.

They had met at Alesha and Derrick’s wedding. Derrick was his best friend, and Alesha was Angela’s. He’d been meaning to ask her out for quite some time; however, both of their lives had been extremely crazy for far too long, so it had never happened. They had occasionally seen each other—as they were doing now—at Alesha and Derrick’s house, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted to get to know her better, and he intended to make that happen right now.

At thirty-seven, he’d had his fill of dating superficial, money-hungry little girls. He wanted a real woman, and unless his keen lawyer ability to read people had deserted him, Angela fit that bill to a T. From speaking with Alesha and from his own observations, he knew Angela was an accomplished nurse who was dedicated to her career. She was also a wonderful friend and a genuinely nice lady who cared about people. She was just what the doctor ordered, and he intended to happily take his medicine like a good little boy.

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