The Circle Blueprint

The Circle Blueprint
О книге

Wisdom that's been inspiring, motivating, and guiding teachers for two decades The Courage to Teach speaks to the joys and pains that teachers of every sort know well. Over the last 20 years, the book has helped countless educators reignite their passion, redirect their practice, and deal with the many pressures that accompany their vital work. Enriched by a new Foreword from Diana Chapman Walsh, the book builds on a simple premise: good teaching can never be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher, that core of self where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge—enabling 'live encounters' between teachers, students, and subjects that are the key to deep and lasting learning. Good teachers love learners, learning, and the teaching life in a way that builds trust with students and colleagues, animates their daily practice, and keeps them coming back tomorrow. Reclaim your own vision and purpose against the threat of burn-out Understand why good teaching cannot be reduced to technique alone Explore and practice the relational traits that good teachers have in common Learn how to forge learning connections with your students and "teach across the gap" Whether used for personal study, book club exploration, or professional development, The Courage to Teach is rich with time-honored wisdom, and contemporary clarity about the ancient arts of teaching and learning.

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Decoding the Conscious and Unconscious Factors that Determine Your Success

Jack Skeen | Greg Miller | Aaron Hill

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About the Circle Blueprint System

The Circle Blueprint is a revolutionary life improvement system that is designed to help you on your path to happiness and success. It's made up of three components:

PART 1: THE BOOK. The Circle Blueprint: Decoding the Conscious and Unconscious Factors that Determine Your Success by Jack Skeen, Greg Miller, and Aaron Hill delves into the theory behind the system. It zeroes in on four developmental areas —Independence, Power, Humility, and Purpose– that combine to make you a “whole” and balanced person. Importantly, the authors explain the real meanings of these four words. (You might be surprised to learn their meanings have gotten lost over time.)

The authors paint a vivid picture of what these concepts look like in the life of a person who has mastered them (and conversely what they might look like when you haven't). They give you the language to finally understand on a deep level what's wrong in your life.

PART 2: THE ASSESSMENT. This scientifically validated psychometric self-assessment tool reveals your inherent personality traits as they pertain to the concepts in the book. It tells you exactly where you fall on a “mastery” spectrum in the book's four developmental areas – unearthing exactly where you are limiting your greatness. This is the self‐awareness piece that truly sparks change and pushes you to move toward balance, wholeness, and a life in which you thrive. By the way, your results are 100 percent confidential, so you can feel free to be completely honest when you answer the questions.

PART 3: THE SUPPLEMENTAL WORKBOOKS. These four workbooks are filled with step‐by‐step instruction to help you master the four key developmental areas. This is where you “do the work.” Some people choose to engage a coach during this phase, though it's not required.

Here are seven benefits of the Circle Blueprint System:

It's incredibly comprehensive. It covers a broad spectrum of behaviors and works well for many different personality types. Also, it sparks improvement (often dramatic improvement) in both the personal and professional areas of your life.

It's personalized. Many self‐help books and programs are “one size fits all.” They give generic advice on what to do without first showing you where you are on your journey right now. (This is why most don't work.) Thanks to the thorough and accurate assessment, the Circle Blueprint System is all about YOU and how you view yourself. Then, depending where you fall on the five‐point mastery scale – whose levels range from “hanging on” to “thriving” – you're directed to the appropriate starting point in the appropriate workbook. You start where you are.

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