The Bitcoin Big Bang

The Bitcoin Big Bang
О книге

Connect and engage across channels with the new customers Connect is the ultimate marketing guide to becoming more relevant, effective, and successful within the new marketplace. Written by a team of marketing experts serving Fortune 500 brands, this book outlines the massive paradigm shift currently taking place within the industry, and provides the insight and perspective marketers need to stay on board. Readers will find guidance toward reaching a customer base that sees marketers as an unnecessary annoyance, and strategies for engaging those customers at touch points throughout the customer lifecycle. The book's scope encompasses both digital and real-life avenues, discussing the new ways of thinking and the new tools and processes that allow marketers to function in the new era where digital customer experiences are increasingly important. Marketing is undergoing a revolution to rival the impact of Gutenberg's printing press. Customers are in control, with more choice and more access than ever before, and they refuse to be "sold to" or "managed." Many marketing professionals are flailing for a new strategy while the winners are clearly jumping ahead – Connect takes readers inside the winners' world to learn the approach that's engaging the new consumer. Discover the technology and processes that allow marketers to remain relevant Craft a personal, relevant, and accessible customer journey that engages the connected customer Keep in touch throughout the customer's life cycle, both online and offline Link digital goals and metrics to business objectives for a more relevant strategy Smart marketers have moved to a higher level that achieves business objectives while increasing relevance to the customer. Connect provides readers a roadmap to this new approach, and the tools that make it work.


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How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World

Brian Kelly

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Copyright © 2015 by Brian Kelly. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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ISBN 9781118963661 (Hardcover)

ISBN 9781118963647 (ePDF)

ISBN 9781118963654 (ePub)

For my wife, Dawn, this book is a testament to your unwavering faith in my stupid ideas


Every so often I find myself with the insatiable desire to jump off a cliff and think about the consequences later. Some may call it curiosity, while others think I am just plain crazy. I typically relish the skepticism, as I have found that the best opportunities arise when everyone else thinks I am a little nuts. The Bitcoin Big Bang was one of these times – actually, truth be told, this time I was the one who was skeptical. Despite my fear, uncertainty, and doubt, I jumped anyway.

When I began writing The Bitcoin Big Bang, it was for selfish reasons: I had bought Bitcoin near the peak and now was in a losing trade and needed to know everything about this “investment.” I figured I could turn my research into a book and learn a few things in the process. I did not know that I had stumbled on one of the most fascinating and promising technological advances since the Internet. When I first heard of Bitcoin, it was through the currency markets, and that is where my journey to Bitcoin Enlightenment began.

I mistakenly assumed that Bitcoin was an interesting new currency that had held little promise. After all, was the U.S. government really going to allow an unregulated currency based on computer code to replace the dollar? What I now realize is that the currency is not the innovation; the blockchain technology is the game changer. The currency – bitcoin – is a fascinating alternative currency that has the potential to disrupt the global payment networks. However, it is the blockchain technology that is revolutionary.

The concept of the blockchain enables the transfer of secure information over an unsecured network. This may sound like a small step, but it is the first time in human history that this has been possible. The blockchain solves a multidecade-old problem in computer networking, and it can be applied to more than just currencies. It has the potential to end identity theft, create a secure Internet without the need for passwords, and revolutionize the way corporations do business.

When Jeff Bezos left a lucrative job as an investment banker to start an Internet bookstore called Amazon, everyone thought he was crazy. At that time, video stores like Blockbuster were in their prime and smartphones were landlines with an answering machine attached. Today, that same company (Amazon) is a leader in streaming video content to a handheld computer called a smartphone.

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