The Girl in the Shadows

The Girl in the Shadows
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‘A stylish and sophisticated thriller. With bold, clever writing, this is an assured debut and very welcome addition to the genre.’ – Aviva DautchA teenage girl, missing in Paris.A young woman, searching for her mother.A female PI on a mission.When police drop the case on missing Mathilde Benazet, renegade PI Veronique Cotillard steps in to prove that she can succeed where police inspector Guillaume Leveque failed…Alice Weston’s father had always told her that her mother died in childbirth – but now, Alice has proof that her mother may be alive and living in Paris. When her father dies, Alice decides to take matters into her own hands: it’s time to uncover her family’s long-buried secrets… at any cost.As Alice and Veronique’s lives intertwine, and the city of Paris prepares to celebrate Bastille Day in the shadows of a gathering storm, both women must face the ghosts of their past – and the monsters in the present.What reviewers are saying about THE GIRL IN THE SHADOWS:‘Fast paced and kept me on my toes. I couldn't wait to read what was going to happen next. Veronique is a strong female detective which is really refreshing.’ – Dash Fan, Blogger‘This is the kind of book that you desperately hope will have a sequel; all of these characters (especially Veronique, Christophe and Guillaume) have such depth that it would be a shame not to meet them again in the future.’ – Lynne Frappier, NetGalley reviewer‘Katherine Debona is a fine writer. This book is both well written and plotted.’ – Joyce Fox, NetGalley reviewer‘A girl is missing in this complex family drama that is both heart wrenching and infuriating … Keep the tissues handy! The writer's style is very readable. I loved this book.’ – Judy Dowell, NetGalley reviewer‘A complex and intricately woven mystery.’ – Rosemary Smith, NetGalley reviewer‘Kept me guessing as there were twists and turns galore, with a surprising ending.’ – Philip White, NetGalley reviewer‘I was drawn in from the onset.’ – Susan Anne Burton, NetGalley reviewer

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A teenage girl missing in the Paris underworld

A young woman in search of her long-lost mother

A female PI on a personal mission

When police drop the case on missing Mathilde Benazet, renegade PI Veronique Cotillard steps in to prove that she can succeed where police inspector Guillaume Leveque and his team have failed…

Alice Weston’s father had always told her that her mother died in childbirth – but now Alice has proof she may be alive and living in Paris. Now her father is dead she has nothing to stay for, it’s time to uncover her family’s long-buried secrets…

As their lives intertwine and the city prepares to celebrate Bastille Day in the shadow of a gathering storm, both Veronique and Alice will face the ghosts of the past – and the monsters in the present.

The Girl in the Shadows

Katherine Debona

KATHERINE DEBONA studied History at Oxford University before working in investment banking. She lives in Kent with her husband and two children.


My editor, Victoria Oundjian, and everyone at HQ for believing in me and my story.

Tom Bromley, my tutor extraordinaire. Debs, for all her early edits and read-throughs. My fellow students at Faber who helped spot my silly mistakes and buoyed me on in moments of doubt.

My parents, for loving and supporting me whilst I pursued my dreams.

Neil, for allowing me the space and time to write, even when the kids are up at the crack of dawn and driving us mad.

D & S, my two incredible reasons for getting up in the morning.

In memory of Nan. Thank you for teaching me that girls can do anything.

Chapter 1


Paris, France. Before.

‘Death isn’t your only option.’

‘You know what she’s like.’ Spidery lashes fell onto ashen skin, the suggestion of a bruise already beginning to show.

‘Then go to the police.’ His words were accompanied by a bulbous cloud of nicotine that she swatted away, the movement rippling up her arm in an accumulation of pain. He held on to her as they crossed the street, tighter than she would normally allow.

A woman ran past, lean precise movements that Mathilde recognised without needing to look. She knew the woman would turn at the corner and cross the river, would return to this café to sit in the corner as she ordered her staple of coffee and eggs.

‘At least go to the hospital.’ He held the door open for her and she sank into the café’s enveloping warmth.

Non. No hospitals. No records, nothing that can be used to find me.’ She sat at an empty table as he went over to the bar, found herself scanning the road outside, seeking out the retreating runner.

She had wanted to speak to her from the very first time. To ask her the story behind her scar, to find out if she too had suffered at the hands of another. But there was never a moment in which she felt able to step into the open, to reveal the truth she had kept hidden for so long.

And now she had to bury the lies even deeper.

He placed a glass mug in front of her. Amber tendrils seeped out into the steaming water as fragrant leaves teased her senses and her stomach complained at its lack of sustenance. She remembered the abandoned supper, her mind taunting her with the image she knew she could never forget.

‘She will look for you.’ He sipped his own drink, lips puckering at the bitter heat.

‘I know.’

‘Then let me protect you.’

‘You’re sweet.’ She dropped her head, tucked a curl behind one ear.

‘But not sweet enough.’

It was too much. The effort of trying to exist was slowly wasting her away. She had to run, to free herself of the endless to and fro, of camouflaging her pain. Pain that had become as commonplace as the setting of the sun.

There was no other way.

‘Take this.’ She removed the locket from around her neck, rubbing it against the ruby clot on her forehead before handing it over.

‘Where should I leave it?’

‘Somewhere it will be found.’

‘And then?’

She dared not answer. A conscience that had been her downfall, a softness she had battled against still preventing her from uttering any untruth.

‘Then go.’ He swiped at the air, polished cufflinks catching the light and dancing over her face.

She stood on legs dragged down by the inevitable. The chair clattered to the floor behind her, but no one turned to watch, the hour too early for any other customers.

‘Be careful,’ she whispered. All too aware of the risk he was going to take, for her.

‘You showed me a kindness I had long since forgotten.’ He cupped her hand between his own, eyes focused on the movement of thumb over her wrist as the solace in his voice offered up a farewell. ‘God will not spare my soul. It is tainted with the cruelty of too many years. But you still have the chance of living, of sharing your gift with the world.’

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