The 7-Day GL Diet: Glycaemic Loading for Easy Weight Loss

The 7-Day GL Diet: Glycaemic Loading for Easy Weight Loss
О книге

GI is only half the picture – it’s the load that counts. GL, or Glycaemic Loading, is the newest diet revolution – it is simpler than low GI and more effective, too. Start today and watch the pounds melt away – and stay away. With this fantastic new plan you can love food and not feel guilty!Kick-start your new life to a slimmer and fitter you with The 7-Day GL Diet. Glycaemic Loading is the smart way to permanent weight loss as it allows you to balance your blood sugar levels by mixing and matching carbs. You will have many more food choices than you do on other diets (like low GI), and even better, there’s no faddy calorie-counting, weighing or measuring. Weight loss couldn’t be simpler!The 7-Day GL Diet includes:• What GL is and why it is better than GI• More-choice food lists – check out which 'banned' foods are back on the menu• Three 7-day plans to suit your individual lifestyle – ‘Fast and Friendly' (if time and convenience are key), 'Veggie Friendly’ (for time-pushed vegetarians) and 'Foodie Friendly' (for more leisurely gourmets).• Simple and delicious recipes, clear menu plans, quick-reference shopping lists

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Glycaemic Loading

for Easy Weight Loss

Nigel Denby with Tina Michelucci & Deborah Pyner



Title Page

Introduction: The Ultimate Diet

Part I – What is GL?

1 GI and GL Made Simple

2 How to Follow the 7-Day GL Diet

6 The 7-day Fast and Friendly Plan

7 The 7-day Veggie Friendly Plan

8 The 7-day Foodie Friendly Plan

9 Variety is the Spice of Life

Part IV – Living a Low-GL Lifestyle

10 Low-GL Food Lists with Portion Guide

11 A Guide to Low-GL Shopping and Eating Out

12 Love Your Food and Your Body

Part V – Further Information

13 The Evidence – Research that Shows Low-glycaemic Diets Work

14 Your Questions Answered

Appendix 1 – A-Z of Low-GL Foods

Appendix 2 – Recommended Reading


Index of Recipes


E-book Extra

About the Author

Reviews for the GL Diet


About the Publisher

In my role as both a clinical dietician working on the front line with patients, and as a dietician working in the media, the question I’m asked most frequently has to be: ‘What is the ultimate diet?’

It’s a claim that’s been made about so many of the diets that we now know to be at best useless and at worst dangerous. Before we can even begin to answer the question, I think we have to decide what the ultimate diet would need to include.

The ultimate diet – it works, it’s easy to follow, it’s based on sound scientific evidence, and it suits both men and women. There is no need to count points or calories or to weigh food. There is no humiliation or guilt! It is a diet for life – not just post-Christmas, and it’s safe. There is such a diet and it’s called the 7-day GL diet.

We know that every fad diet and every celebrity diet has maybe one or two of these attributes – but for me that’s not good enough. For any diet to bear my name, and more importantly for me to use with patients in clinics, I have to be completely satisfied that my criteria have been met.

I firmly believe that if we don’t have these high standards we will keep people in the ‘diet trap’, an unhealthy cycle leading to both physiological and psychological damage.

For me, the 7-day GL diet ticks all of the boxes. This isn’t a diet we thought up sitting in our office – it’s taken years of trials, research and adaptation to develop into a plan we are proud of and in which we have complete confidence.

From working with both men and women with weight issues I have learnt that while people like to have clear and simple guidelines, they are also more likely to succeed if given the responsibility of choice. This book will enable you to understand fully why the plan can work for you, and will help you to control your weight forever. What we want is for you to get to the point where you have learned enough to put the book away and get on with your life, without having to keep checking if you are doing things right.

The 7-day GL diet gives you the simple, flexible, straightforward foundations you need to start a new healthy way of eating. It will put you firmly in the ‘weight-control driving seat’ and keep you there!

Although it might seem like it, none of us goes upstairs one night thin and comes down the next morning with a weight problem – it takes years of repeated behaviour, and that behaviour becomes more ingrained with every failed dieting attempt. Writing the book has been both a professional and personal learning curve for all of us. Much of the advice, support and coaching we give to change these behaviours comes from our experience of working with real people, as well as from our personal stories of breaking free from our own ‘diet traps’.

With a combined 90 years of dieting experience between us, we created Diet Freedom to help other people just like us, people with busy, pressured lives who were frustrated with the continual cycle of either preparing for the next diet, or recovering from the most recent dieting failure. Along with our individual professional strengths – tireless researcher, amazingly experimental cook and diligent dietician – this experience puts us in a unique position to support you in your own quest for diet freedom.

You may notice throughout the book references to both our website and Diet Freedom Fighters. The name ‘Diet Freedom Fighters’ was coined by GL dieters on our website forums, who have taken up the GL challenge and are getting great results. We set up the website as an added support network and are delighted that it is so popular, not to mention huge fun. We love it and wanted to make sure you are aware that there is a lot more support available to you after reading the book – in fact, there’s a whole community out there waiting to welcome you!

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