Tame a Wild Stallion

Tame a Wild Stallion
О книге

He likes to go fast…But when mogul Mark Stallion meets sharp-shooting mechanic Michelle "Mitch" Coleman the motorcycle-driving Texan discovers what it means to fall fast and hard leaving him in awe of Mitch's skills…and her beauty.She likes it slow…Mitch isn't interested in a pretty rich boy who plays games with women's hearts–no matter how well-built and fine he is. But the heat generated between Mark and Mitch is enough to create new opportunities for her heart to thaw. Soon some matchmaking and a little mystery show her how easy it could be to fall in love.


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Booting up the computer on his desk,

Mark had more on his mind than he cared to have

There was a pile of client portfolios on his desk screaming for his attention. Half his day had already been shot to hell haggling with his younger brother, and thoughts of that woman kept creeping into his mind. That woman. Mark’s body quivered at the thought of Michelle, the cool chill racing the length of his spine having become too familiar since the two had met.

Mark was finding it difficult to rationalize what was happening to him. Never before had any woman consumed his waking moments the way Michelle Coleman kept invading his mind. Especially not a woman he’d not even had an opportunity to take to dinner yet. For crying out loud, he thought to himself, shifting in his seat, the two had only met for five short minutes, the woman barely giving him a second look. He couldn’t begin to believe how love struck he was suddenly acting.


is the author of eight romance novels. Her first novel, Take Me to Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author. In 2005 she received Book of the Year and Favorite Heroine nominations for her novel The Right Side of Love. For Deborah, writing is akin to breathing, and she firmly believes that if she could not write she would cease to exist.

A true renaissance woman, Deborah’s many career paths have included working as a retail buyer and size model for a national women’s clothing chain; a finance manager for a well-known beverage organization; a sales manager for a candy company; a telecommunications administrator and corporate trainer for a hotel-owning company; an art gallery director for a world-renowned artist; and an administrative consultant for multiple organizations throughout the United States. Deborah is also a licensed real-estate broker and general building contractor.

Born and raised in Fairfield County, Connecticut, Deborah now calls North Carolina home.

Tame a Wild Stallion

Deborah Fletcher Mello


Dear Reader,

I so love what I do! I have been so blessed and I understand that it has been a generous and loving God who has lifted me up and enabled me to do this.

Thank you for taking this amazing journey with me. I know beyond any doubt that if it were not for you this experience would have been short-lived. Your words of encouragement and support continue to keep me writing, and motivate me to write well.

I have been living and breathing the Stallion men for months now and with each one, I am more in love with the idea of love! I so hope that you enjoy getting to know each one and that you fall in love with my Texas boys just like I have.

Until the next time, take care and God bless.

With much love,

Deborah Fletcher Mello


For “Johnny”

Without your strength and support I would not have

been able to get through this. Thank you for your love. Please know that you have my heart, now and always.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 1

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with this car,” Michelle Coleman intoned, attitude edging her voice as she eyed the man before her. “You keep trying to find something wrong and for the umpteenth time, there’s nothing wrong with your car.”

Her well-dressed client rolled his eyes, pursing his lips as if his face hurt, the muscles contorting in response. “Mitch, I drive this car every day. I should know when it doesn’t feel right,” the man responded, calling her by the nickname she’d gone by since she’d been a child.

“Look, Doc, I do the maintenance on this car regularly. At least once a week I’ve got my head stuck under the hood because you’re sure something’s wrong and every time I tell you there is absolutely nothing wrong with your damn car.”

Dr. Marcus Shepherd bristled, exasperation fueling his words. “Just check it for me, Mitch. Please,” he implored.

Michelle swiped her hands on a dirty rag hanging from the rear pocket of her coveralls. She shook her head, strands of jet-black hair falling from the tight bun she’d twisted at the nape of her neck. Annoyance painted lines across her very pretty face. The three old men watching in amusement from the other side of the room couldn’t miss the beauty that peeked from behind the grease and grime she wore like bad makeup.

She heaved a deep sigh before finally speaking. “Uncle Simon, bill Dr. Shepherd for two hours of my time while I check his engine, please,” Michelle said, turning her attention to the elderly man who stood patiently behind the desk waiting to see how the exchange was going to play out.

Behind her, Dr. Shepherd nodded eagerly. “Thanks, Mitch, I really appreciate this,” the man said softly. “Do you really think it’s going to take two hours?”

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