The Ghost Of Margaret Houg

The Ghost Of Margaret Houg
О книге

London, nowadays. The wife of a powerful and chatted banker dies but, a year after the death, the sons of the lady say they have seen the ghost wandering around the villa. It is a matter of fact? It's a nightmare? There is something murky in the affair?

London, nowadays. The wife of a powerful and chatted banker dies but, a year after the death, the sons of the lady say they have seen the ghost wandering around the villa. It is a matter of fact? It's a nightmare? There is something murky in the affair? It's up to Ernest Devon, a former policeman from Scotland Yard now private investigator and his friend Roni, solve the complicated case, which develops between blackmail, suspicions and a brutal murder. In the background runs the personal sentimental story of the protagonist who defends with tender obstinacy his impossible love for his ex-wife.


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Elton Varfi

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The present book is a work of pure fantasy. Any reference to names of people, places, events, historical facts, whether they really existed or existing, is to be considered purely coincidental and unintentional.

2012 - 2018 © Elton Varfi

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form.

Requests for publication and / or use of this work or part of it, in a context not being the only private reading, must be sent to: [email protected]


Eva Melisa Mastroianni

The Ghost of Margaret Houg

London, nowadays. The wife of a powerful and chatted banker dies but, a year after the death, the sons of the lady say they have seen the ghost wandering around the villa. It is a matter of fact? It`s a nightmare? There is something murky in the affair? It`s up to Ernest Devon, a former policeman from Scotland Yard now private investigator and his friend Roni, solve the complicated case, which develops between blackmail, suspicions and a brutal murder. In the background runs the personal sentimental story of the protagonist who defends with tender obstinacy his impossible love for his ex-wife


Elton Varfi was born in Durazzo (Albania) in 1977. He lives and works in Palermo. He’s a passionate reader of horror and detective stories. His first detective story "The Ghost of Margaret Houg," was translated in Spanish and English. From 2009 to 2012 he was the administrator of the blog “The enigma of the Albanian language”, which can be consulted at

Chapter 1

That morning Ernest was already feeling tired and he didn’t want to answer the phone that was ringing nonstop. At last, he got up and picked up the phone. On the other side of the phone, he heard his friend Roni’s voice that seemed weirder than usual.

That day looked like his friend had kicked in high gear and Ernest didn’t even have the time to say hello before getting filled up with questions.

“ Hey, smart-ass! How come you have not been in touch for a week? Not even answer the phone! It looks like you no longer need money! Did you win the lottery or something?”

“ No, Roni, I have not won any lottery and to be honest some money would be handy, but I don’t get what money has in common with you,” Ernest replied ironically.

“ Some friend you are! I go out of my way for you and this is how you repay me?”

“ What?” Ernest replied, who wasn’t really getting the meaning of that.

“ I’ll be there in half an hour, so I can explain you everything,” Roni said, ending the call.

Ernest remained clutching the receiver and a smile on his face, denoting its strong concern for this unusual behavior of his friend. Actually, he was glad to see that Roni was his best, and maybe only friend, but he was feeling exhausted because of the night before; so he decided to take a shower.

He strangely was in a good mood again, but he didn’t really know why. Maybe it was the long and relaxing shower or maybe the thought of Roni’s arrival that would always make him feel good. He was the only one who had got him through during difficult times, giving him courage and supporting him in every decision. He had been by his side when he was dropped out of the Homicide Squad of Scotland Yard and when Luisa had broken up with him. Ernest didn’t know what he’d do without Roni.

While these thoughts alternated in his mind, there was a knock at the door. It was Roni.

“ You’re in good shape,” Ernest said to his friend, which, as soon as he saw Ernest’s expression, knew that something was wrong.

“ It's been a very tough night, yesterday, hasn’t it? And don’t tell me no, because I know you very well. You can’t trick me,” Roni kept talking.

Ernest nodded and Roni continued: “I bet you saw Luisa or am I wrong?”

Ernest, who wasn't expecting anything else, replied: “Yes, I saw her by chance last night and I acted like an idiot. I couldn’t say a word, we just greeted each and she went away. Later on, I called to invite her over for dinner.”

“ And her?” Roni asked, of course her answer could not be positive, given the condition in which he had found his friend.

“ Well ... she didn't even answer my call.”

“ So? That’s strange? If she’s not home she can’t answer your call. You shouldn't let this bring you down.”

“ Don’t try to make me feel better, Roni, it’s useless. It’s over now. But the angriest thing is that I’ve not yet figured out what brought her away from me. I thought that, by leaving my investigator job, we would get closer and instead she left me.”

After Ernest's breakdown, they stayed silent for a few minutes. Then Roni got up and asked him: “By the way, you're still a private investigator or did you resign?” and without waiting for the answer he continued, “I have a job for you.”

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