The Lawman's Rebel Bride

The Lawman's Rebel Bride
О книге

SECOND-CHANCE WEDDING… Deputy Sheriff Harlan Slade owes Belle Barnes a wedding, and she's ready to collect. The divorced single dad left Belle at the altar years ago. Now, for the sake of Belle's ailing grandmother, he agrees to temporarily tie the knot. Their faux union quickly feels all too real, but Harlan must protect his young daughter's feelings and his own bruised heart.Belle's passion for rescuing animals means frequent run-ins with the law. But she promises Harlan she'll stay out of trouble – except for the kind she finds with him when old sparks fly. It seems Belle and Harlan's short-term family has a future, until someone from their past threatens it all. Will Belle's impulsive streak cost her the first real family she's ever known?


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Deputy Sheriff Harlan Slade owes Belle Barnes a wedding, and she’s ready to collect. The divorced single dad left Belle at the altar years ago. Now, for the sake of Belle’s ailing grandmother, he agrees to temporarily tie the knot. Their faux union quickly feels all too real, but Harlan must protect his young daughter’s feelings and his own bruised heart.

Belle’s passion for rescuing animals means frequent run-ins with the law. But she promises Harlan she’ll stay out of trouble—except for the kind she finds with him when old sparks fly. It seems Belle and Harlan’s short-term family has a future, until someone from their past threatens it all. Will Belle’s impulsive streak cost her the first real family she’s ever known?

“Belle Barnes—correction, Slade—you’re under arrest.”

Harlan removed the cuffs from his belt. “You have the right to remain—”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” The cold steel encircled her wrists. “And it’s still Barnes. I didn’t take your last name.”

“—silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights I have just read to you?”

“Is it even legal for you to arrest your own wife?” Belle tried to squeeze her hands out of the cuffs.

“I can and I just did.” Harlan led her to his police cruiser and opened the door. “Watch your head.”

He slammed the door. So much for today’s happiness. Surely he’d release her as soon as he got back. Harlan wouldn’t take her to jail.

Would he?

The Lawman’s Rebel Bride

Amanda Renee

AMANDA RENEE was raised in the Northeast and now wriggles her toes in the warm coastal Carolina sands. Her career began when she was discovered through Mills & Boon So You Think You Can Write contest. When not creating stories about love and laughter, she enjoys the company of her schnoodle, Duffy, camping, playing guitar and piano, photography and anything involving horses. You can visit her at

For Grandma Trudy.

You are forever in my heart.

Chapter One

“Harlan Slade, you owe me a wedding!”

Belle Barnes stormed past the police department’s front counter, pushed through the attached swinging door and marched over to the deputy sheriff’s desk. Gasps aside, no one attempted to stop her. She’d seen the inside of the station more times than she could count. And Lord knew her history with Harlan was as well-known as it was long.

“Belle!” Harlan jumped from his chair, almost knocking it over. The incredulous stare of his piercing blue eyes almost made her turn tail and run. He gave the room a quick scan before returning his attention to her. “What are you talking about?”

“I need you to marry me...well, at least pretend to.” There was no sense in sugarcoating why she was there.

Harlan cocked his jaw, grabbed the Stetson off the top of the filing cabinet behind him and pulled it down low, covering his thick chestnut-colored hair. “Let’s discuss this somewhere more private.”

Private was the last thing Belle wanted. Private meant being alone with Harlan and that conjured up all sorts of memories and uncomfortableness she’d prefer to avoid. But she was desperate and she didn’t have time to waste on foolish pride.

“Fine.” She followed him down the back hallway, away from prying eyes. If only she could pry her eyes away from the view of his jean-clad backside. The county sheriff strove for friendly casual and Harlan wore it well. The sound of his boots on the worn linoleum echoed against the walls, masking the thudding of her rapid heartbeat. Harlan swung open the heavy steel door and waited for Belle to exit first. She walked past him into the parking lot. Her bare shoulder brushed against his chest, causing her skin to prickle on contact. She inhaled sharply. Big mistake. The woodsy scent of his cologne transported her back to firelit nights snuggled up beside him. A time best forgotten.

“What’s this all about?” Harlan’s hat shaded his features from the midmorning sun, making him more difficult to read. His tan button-down uniform shirt stretched taut across his shoulders and biceps as he folded his arms. He stood wide-legged in front of her, bringing his six-foot-one-inch height closer to her five foot four. “I’m fairly confident I’m the last person you want to marry.”

That was the truth. She’d already stridden down that white-lined aisle only to watch him bolt for the church doors midceremony. There was nothing like the man of your dreams jilting you on your wedding day in front of the entire town. Belle shivered. It was close to eighty degrees in Saddle Ridge and her nerves were in overdrive. The past and the present were about to collide and she couldn’t put on the brakes. Not now. Not when her grandmother needed her most.

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