The Lessons School Forgot

The Lessons School Forgot
О книге

If you can change education, you can change the world Edupreneur gives teachers the "how." You already know what needs to be done to improve education, but you may lack the support and processes to bring it to life—and that's where this book comes in. You'll walk through the four stages of innovation—dreaming, digging, making and sharing—and learn how to unleash ground-shaking change from the classroom up. Straightforward, highly practical and kick-in-the-pants inspirational, this book is your new companion for making education work. You'll read about passionate teachers who have raised attendance from 40% to 90%; you'll read about principals who took on the worst-performing schools and turned them around; you'll read about leaders who had the courage to take the reins of a school and turn it from good to great—and you'll learn how they did it and how you're entirely capable of the same kind of revolutionary change. This is a book not just for challenging schools, but for all educators who are passionate about providing a great education for every student, every day. Administrators, academics and politicians can debate endlessly about how to "fix our schools," ignoring the fact that their best innovators and catalysts of change are already right there in the classroom. You have plenty of ideas, so here's your license to make them happen. Edupreneur will help teachers in all schools to: Identify ways to improve day-to-day practice Overcome the challenges that hamper progress Create new solutions that sidestep old roadblocks Collaborate with similarly forward-thinking educators Imagine what education could look like if teachers were practically equipped to bring exciting new ideas to the classroom every day. Edupreneur helps you be that kind of teacher you've always wanted to be, with a clear framework for truly bringing on the change.

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First published in 2017 by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd

42 McDougall St, Milton Qld 4064

Office also in Melbourne

Typeset in 12/15 pt Liberation Serif

© Start Up Squad Pty Ltd 2017

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above.

Cover design by Kathy Davis/Wiley

Author image by © Adam Hollingworth/Hired Gun


The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and it should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter which it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.

To my wife and our two little organic startups
With love, forever

About the author

Steve wrote his first lines of computer code at age 10, and is one of Australia's most respected business minds. While the school system didn't really suit his learning style, he has an incredible ability to make sense of how emerging technology is changing the way we work, live and earn. He's a born entrepreneur, and had his first startup at age 10 – an organic egg farm. While holding down a daytime corporate gig, in his spare time he started and eventually sold a successful a clothing business. (He used to start work at 5 am, sell to customers at lunch time and do the administration at night.)

After graduating from university majoring in Economics, he worked in multiple Fortune 500 companies and held many senior positions culminating in directorships, before answering his true calling for independence from The System. Curious about why some people seemed to get richer, regardless of education and income, he delved deeply into the study of personal finance, informally. His experience means he intimately understands small and big business and how to play the game to get ahead and design your own future.

Steve has had multiple technology startups, including launching, one of the first ‘sharing economy' startups, before Uber or Airbnb. Steve had a successful exit selling the startup to a public company. He now invests in emerging technologies and has multiple advisory board positions in a variety of disruptive technologies across the airline, automotive, real estate and co-working industries, and the internet of things, quantified self, mobile applications, and 3D printing technologies.

Extreme projects are something Steve loves doing to demonstrate what is possible. Crowdfunded via Twitter, he helped build a full-size driveable car made from 500 000 Lego pieces, complete with an engine made completely from Lego that runs on air. This project has over 9 million views on YouTube and was a global news story. He also put a toy space ship into earth orbit for under $2000 to prove how cheap powerful technology has become.

A media commentator on technology and the future, Steve is a regular on the ABC and provides expert assessment on the rapidly evolving technology sector. He has also been featured on the BBC, The Smithsonian Institute, The Discovery Channel, Mashable, Wired, and has even had documentaries made about his projects. Steve wants to share a life of hacking the system with you, so you can use emerging technology to your advantage, to live the life you deserve.

Get in touch with him at


The first job I ever had was in a factory. I was pretty excited about it at the time. The job would leave a permanent imprint on my life. There was something about it I've never forgotten; it changed me in a way. Maybe it was to do with all those routines, procedures and outputs, or maybe it was the way people behaved inside this closed system. In hindsight it all seemed a little strange, unnatural, even a little inhuman, but I didn't really question it when I was starting out – I just took it as the way things were.

Factories are without doubt among the most interesting kinds of workplace humans have created. Most of us have at some point had the opportunity to at least visit one and see it in action from close up. Maybe you were sent to the factory of a company you worked with, so you could get an understanding of how things were done there. Maybe you've partaken in a bit of industrial tourism – aviation and chocolate factories are favourites. If you haven't had such an experience, let me recall my factory job for you.

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