The Book Of Values

The Book Of Values
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A compendium of moral values discussed as social imperatives, rather than under the mantle of religion. Listed alphabetically, values ranting from Acceptance, Allegiance, Beauty, Work and Zeal are written in poetic prose accessible to everyone.

Society has become all too casual, from attire to speech.  Behavior has followed suit, as have attitudes and sentiments.  Within the pages of this book are time-honored principles that are as relevant today as they have always been, and do not impede freedom in society, but rather encourage harmony and a healthy expression of societal conventions.  Morality is as applicable to today’s lifestyle as it was in the past. 

Our moral values have not been lost.  They are sometimes displayed in magnificent glory, as in the memorial museum of 9/11; at other times, they seem to lie dormant.  Yet, they are present in all of us, and like the seedling that bursts through the fresh snow, they ultimately lift up their hearts and shine toward the light.

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The Book of Values

An Inspirational Guide to Our Moral Dilemmas


Yaël Eylat-Tanaka

Copyright 2014 © Yaël Eylat-Tanaka. The Book of Values. All rights reserved forever. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, graphic, electronic, or mechanical without express written permission from the author.

Legal Disclaimer: The contents of this book represent the views of its author. No warranty as to the efficacy and appropriateness of the advice and techniques mentioned or alluded to should be inferred. The author hereby disclaims any personal or professional loss or liability caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of the information herein presented.

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Society has become all too casual, from attire to speech. Behavior has followed suit, as have attitudes and sentiments. Within the pages of this book are time-honored principles that are as relevant today as they have always been, and do not impede freedom in society, but rather encourage harmony and a healthy expression of societal conventions. Morality is as applicable to today’s lifestyle as it was in the past.

Our moral values have not been lost. They are sometimes displayed in magnificent glory, as in the memorial museum of 9/11; at other times, they seem to lie dormant. Yet, they are present in all of us, and like the seedling that bursts through the fresh snow, they ultimately lift up their hearts and shine toward the light.

I have written this book without wishing to preach, without invoking religion, and without championing a particular philosophy. It is clear, however, that certain behaviors cause more problems than they solve, and therefore, it might behoove us to examine our thinking and belief systems so as to engender as much pleasure and happiness as possible for ourselves and those we interact with. This book should not be taken as a taskmaster, but should serve as a beacon, a guidepost to thought, and behavior.

You may find that some quotes and the text that follows, overlap; indeed, some of the values described share in significance and connotation.

The quotes herein are taken from historical luminaries, as well as from contemporary celebrities. I have attempted as best I can to assign proper attribution to each.

Yaël Eylat-Tanaka, 2014


“Aspire to decency. Practice civility toward one another. Admire and emulate ethical behavior wherever you find it. Apply a rigid standard of morality to your lives; and if, periodically, you fail as you surely will adjust your lives, not the standards.”

~Ted Koppel

From the beginning of time, moral codes have governed society. Morals were a set of rules for behavior that made it possible for living things to coexist. Those living things comprise not only human beings, but also certain members of the animal kingdom – lions, hyenas, wolves, and several other species. Rules had to be developed in order to establish an acceptable pecking order and ascribe a role for the alpha male’s status versus the young male vis-à-vis mating or feeding rights within that society, all for the purpose of smooth coexistence and harmonious interaction of the group members. While the pecking order among animals has remained fairly constant and predictable in establishing acceptable behavior, such is not the case among humans has not.

As civilization evolved, many of the rules that had been so useful in promoting and sustaining successful societies have been examined, tested, and reconfigured in favor of the current much more relaxed, devil-may-care attitude that reflects upon all facets of contemporary society, from lack of scruples in business to Wall Street greed and mendacity; from politics to the marital bed. Such overhaul in attitudes has also resulted in the epidemic of anxiety and depression that are rampant throughout the modern world.

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