The Cost Of The Forbidden

The Cost Of The Forbidden
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The price of endless pleasure!Clients, women, money…ruthless CEO Sev Derzhavin is a master at getting whatever – and whoever! – he wants. Rejected as a child, Sev has never been refused since. So when his personal assistant, beautiful brunette Naomi Johnson, resigns Sev can’t resist the challenge of enticing her to stay…Naomi knows she has to walk away before she gives in to the chemistry with her infamous heartbreaker boss and opens her heart to yet more bruises. But on their last business trip to Dubai Sev makes a shocking suggestion to relieve the tension between them…enjoy some overtime – in his bed!

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Sev kissed her in a way he perhaps shouldn’t if Naomi was going to keep her head.

Side on, eyes open long enough for them to know that what they were doing was breaking their rules.

Their legs were entwined, but now there was time for more. And so Naomi kissed him in a way perhaps she shouldn’t. Three months of restraint had ended on the plane, but a different restraint ended this morning. She had never known a kiss like it. Their tongues swirled, mouth played with mouth. She took in his lower lip just to feel it between hers, they stroked at each other’s mouths, caressed the other’s tongue. Yes, she had never known a kiss like it—and she guessed after this morning she never would again.

Irresistible Russian Tycoons

Sexy, scandalous and impossible to resist!

Daniil, Roman, Sev and Nikolai have come a long way from the Russian orphanage they grew up in. These days the four sexy tycoons dominate the world’s stage—and they are just as famed for their prowess between the sheets!

Untamed and untouched by emotion, can these ruthless men find women to redeem them?

You won’t want to miss these sizzling Russians in this sensational quartet from

USA TODAY bestselling author Carol Marinelli—available only from Mills & Boon Modern Romance!

The Price of His Redemption December 2015

The Cost of the Forbidden January 2016

And watch for Nikolai and Roman’s stories … coming soon!

The Cost of the Forbidden

Carol Marinelli

CAROL MARINELLI is a Taurus, with Taurus rising, yet she still thinks she’s a secret Gemini. Originally from England, she now lives in Australia and is a single mother of three. Apart from her children, writing romance and the friendships forged along the way are her passion. She chooses to believe in a happy-ever-after for all and strives for that in her writing.


‘YOU’RE ENGLISH?’ NAOMI watched from the other side of a large polished desk as Sevastyan Derzhavin flicked through her résumé with little enthusiasm.

He’d already made up his mind that she hadn’t got the job, Naomi decided. So it was now just a matter of going through the motions.

What she didn’t know was Sevastyan never went through the motions.

Social niceties did not apply to him.

‘I was born here and my father lives here in New York,’ Naomi answered. ‘So I’m legal...’

‘I wasn’t asking for that.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m not really big on red tape. It was your accent that had me curious. How long have you been here?’ He continued to look at her résumé and frowned as Naomi answered him.

‘Twelve days.’

‘You’re staying in a hostel?’ he checked.

‘Just till I find somewhere to live, though that’s proving harder than I thought it would.’

He glanced up and saw that she was blushing—she had been since the moment he’d called her name, or perhaps her complexion was just perpetually red?

‘I thought that you said that your father lived—’

‘His wife just had a new baby.’ Naomi interrupted.

‘I don’t blame you, then.’


He stiffened.

It was the third time that she had said it.

‘I don’t blame you for not wanting to stay with him if there’s a screaming baby.’

Naomi didn’t respond but her slight swallow and blink told him that, very possibly, his comment was the wrong way around—that her father didn’t want Naomi staying with him.

He had been about to tell her that they were wasting each other’s time. Sevastyan didn’t deal in emotion. Computers were his thing. Books too. Not people.

There was no point in dragging things out and so he would tell her that this wasn’t going to work; that she could never be his PA.

And he would tell her why if she asked.

Naomi Johnson had one of those apologetic personalities that irked Sev.

One of the last English words he’d learnt had been ‘sorry’ and he rarely used it.

Naomi had said it twice even before taking her seat.

She had said sorry when he’d gone into Reception to call her in for the interview and she had knocked over her glass of water as she’d stood. Then, as she had taken a seat in his sumptuous Fifth Avenue office, he’d politely asked how her morning had been. Naomi clearly hadn’t made out what he’d said and it had been ‘sorry’ again.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ had been his irritated reply.

And now she had just said it again.

‘I don’t think it will work,’ Sev said.

‘Mr Derzhavin—’

‘Sev,’ he interrupted. ‘I’m not a schoolteacher.’ He looked up into serious brown eyes and, seeing her rapid blink, he reeled back a touch from his usual abrupt dismissal. She—Naomi—had clearly made a huge effort for the interview today. The hostel she was staying at was a dive yet she was here in a smart suit. It was a touch tight, Sev thought, noticing her curves. Her dark brown hair was neatly tied back and she looked...

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