The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss

The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet: The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss
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Want to lose weight with minimum effort and maximum results? You can – and it’s as simple as eating three apples a day. Apples are the magic bullet for losing those excess pounds and when you eat them in combination with this low GI eating plan the pounds will melt away.What’s the secret behind this diet? It’s down to ‘pectin power’. The pectin in apples gives you a feeling of satisfaction so you don’t feel hungry. They are also a low GI food so you don’t get that sugar high and then crash, which encourages your body to store fat. Even better, the good fibre in apples can lower your total cholesterol by as much as half.Has this diet been tried and tested? It sure has! Dietician and nutritionist Tammi Flynn first experienced incredible results with apples when one of her clients was stuck on a dieting plateau. She got her to eat an apple before every meal and, without changing anything else about her eating habits, lost 1% of her body fat in just one week. Since then, hundreds more of her clients have lost an average of 17 pounds each over three months on her 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet.Now you, too, can lose weight effortlessly with The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. All you need to do is eat your three apples and follow Tammi’s low GI eating guidelines with the help of some easy meal plans. She also includes some simple exercise guidelines if you want to get physical.


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TAMMI FLYNN, MS, RDwith Jeanne Drury

This book is dedicated to my sisters, Tia and Teri, as

well as to those of you who are seeking balance and control over food and exercise issues. Finding the path of health that allows you to enjoy the process of eating healthily and exercising will provide you with a sense of well-being and peace—in mind, body, and spirit.

All the best,


Just knowing what to do is not enough. You need confidence, motivation, and a plan to make permanent changes.


How much do you want to know?

1. Ready to start the plan today? Go to Quick Start.

2. Want to learn just the basics? Read only the Key Points at the end of parts I–V (Key Points from Part I, Key Points from Part II, Key Points from Part III, and Key Points from Part IV).

3. Want to know the science behind the plan? Read this book from cover to cover.

Ideas to jump-start your motivation

• Take pictures of yourself in a swimsuit (two-piece), front and back, and decide if you want to make a change.

• Train for a marathon.

• Take your doctor’s advice to shape up.

• Train to climb Mt Everest.

• Create a get-fit contest in your office.

• Train like an athlete.

• Enrol your family in a “Fit Family Group” and get healthy together.

• Buy an expensive swimsuit in a smaller size and plan a trip to Hawaii.

• Go to your twentieth high-school reunion and check out an old flame or, better yet, the prom queen who snubbed you because you used to be fat!

The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet is not about eating apples because they are healthy, even though it’s a proven fact that they are. It’s about shedding unhealthy fat layers, building strength, keeping lean muscle, and transforming yourself—body and mind—into a fit, self-confident, full-of-life person.

The plan came about by accident as part of the “Get-Lean” Diet I designed for a fitness contest at our gym. In an effort to include more fibre in the diet, in the form of fruits and vegetables, I added an apple before each meal. The results were absolutely astonishing! Who would have guessed that 346 people would lose 6,000 pounds of fat in 12 weeks? Since then, the “accident” has been repeated countless times all over America—with the same amazing fat-loss and body-sculpting results. Read some of the personal success stories in Part V.

If you’re tired of diets, pills, and gimmicks and tired of being a human rubbish bin for all kinds of “convenience” foods (which are insidiously turning us into the fattest, unhealthiest people on earth) start the 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet today for good health, good nutrition, and permanent fat loss.

One more thing—be prepared to look and feel fabulous!

How and why it works

The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet offers a variety of meals and over 100 recipes custom designed to feed your muscle, not your fat. Each meal is calculated to provide your body with a balance of lean (low-fat) proteins, low-GI (based on the Glycaemic Index), high-fibre carbohydrates, and essential fats. This balance will keep your blood sugar and insulin levels stable, which is necessary for your body to get into a “fat-burning” mode. This balance also helps control your appetite, so you are less tempted by unhealthy foods. The recommended intake of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat is based on your current weight so you can maintain lean muscle tissue while shedding the fat.

The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet with its moderately high protein level is similar to some of the popular high-protein diets—at first glance. Protein provides calories that do not raise blood sugar, stabilizes blood sugar levels when eaten with carbohydrates, and provides necessary building blocks for maintaining muscle tissue.

Why this diet is different

This plan differs from those popular high-protein diets in two major ways:

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