Tales of Ghosts. Playing Another Reality. Edgar Allan Poe award

Tales of Ghosts. Playing Another Reality. Edgar Allan Poe award
О книге

“Tales of Ghosts” is a collection of mystical & philosophical stories about various ghosts and the Otherworld, the sense of life and death, the tragic turns of fate and the search for mutual love, the importance of being yourself, listening to inner voice and not postponing anything for tomorrow. The book includes the cycles: “Love Me Now!”, “The Master of Fates”, “Restless Souls”, “Nostalgia for the body”, “The Land of Mists”. Edgar A. Poe, A. Hitchcock, E.T.A. Hoffmann, H.Chr. Andersen awards.

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Translated by Alexandra Kryuchkova

Cover illustration Shutterstock.com

Illustrations Pixabay.com

Type font Serif Buratino 10 Centered

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Age 18+

© Alexandra Kryuchkova, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0056-9222-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


 About LOVE and DEATH from the LAND of MISTS
                          collection of short stories
             in the “PLAYING ANOTHER REALITY” series

the winner of the following literary competitions and awards:
                      “SHADOW of a BIRD” 2021
                                after EDGAR A. POE
                              “CASE №…” 2021
                 in Alfred HITCHCOCK nomination
                              (Moscow City Organization
                        of the Union of Writers of Russia,
                               & “Literary Republic”)
                       “TALES for ADULTS” 2022
 after E. T. A. HOFFMANN & H. Chr. ANDERSEN
                   (Open Literary Club “Response”, 2022)
                        “LITERARY OLYMPUS”
                 (League of Writers of Eurasia, 2012)


English edition No.2

The booktrailer: https://youtu.be/L4Oyw98pgaM

The original:

“СКАЗКИ ПРИЗРАКОВ”, ISBN 978-5-0056-2207-5.

The bilingual:

“СКАЗКИ ПРИЗРАКОВ / TALES of GHOSTS”, ISBN 978-5-0059-2520-6.

Amazon.com, Aliexpress, Litres.ru, Ozon.ru, Wildberries, etc.


The author expresses her great gratitude

to all the characters and prototypes of these stories,


                                    numerous ghosts

                                 and everybody else!

D. Nemelstein, “About Love and Death from the LAND of MISTS”

The book of philosophical and mystical stories by Alexandra Kryuchkova “Tales of Ghosts” (about Love and Death from the Land of Mists) is like a jewel box: each page contains something unique, and trying the stories on, the readers will surely find their own! Even those, who are not burdened with a passion for mystification and take with skepticism talk about the Other World, will be charmed by the meanings, skillfully woven by the author into the fabric of a fascinating narrative. These stories not only reflect a high degree of writing skills, they radiate the Light of hidden wisdom and are filled with Divine Love.

Oddly enough, I met the author of “Tales of Ghosts” during the poetry seminar of Eugeny Rein1 at the Booker Laureates School in Milan 2012, where, as a result, E.B. Rein announced Alexandra Kryuchkova the winner in the poetry class with the award of Sergey Yesenin ‘Golden Autumn’ order decoration and a certificate for free edition of her book from the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia. In the same place, in Milan, Alexandra was also marked in the prose course by the writer Viktor Erofeev2, who singled out for the seminarians her novel “The Book of Secret Knowledge”, which opens the author’s “Playing Another Reality” series.

“Tales of Ghosts” harmoniously complement the series. The idea of assembling these stories into a book is admirable: all the main characters are already ghosts. Having moved to the Other World together with the author, they find themselves in a long and slow queue to the Heaven Chancellery, located in the City of the Sun, where everyone will be informed about one’s further destiny. To pass the time and warm the soul, the ghosts light up the fire, throwing into it their earthly lifetime stories. By the will of Lord, the author, in fact a listener of the stories, eventually returns from the City of the Sun to Earth in order to write down “Tales of Ghosts” by heart and pass them on to people.

It is no coincidence that the book consists of several parts. Arranged according to the principle from Earth to Heaven, it slowly leads the reader further and further into the Subtle World, to the place where the planet Earth is seen as a barely distinguishable point in the Abyss of the Cosmic Mind.

Part I. “Love me now!” is a collection of philosophical love stories, united by the regret and remorse of the main characters that they could not live for real the opportunity of given to them Love. The reasons are different, but the result cannot be changed: unexpressed love ‘gnaws’ the souls, pulls them into the past, where they can never return. Is it possible to make dreams come true in a posthumous reality? The story “A Cats’ Name”from this collection deserves the highest praise: it is not just touching – the reader won’t doubt a bit that it is being told by… a dog devoted to its owner!

Part II. “The Master of Fates” contains shocking stories about those who imagine themselves to be God: perverted maniacs and quite on their minds – cold-blooded and prudent killers – commit crimes without a twinge of conscience. The author’s incredible ability to penetrate the mind of maniacs culminates in the chilling, purely Hitchcock-like story “Cranberries” and strikes the reader on the spot, causing him to fear not only the swamps, but also the cranberries!

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