
О книге

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But for Chloe, life in “Sin City” has been all business without a hint of the adventure and naughtiness aluded to in that slogan. Until now! With Walker and Jo in town, Chloe’s about to end her long dry spell and live her ultimate fantasy–a ménage a trois with the two sexiest men she knows.As the three of them plunge into wild sexual exploration with passion and inventiveness, Chloe soon discovers what new heights of sensuality can be experienced when so many hands, lips and organs work together to drive her beyond the limits of ecstasy.


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Lillian Feisty


Chapter One


The word played in Chloe's head as she wound her way through the crowded Vegas bar. Two men, seated at a small table on the other side of the room, watched her.

Her skin heated as she maneuvered toward them, dodging her way through tourists high on that entrancing Vegas vibe. Even though she'd lived here for more than five years, she could still soak up that untamed energy; an energy that had her considering something totally mysterious, unfamiliar. Forbidden.

A shiver raced up her spine.

Just a few feet away from her now. One was tall, with shaggy blond hair and bright blue eyes. The other was fair skinned and dark haired. Both were as breathtakingly handsome as she remembered.

Ménage. That was why she was here, wasn't it? Though they'd never come right out and discussed it, ever since she'd met the two chefs six months ago at an annual culinary conference there'd been an erotic undercurrent running through all their communication.

Sexy innuendos, playful at first, now hung in the air. Suggestive. Tantalizing. Irresistible.

And now this. If she desired, she could have them. She could live out her fantasy. Experience a ménage à trois.

If she desired. Her body's response left no doubt as to what she wanted. As she walked, her pussy throbbed at the very idea of sharing a bed with Joe and Walker. Fucking them both. Simultaneously.

God, she was wet.

From the moment Walker had e-mailed her that they were coming to Vegas, she couldn't stop thinking about it, couldn't stop the fantasies from slamming into her head, couldn't stop her body's response to the erotic scenes playing out in her mind.

She'd masturbated every night this week, imagining what it would be like to have two men make love to her. Have these two men use her for their pleasure.

And now they were here. It was real, and every nerve in her body tingled with edgy anticipation.

“Chloe!” Joe was on his feet, pulling her against his lean form in a big hug. “How are you?”

She'd forgotten how comforting his voice was. She looked up into his soft green eyes and relaxed, just a bit. “Good! I'm good.” She breathed him in. It had been over a year since she'd stood this close to a man, felt the heat from a male body mingle with her own.

It was ironic, really. She had twenty--mostly male--employees underneath her. But her position as head chef at a top Las Vegas restaurant required her to keep a solid distance from her subordinates--to always be on guard, and most importantly, to have a big ol' pair of cojones.

Chloe remained in Joe's embrace until he released her. Walker stepped forward. Her pulse jumped. Nothing had changed since she'd first caught sight of the tall blond with the surfer's body all those months ago. Just being next to him sent a flurry of excitement through her belly.

She was attracted to Joe, but there was something about Walker that caused her heart to skip beats. It wasn't just his looks. Six months of online communication had revealed a caring personality and a sharp wit that drew her to him.

“Hey, Chloe.” He pulled her to his chest and then leaned down until his lips brushed her ear. His voice was raspier than she recalled, darker. “You look fantastic.”

Her pulse quickened as his warm breath caressed her ear. God, what was wrong with her? She shouldn't be reacting like this to the simple sound of his voice.

Fiddling with a strand of her hair, she tried to calm herself. “Thanks. You, too. You, um, look good.” Relax!

“Here.” Pulling a chair out for her, he swept his hand over the seat in a large theatrical gesture.

“Thanks,” she said, grinning.

Joe leaned across the table, his green eyes sparkling in the candlelight. “What can I get you to drink?”

“A cosmo, thanks.” She couldn't keep her eyes off them. Six months was a long time, long enough to forget how straight Walker's nose was, or the way Joe's hair fell charmingly over his left eye. The way being around them made her feel so feminine and sexy.

A flutter of excitement flashed through her chest. She couldn't believe Joe and Walker were actually here. In Vegas, sitting a few feet away from her. Was she really going through with this?

Yes. Her nipples tingled as every nerve in her body responded to the silent question.

Yes! For some reason she wanted to scream the word as loud as she could. She wanted to slam her hands on the table and announce to the crowd of strangers that these men were here for her. Chloe O'Malley, the chick who had not had sex in over a year. She wanted it known that she fully intended to get it on with these two men later that night.

Instead, she straightened the hem of her new black dress and took a deep, steadying breath. Okay, so she was going a tad crazy. Where was her cocktail, anyway?

Walker seemed to be biting back a grin. “You okay, Chloe? Have you eaten?”

“Yes, I had dinner earlier. Um, just leftovers but, no-- I'm not hungry. Not now. Thank you.” She closed her eyes. Why was she babbling?

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