The Devil’s Diadem

The Devil’s Diadem
О книге

Sara Douglass has won legions of fans around the world for her epic tales of sorcery, forbidden love, and heart-pounding action. Now, with the The Devil’s Diadem, she reveals her biggest adventure yet.In a world gone mad, is the Devil’s word the only one you can trust?A foolish monk stole the devil’s favourite diadem and the devil wants it back.It is mid-twelfth century Europe and Maeb Langtofte joins an aristocratic household to attend Adelie, the wife of the Earl of Pengraic. The earl is a powerful Lord of the Marches, the dark Welsh borderlands.Then a plague that has swept Europe overtakes England and as life descends into chaos and civil disorder, Maeb is about to discover that the horrors she survived at Pengraic Castle were but a prelude to the terrifying maelstrom which now envelops her and all of her countryfolk.Hell has come to desecrate England, and the only thing that can possibly foil its plans are the wits of one lonely, isolated and terrified woman.


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Sara Douglass

The Devil’s Diadem


Karen Brooks, you beautiful, amazing, courageous woman,

this is for you, with all of my love and all of my thanks.


Speak not the word, for remember that the wind shall carry your word to all the corners of the earth, as also to the ears of God and of the Devil both.

Traditional folk saying



Title Page



Author’s Note

Map: Twelfth-Century England & Wales

Map: Pengraic Castle

Map: Twelfth-Century London

Map: The Conqueror’s Tower

Place Names

Maeb Langtofte That Was, her Testimony

Part One: Rosseley Manor

Chapter One

His footsteps tripped down the great stone staircase as if…

Chapter Two

I waited in that wretched little alcove for what felt…

Chapter Three

My days fell into an easy routine within the Pengraic…

Chapter Four

The next day began as had all my previous mornings…

Chapter Five

Naturally, fate and Lady Adelie conspired to make me break…

Chapter Six

I found Yvette and she went to Lady Adelie.

Chapter Seven

The next day passed in a blur of activity as…

Chapter Eight

We departed Rosseley shortly afterward. The king, Summersete and Scersberie…

Chapter Nine

We reached Oxeneford late in the afternoon. The king had…

Chapter Ten

The next day Evelyn woke me. She’d been up early…

Chapter Eleven

We left very early the next morning. I was glad,…

Chapter Twelve

If Lady Adelie had been too tired to pursue me,…

Part Two: The Death

Chapter One

Pengraic Castle was a marvel, but it also disconcerted me…

Chapter Two

I slept in the solar, for Mistress Yvette (who slept…

Chapter Three

There was no further chance for Stephen to return and…

Chapter Four

We went straight to Lady Adelie. I was thrilled to…

Chapter Five

Stephen asked me to go to the kitchen to order…

Chapter Six

Numbed by all that had happened, I nonetheless managed to…

Chapter Seven

Without Lady Adelie, Yvette, Evelyn and myself were purposeless. Having…

Chapter Eight

We lay together on the bed, side by side, our…

Chapter Nine

I found some water, enough to wash Stephen down, and…

Chapter Ten

This time was that of the Devil, I am certain.

Part Three: The Countess

Chapter One

I drank the hemlock, and was grateful and at peace.

Chapter Two

It took me years to understand why I did not…

Chapter Three

Evelyn came to help me back to bed, happily prattling…

Chapter Four

I lay awake for much of the night. I felt…

Chapter Five

The visit to the chapel to Stephen’s grave, and my…

Chapter Six

I sat up late into the night, stitching the earl’s…

Chapter Seven

Despite Prince Henry’s obvious desire for haste, we tarried in…

Chapter Eight

We married within ten days. I spent much of that…

Chapter Nine

Thus I became the Countess of Pengraic. A new circumstance…

Chapter Ten

The northern gates clanged shut behind us and I heard…

Part Four: The Conqueror’s Tower

Chapter One

I had hardly dared allow myself to think about the…

Chapter Two

I went to the chapel early in the morning on…

Chapter Three

I rose in the pre-dawn darkness, wrapping myself in a…

Chapter Four

I stood, smoothing the fine linen kirtle over my body,…

Chapter Five

‘Are you quite overcome yet?’ Lady Alianor said to me…

Chapter Six

I accompanied the king in to dinner, which was a…

Chapter Seven

We arrived home. I was exhausted and fraught. I could…

Chapter Eight

Raife took me back to court one more time before…

Chapter Nine

Raife arrived the next day in the late morning. There…

Part Five: Christmastide

Chapter One

Raife had hurried home for what Edmond liked to call…

Chapter Two

When we returned from the hunt we partook of a…

Chapter Three

‘How can you name my wife!’ Raife said immediately. ‘She…

Chapter Four

The hall was in an uproar. Many people were shouting.

Chapter Five

Raife hugged me to him so tightly he squeezed my…

Chapter Six

Winter was colder than it had been for many years.

Chapter Seven

The de Lacy’s manor hall sat atop a rise amid…

Chapter Eight

I stayed abed the next day, and only heard what…

Chapter Nine

When the morrow arrived, it was to discover that Edmond…

Chapter Ten

I tried to put the Templars and their accusations behind…

Part Six: The Bearscathe Mountains

Chapter One

I had been exceedingly unsettled by that chapel visit, and…

Chapter Two

I returned to our privy chamber, not answering Isouda when…

Chapter Three

We travelled in as small a company as possible. It…

Chapter Four

We started early the next day. It should be an…

Chapter Five

The weave scarring on Henry’s cheek looked black and deep…

Chapter Six

My mind simply would not accept that this was Edmond.

Chapter Seven

The next day we travelled to Pengraic Castle. It was…

Chapter Eight

Perhaps that day spent out of bed had wearied me,…

Part Seven: The Devil’s Diadem

Chapter One

We rode into London five days later. The last I…

Chapter Two

I sat up, slowly.

Chapter Three

I woke just after dawn the next morning. I lay…

Chapter Four

I was still out of sorts when I was summoned…

Chapter Five

Again, there was just Raife and Edmond waiting in the…

Chapter Six

‘Jesu!’ Edmond exclaimed, and I turned to look at the…

Chapter Seven

We went to the Tower and down the stairwell. I…

Part Eight: The Falloway Man

Chapter One

As I had known it would, terrible scandal erupted the…

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