The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank

The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank
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The Handbook of Technical Analysis

The Practitioner's Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis


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I dedicate this work to my family, for their unconditional support and encouragement through thick and thin


I sincerely believe that this handbook is a feast for serious technical traders as well as for hardcore technical analysis practitioners. This handbook is especially meant for beginner professionals looking to improve their trading performance, and in the process, trying to avoid some of the more painful collisions with complex charting theories. I wish I had this book years ago. That said, I enjoy reading it today, finding Mark’s pearls of wisdom an aid to improve my technical trading.

Mark is one of Malaysia’s distinguished technical analysis gurus whose dazzling mind produces more fresh ideas in a book than most other experts in an entire lifetime. Since knowing him back in 2002, he has been an influential mentor and a respectable trader, becoming well known from 2002 to 2007 as being one of Malaysia’s finest traders. Most of his trading techniques and theories in the handbook are now included in most of my trading programs.

There are a lot of books on technical analysis. Most of them concentrate on very specific items, exploring a particular concept in great depth. A long and detailed handbook covering a broad range of topics with practical value such as this is much more difficult to find. Mark gives his readers diverse market indicators to identify positive investment climates, backing them up with in-depth theoretical explanations and real-world chart examples. He exposes powerful technical signals and uncovers some of the most obscure concepts in technical analysis, reducing them to a set of very clear and lucid rules.

I believe that this handbook provides an excellent starting point, as well as a comprehensive reference text for technically orientated practitioners. It outlines the primary principles of technical analysis and provides a solid foundation for moving forward into more advanced and cutting-edge concepts. For the experienced trader, this book will also serve as a reliable refresher, reinforcing good technical trading practices that are both enduring and effective. It explains technical trading in a clear and easily understandable format, examining entire concepts, from start to finish. All techniques discussed are succinctly illustrated with clear chart examples.

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