The Doctor's Defender

The Doctor's Defender
О книге

DO NO HARM As a trauma surgeon, Dr. Brenda Storm saves lives every day. But someone wants her dead. It starts with the anonymous delivery of poisoned cupcakes. Now the hospital has hired a bodyguard to protect her 24/7. At first, Brenda doesn’t think too-handsome Kyle Martin is right for the job.Then she discovers his harrowing background—and that Kyle will do anything to keep her safe. With every attempt on her life, she’s more drawn to the strong and silent man who risks his life for hers. But their growing feelings could put them both in harm’s way.Protection Specialists: Guarding the innocent


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As a trauma surgeon, Dr. Brenda Storm saves lives every day. But someone wants her dead. It starts with the anonymous delivery of poisoned cupcakes. Now the hospital has hired a bodyguard to protect her 24/7. At first, Brenda doesn’t think too-handsome Kyle Martin is right for the job. Then she discovers his harrowing background—and that Kyle will do anything to keep her safe. With every attempt on her life, she’s more drawn to the strong and silent man who risks his life for hers. But their growing feelings could put them both in harm’s way.

“Do you ever give a straight answer?” Brenda asked.

“Not if I can help it.” Kyle understood she wanted to know what made him tick, what made him qualified to protect her, what made him who he was.

But he needed her to trust him without knowing the answers. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me. I promise.”

Her mouth twisted in a wry grimace. “What choice do I have?”

He grinned again. “Now, that’s the spirit.” He sobered as he approached the next subject, prepared to do battle. “We need to figure out a more secure location for you.”

Dark eyebrows shot up almost to her hairline. “Excuse me?”

He gestured toward the covered window. “Too many places a sniper could take a shot from. The outside hallway’s too tight. A perfect place for an ambush. If we needed to escape, all anyone would have to do is pick us off as we came out the door.”

A visible tremor worked over her. “I don’t know where we could go.”

“I do.”


At an early age Terri Reed discovered the wonderful world of fiction and declared she would one day write a book. Now she is fulfilling that dream and enjoys writing for Love Inspired Books. Her second book, A Sheltering Love, was a 2006 RITA® Award finalist and a 2005 National Readers’ Choice Award finalist. Her book Strictly Confidential, book five in the Faith at the Crossroads continuity series, took third place in the 2007 American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year Award, and Her Christmas Protector took third place in 2008. She is an active member of both Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her college-sweetheart husband, two wonderful children and an array of critters. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, gardening and playing with her dogs.

You can write to Terri at P.O. Box 19555 Portland, OR 97280. Visit her on the web at, leave comments on her blog,, or email her at [email protected].

The Doctor’s Defender

Terri Reed

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge

and my fortress: my God; in Him I will trust.”

—Psalms 91:2

To my husband, who is always my hero.


“You’re working late again.”

Dr. Brenda Storm glanced up from the open files spread out across her desk and winced. Dr. Sam Johnson walked into her office, looking very GQ, with his gelled hair, pressed slacks and starched shirt beneath his white lab coat. She hadn’t heard the door open, let alone a knock.

The thought of having to fend off another of his unwelcome advances made her stomach churn. The plastic surgeon might have excellent skills when it came to facial reconstruction, but he hadn’t a clue about her lack of interest in him. He was probably so used to women falling at his feet that he saw her disinterest as a challenge.

Well, she wasn’t looking for romance. She had too much to accomplish, too much at stake. Her career came first. It would always come first.

And even if she were looking for a relationship, it certainly wouldn’t be with some playboy hotshot whose ego was triple his shoe size. She’d made that kind of mistake once when she was young and naive.

She’d fallen for such a guy once her first year of med school. Josh had been cute, smart and charismatic. A total player.

And she’d been just another conquest to brag about.

Humiliated and hurt, she’d vowed then to be more careful when it came to romance. So far her carefulness hadn’t lent itself to finding a husband, much to her parents’ chagrin.

She forced a smile. “Hi, Sam. What can I do for you?”

His white, even teeth gleamed when he smiled. All practiced charm. It usually worked for him, she was sure, but to her it came across as very phony. Too much like the men her parents were constantly trying to fix her up with. Men who wanted the prestige of having a general surgeon for a wife, but not the lifestyle that went with it.

Long hours and single-minded focus were what got her this far. At thirty-four she was a well-respected general-practice surgeon with ambitions to be department chief. That usually didn’t settle well with prospective suitors.

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