– You are beautiful today! – Oksana heard a pleasant whisper. “Thank you, dear,” the girl replied and stretched sweetly without opening her eyes. A strong man’s hand gently hugged her around the waist over the blanket, and her lips barely touched her neck – MMM, how nice, please repeat, – Oksana removed her long brown hair and freed her neck and shoulder for a second kiss. She so did not want to wake up on this wonderful extraordinary morning. The eyelids were heavy and she enjoyed being able to lie in bed. The man lying next to him again kissed her neck and shoulders, then quietly whispered to ear: “Come on, can I make us breakfast?” – Come on, – agreed Oksana. – She had not received such offers from her husband for a long time and was incredibly happy with what she heard today. – MOURR… What a wonderful weekend! You can sleep well, and even breakfast in bed! Am I in a fairy tale? – No, it’s me in a fairy tale; I have such a stunningly beautiful wife, whom I will gladly cook an omelet and coffee for. – ABOUT! Thank you very much,“she said to her husband, who was busy in the kitchen by the stove. “But he has a strange voice… or it seems to me… Although after yesterday it may not seem that way. I had to go to bed early” – flashed through Oksana’s head. The girl gradually began to move away from the sweet slumber and finally opened her eyes. And Oh my God! What she saw! She was not at home! And in the kitchen from around the corner she saw not her husband Vadim! It was her friend and colleague Artyom, with whom she had been working for over a year. But have they never been even a hint of romance or a relationship other than the working and friendly. “But what am I doing in his bed and, apparently, in his apartment?!” – Oksana could not find an answer.
The girl tried to scroll through yesterday evening in her head, but a slight dizziness and headache clearly did not contribute to this. However, she remembers exactly how she came home from work, rested a little, and cooked a delicious dinner so that Vadim would not be very upset about her absence that evening. After she took a shower, put on a red tight dress, shoes in color, took her favorite black clutch and a stunning necklace with a black stone, the name of which the girl does not remember. Having let down her hair, Oksana headed downstairs. At the entrance to the taxi, her beloved friend Alinka was waiting for her. Tall slender blonde. Mowing – square, dark – blue long dress and shoes with high heels! The girls went to a nightclub, where they celebrated Alinka’s arrival. Oksana has not seen her best and beloved friend for almost 2 years. There they sat, drank two bottles of champagne, chatted about life, with pleasure and gaiety they washed the bones for dear husbands. After 3—4 hours the girls called a taxi and Oksana returned home. It was home – the girl had no doubts about this fact. It was just after midnight. At home Oksana was “met” by her sleeping husband. “He hasn’t even called once in the whole day! – The girl thought bitterly, – of course, I called him and warned him where I was and with whom, but he didn’t even bother about what time I would be at home, how I would get… He’s asleep, you know! When he comes late, I do not sleep, I wait for him, and I prepare dinner, tea! And here it is – gratitude! “Frustrated by the lack of attention, Oksana at that moment thought about the person with whom she worked. He always helped her, worried about her, knew how to listen and support. They often joked and laughed, talked about their plans for the future. Oksana sometimes thought that Artyom wants to be more than a friend. And she immediately drove these thoughts away from herself, because with her husband Vadim she was far from so bad. He just worked 2—3 times a week, and sometimes less often, which undoubtedly did not have a favorable effect on the financial situation in their family. Oksana, on the other hand, had to work 8—9 hours, carry out loads of 1.5, or even 2 rates, and earn extra money on weekends. She often wanted much more attention and care than her husband gave her. In addition, he spent several hours a day playing computer games, not paying any attention to Oksana’s requests; raised his voice to her when she distracted him at “the most important moment in his life.” She wanted to go on a honeymoon trip, which they never had, wanted to look beautiful and dress beautifully and also wanted to feel loved, desired, fragile and protected. But instead she felt tired out horse! Vadim did not understand Oksana, he often asked her to quit and do more at home, and He said that she was a fool, since she was working for a small salary. Although on average they had the same income. The relationship became strained. Quarrels even took place over the phone at a time when Oksana was working with people. The husband could call her and yell rudely for the fact that she forgot to do something around the house. She wanted to cry many times, wanted to give up everything, but she considered herself a strong person who can go through everything with a smile. Oksana considered all the difficulties in life to be temporary and leaving. And not to give up in these very difficulties, the girl was very much helped by Artem who tried to make her laugh or somehow switch her from a sad state. He often looked Oksana in the eyes, trying to understand if everything was fine with her or she was pretending… Oksana saw and felt the understanding and support of her friend, she was incredibly grateful to him. But she loved her husband and wanted a child from him. K Unfortunately, the time has not yet