The Girl with Green Eyes

The Girl with Green Eyes
О книге

Greg is a porter at the Shepton Hotel in New York. When a girl with beautiful green eyes asks him for help, Greg can't say no. The girl's name is Cassie, and she says she is an artist. She tells Greg that her stepfather has her sketchbooks, and now she wants them back. Cassie says her stepfather is staying at Greg's hotel… so what could go wrong?


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Greg works at the Shepton Hotel in New York. Opposite the hotel there is a coffee shop, and Greg goes there for a coffee every day after work. Every day he sees a girl there with beautiful green eyes. One day, Greg sits next to the girl. She tells him her name is Cassie, and she asks him for help.

Cassie tells Greg that she is an artist. She says her stepfather has her sketch books, and Cassie wants them back. She also says her stepfather is staying at the Shepton Hotel, so Greg agrees to help.

Greg is very happy when he gets the sketch books and gives them to Cassie. Cassie is very happy, too.

But then Greg meets his friend Mike. Mike tells Greg that he’s in trouble. The police want to talk to him and are waiting at his apartment.

What is wrong? Why do the police want to talk to Greg?

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First published in Oxford Bookworms 2012
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ISBN: 978 0 19 479434 3 Reader
ISBN: 978 0 19 479433 6 Audio CD Pack
Printed in China
Word count (main text): 1550
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e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 463042 9
e-Book first published 2014

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