The Art of Change Leadership

The Art of Change Leadership
О книге

Be an transformational leader during times of rapid organizational change

The Art of Change Leadership represents a major milestone in the study of change leadership. An approachable yet thorough guide for leaders and team members that illustrates how to increase speed and agility during times of intense technological innovation and fast change, this resource focuses on the ways in which you, as an individual, can harness your unique abilities to lead cultural change and personal leadership in a positive and proactive way. Through eleven comprehensive chapters, explore the need for increased human brain speed, how to improve your focus, the body/mind connection, agility within a team setting, improving productivity, communication with your team, and more.

Technology, globalization, evolving business models—these are just some of the variables impacting the competitive landscapes across virtually all industries. To keep up with the changes that these and other factors are creating, it is critical that you are able to understand what change leadership is, why it is important, and how you can leverage it in your workplace to positively impact your company.

Explore research on change leadership vs. change management to improve business

Leverage technology to improve productivity and adaptability to rapid change

Evolutionary approaches to change leadership that include energy management and innovative mindset approaches

Discover questionnaires, assessments and quizzes to assess your change leadership agilities

The Art of Change Leadership is a (r)evolutionary text that prepares you to increase your team's speed and agility, and to thrive in today's continually evolving business environment.


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Praise for The Art of Change Leadership

The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation in a Fast-Paced World” by Cheryl Cran provides real-time ideas, strategies, and creative solutions for leaders to help drive innovation and change in the workplace.”

– Tony Hsieh, NY Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness and CEO of

“In our rapid paced, information overloaded, and energy-deprived world, understanding the dynamics of change and human performance are essential leadership skills.

“In her fifth book, business change expert Cheryl Cran shares her much needed wisdom on how to apply your unique skills and stay ahead of the curve by leaping to (r)evolutionary change leadership!”

– Dr. Donald Epstein, founder of Epstein Institute; author, Energetics of Extraordinary

“The capacity to change is the new competitive advantage for businesses and individuals. Cheryl Cran powerfully shows how to be a change champion while leading others to do the same.”

– John Izzo, author of Stepping Up & Awakening Corporate Soul

“Buy this book! The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation in a Fast Paced World provides a roadmap for leaders and their teams to become more resilient, more agile, and more innovative, and as a result, more profitable. This book details ideas, strategies, and revolutionary plans to help your organization be the industry leader and gain a competitive advantage.”

– Colleen Francis, president of Engage Selling and author of Nonstop Sales Boom

“Cheryl Cran's book, The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World is a must read!

“The fast pace of change is impacting all industries and this book provides a road map to navigate and ‘win.’”

– Peter Legge, CEO of Canada Wide Media, author of The Runway of Life

“Cheryl Cran's new book focuses on the ultimate tipping point of change, technology, and people, with a unique understanding of how each organizational member must assume full responsibility for not only appreciating this vital interface, but also leading the way – regardless of where in the traditional hierarchy that member happens to reside. Cheryl also provides numerous assessments and exercises to help members discover their special gifts for successfully leading the transformation process in their organization.”

– Ralph H. Kilmann, PhD, author of Quantum Organizations and The Courageous Mosaic: Awakening Society, Systems, and Souls

The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World is a seminal work that bridges the often-ignored gap between process and people during change. A real-time, pragmatic blend of the ‘what’ and ‘how,’ this book should be part of every leader's toolkit who wants to not only accelerate change, drive organizational agility, and reap the benefits of genuine collaboration but also to personally thrive and develop continuously.”

– Simon Horan, Global Change Management training director, UK

“Outstanding change leadership is more vital today than perhaps any other time in history. No matter if you were born a leader or acquired the role of leadership, it's essential to know how to lead change. Discover for yourself not only what it takes to be a great change leader but how to be a great change leader. If you have the desire to be a master leader of change, Cheryl's new book is a must read.”

– Dr. Richard Kaye, regional director of CEO Space

The Art of Change Leadership

Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World

Cheryl Cran

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This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Copyright © 2016 by Synthesis at Work, Inc. All rights reserved

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

Published simultaneously in Canada

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