The Edge of Eternity

The Edge of Eternity
О книге

SOMETHING STRANGE WAS IN THE MISTS OF FERNHAVENA mantle of mystery had closed in on Elizabeth Blackstone. An inexplicable–unnatural–sensation of being watched had stricken her ever since the accident that claimed her young son and nearly her, as well. Trapped in the depths of despair, she'd been experiencing gaps in her memory, hearing and seeing things that weren't there…feeling even more frightening things. Her once-loving husband, Paul–a handsome, successful businessman–had become a grief-stricken stranger, who'd seemingly retreated from their marriage. But it was an impromptu excursion to the luxury hotel in Fernhaven that proved the true test of their bond….Paul was desperate to save his wife from the edge of devastation or worse. Would his love be strong enough to overcome a sinister and inconceivable interloper?


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He still had the power to take her breath away

It wasn’t fair, Elizabeth thought fleetingly. It wasn’t fair that after everything they’d been through, after all the grief and hurt and bitterness of the past eighteen months, he still had the power to take her breath away.

“Elizabeth! What are you—what brings you by here?”

He chose his words carefully around her, for so long, she wondered if either of them even knew how to relax anymore.

Coming over to stand behind his desk, his gray eyes raked her curiously. And no wonder. She hadn’t been in his office in over a year. Not since before the accident.

“I decided to drop by and see if you have dinner plans.”

He lifted a brow as he regarded her across the expanse of the desk. For the longest moment he said nothing and Elizabeth rushed to explain. “There’s…something I need to talk to you about.”

“I see.” His gaze flickered, but she didn’t have a clue what he was thinking. He seemed so remote, so cold. Nothing at all like the man who had barely let her out of bed on their honeymoon.

She didn’t want to remember their honeymoon now. Or the night they’d made their precious son…. She couldn’t do what she had to….

The Edge of Eternity

Amanda Stevens


Amanda Stevens is the bestselling author of over thirty novels of romantic suspense. In addition to being a Romance Writers of America RITA>® Award finalist, she is also the recipient of awards in Career Achievement in Romantic/Mystery and Career Achievement in Romantic/Suspense from Romantic Times magazine. She currently resides in Texas. To find out more about past, present and future projects, please visit her Web site at


Elizabeth Blackstone—Haunted by her son’s death, she becomes vulnerable to an evil seduction. The only one who can save her is the man she turned away from.

Paul Blackstone—A weekend trip to save his marriage becomes a battle to save his wife’s soul.

Roland Latimer—Is he a ghost trapped in the mists of Fernhaven…or a figment of Elizabeth’s imagination?

Frankie Novak—Elizabeth’s business partner has secrets of her own she must hide.

Nina Wilson—A woman who insists that she and Paul are meant to be together.

Dr. Julian Summers—Has he formed an unnatural attachment to his patient?

Zoë Lindstrom—Is she truly a psychic with the ability to “hear” messages from beyond, or merely a clever shyster?


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter One

After weeks of gloomy weather, the sun finally broke over the Olympic Mountains and danced in flames across the steely waters of Puget Sound. There was even a rainbow arching like a mystical doorway over the bay. It was one of those golden, fleeting days that Seattleites celebrate and revere, and it was in that moment of sparkling sunlight and glimmering rainbows that Elizabeth Blackstone decided to divorce her husband.

“How do you think he’ll take it?” her friend and business partner, Frankie Novak, asked, concerned. To take advantage of the glorious weather, they’d strolled from their shop in Pioneer Square to a trendy new restaurant on the waterfront that Frankie had been dying to try. Instead of being seated at one of the coveted tables with a view, however, they’d been led to what Frankie called the second-tier seating area. The tables along the windows overlooking the bay were reserved for the business moguls and the high-tech movers and shakers that dominated Seattle’s economy. An unknown fashion designer and a struggling entrepreneur hardly rated first-tier seating in the city’s hottest new restaurant.

“It won’t come as that much of a surprise,” Elizabeth said in answer to Frankie’s question. “We may still live in the same house, but we’ve been separated for months. Things haven’t been the same since…” Say it, a little voice commanded. Say his name.

Frankie reached over and put her hand over Elizabeth’s. “I know. But divorce is never easy, especially after everything else you’ve been through. Aren’t you…” Now it was Frankie who trailed off uncomfortably.

“Aren’t I what?”

Frankie shrugged. “You and Paul have been married forever. Aren’t you afraid of being alone?”

But I’m already alone, Elizabeth wanted to tell her. Living by herself couldn’t possibly be as lonely as living with a man who no longer loved her. Paul still cared for her in his own way, she supposed, but the passion and closeness had long since been spent.

“I’ll survive,” she said numbly. She always did. Somehow.

Frankie stabbed a prawn in her spinach salad and took a moment to savor the seafood morsel. “Still, you have to wonder what he’s going to say, don’t you?”

“I don’t expect he’ll say much of anything.” Elizabeth toyed with her pear salad. “He’ll probably move out and then he’ll have his lawyer contact my lawyer to negotiate an equitable distribution of the assets.”

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