Texas Cinderella

Texas Cinderella
О книге

In Search of a GroomAfter a life of drudgery on her family’s farm, Cassie Lynn Vickers relishes her freedom working in town as a paid companion for feisty Mrs. Flanagan. When her father suddenly demands she come home, she has no choice. Unless she can find a husband. If only she could convince handsome town newcomer Riley Walker to marry her…Riley is on the run. He’s desperate to keep his niece and nephew safe from his crooked half brother. But a delay in Turnabout, Texas, shows him everything he didn’t know he was missing: home, family—and Cassie Lynn. Can he find a way to become her Prince Charming…and build a real family with the children and Cassie Lynn?Texas Grooms: In search of their brides…


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In Search of a Groom

After a life of drudgery on her family’s farm, Cassie Lynn Vickers relishes her freedom working in town as a paid companion for feisty Mrs. Flanagan. When her father suddenly demands she come home, she has no choice. Unless she can find a husband. If only she could convince handsome town newcomer Riley Walker to marry her...

Riley is on the run. He’s desperate to keep his niece and nephew safe from his crooked half brother. But a delay in Turnabout, Texas, shows him everything he didn’t know he was missing: home, family—and Cassie Lynn. Can he find a way to become her Prince Charming...and build a real family with the children and Cassie Lynn?

“Can I help you up?”

Cassie Lynn blinked, coming back to herself, and quickly nodded. “Yes, thank you.” Hoping there was no visible sign of the warmth she felt climbing in her cheeks, she held out her hand.

He took it in his larger, work-callused one and placed his other hand behind her back. With surprisingly little effort the green-eyed stranger had her on her feet in no time. He stepped away once he was certain she was steady, and she found herself missing the gentle strength of his touch.

He continued to eye her cautiously. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Cassie Lynn nodded as she busied herself dusting her skirt. It wasn’t often she found herself flustered this way. “Please don’t worry. I’ve taken worse falls tripping over my own feet.”

She studied him while trying not to appear to be nosy. There was something about the man that intrigued her. It wasn’t his vivid eyes, or his appearance, though that was appealing enough in a rugged, well-muscled sort of way.

No, it was something about his demeanor and bearing that commanded her attention.

WINNIE GRIGGS is the multipublished, award-winning author of historical (and occasionally contemporary) romances that focus on small towns, big hearts and amazing grace. She is also a list-maker and a lover of dragonflies, and holds an advanced degree in the art of procrastination. Winnie loves to hear from readers—you can connect with her on Facebook at Facebook.com/winniegriggs.author or email her at [email protected].

Texas Cinderella

Winnie Griggs


Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

—1 Peter 3:8

Dedicated to my fabulous agent, Michelle Grajkowski, who is always there for me and who never loses faith in me.

And to my wonderful writer friends who are always willing to help me brainstorm my way out of sticky plot scenarios—Amy, Christopher, Dustin and Renee.

Chapter One

Turnabout, Texas

August 1898

Cassie Lynn Vickers stopped at the doorway to the parlor and smiled at the woman seated in her wheelchair. “Mrs. Flanagan, I’m about to head out for my afternoon walk. I left a pitcher of lemonade and a slice of pie on the kitchen table. Is there anything else you need before I go?”

Her employer waved a hand dismissively. “Go on with you. You know I hate being fussed over.”

Cassie Lynn hid a smile. Mrs. Flanagan detested any reminder that she could no longer do for herself, at least not for the near future. She’d injured her leg in a fall two weeks ago and had been confined to a wheelchair ever since. That’s when the cantankerous widow had hired Cassie Lynn to act as her housekeeper and personal attendant.

“Yes, ma’am,” she said meekly. “And I’ll try not to tarry today. I have extra baking to do tonight.”

Cheered by the thought of her new enterprise, Cassie Lynn gave a final wave and headed for the front door.

But as soon as she stepped out on the porch and closed the door behind her, she paused. There was someone striding up the walk. That was odd—Mrs. Flanagan rarely received callers.

Cassie Lynn’s eyes widened in recognition. She’d know that slight limp and stiff-backed posture anywhere. It was her father. What was he doing here?

Although she’d seen him from time to time since she’d moved to town last December, it was the first time he’d deliberately sought her out. Fearing something was wrong, she quickly descended the porch steps, meeting her father halfway down the front walk.

“Hello, Pa.” She was breathless and tried to calm herself. “Is something the matter? Did something happen to one of the boys?” She had four brothers, three of them younger than her, and all still living with her father out on the remote farm.

He frowned disapprovingly. “Goodness, girl, there’s no need to get all in a fret. Your brothers are just fine.”

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