The Mistletoe Kiss

The Mistletoe Kiss
О книге

An Unexpected Match Millicent Faircloud feels her dreams are coming true when she's assigned to photograph the construction of New York's tallest building—until she realizes it means working with fellow boarder Matt Sterling. He's handsome and kind, but the stubborn man doesn't understand her ambition.Matt can't help but admire Millicent's spirit. But he's been hurt by a woman who cared only for her career, and he won't make that mistake again. Is Millicent more of the same, or would she put family first? If Matt can open his mind to new ideas, he may find love to be the best Christmas present of all.


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An Unexpected Match

Millicent Faircloud feels her dreams are coming true when she’s assigned to photograph the construction of New York’s tallest building—until she realizes it means working with fellow boarder Matt Sterling. He’s handsome and kind, but the stubborn man doesn’t understand her ambition.

Matt can’t help but admire Millicent’s spirit. But he’s been hurt by a woman who cared only for her career, and he won’t make that mistake again. Is Millicent more of the same, or would she put family first? If Matt can open his mind to new ideas, he may find love to be the best Christmas present of all.

“You want one photograph for yourself?”

Millicent asked as she looked into Matt’s eyes.

“Yes. I do. If it’s not too much trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all.”

Matt felt as surprised as Millicent looked at his request. The words had just popped out of his mouth, but he didn’t want to take them back. He wanted a photo of them together. But why? And how would having a photo of the two of them help him distance himself from her? And did he even want to do that now?

He picked up another photograph. This one Julia had taken when they’d all gone to Central Park one day. Again, this one was of him and Millicent, and it appeared they were sparring a bit. They were grinning at each other, but Millicent’s eyebrow was raised as if challenging something he’d said. He’d seen that expression on her quite often in the past year and, if truth be told, he’d enjoyed bringing it about.

JANET LEE BARTON loves researching and writing heartwarming romances about faith, family, friends and love. She’s written both historical and contemporary novels, and loves writing for Love Inspired Historical. She and her husband live in Oklahoma and have recently downsized to a condo, which they love. When Janet isn’t writing or reading, she loves to cook for family, work in her small garden, travel and sew. You can visit Janet at

The Mistletoe Kiss

Janet Lee Barton

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;

And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct thy paths.

—Proverbs 3:5–6

To my editor, Giselle Regus,

for helping to make my stories better.

To my agent, Tamela Hancock Murray,

for believing in this series.

To my readers who love the series as much as I do.

And as always,

to my family who encourages me,

to my husband, Dan,

who is always supportive of me,

and most of all, to my Lord and Savior

for showing me the way.

New York City, Heaton House, September 1897

Mathew Sterling entered the parlor at Heaton House surprised to find only the other male boarders gathered there, having just parted ways after the baseball game to get ready for dinner on time.

“Are we early?” he asked, looking at the clock on the mantel.

“No, we aren’t, but dinner is going to be late. Mrs. Heaton said the ladies should be arriving soon and we’d sit down to eat shortly after they get home,” Joseph Clark said.

“Where are they?” Matt asked. It wasn’t like any of them to be late to a meal unless they were working. “Did they go shopping?”

“Perhaps, but Mrs. Heaton didn’t say,” Stephen Adams explained. “Just that we’d eat when they got back. I hope it’s soon. I’m hungry. I know I had those Cracker Jacks at the game but they don’t hold one forever.”

“No they don’t,” Matt said. He’d enjoyed his day off going to the Giants game with Stephen and Joe. But the weather had been so nice, they’d walked back from the Polo Grounds where the game had been played, and all that walking mixed with the cool crisp air made him even hungrier than normal.

They heard the front door open and the three lady boarders entered—Matt knew because he’d come to recognize Millicent’s tinkling laugh anywhere. They seemed to be quite excited about something, from all the chattering going on between them.

Then suddenly everything went quiet and Julia Olsen, the boarder who’d been there the longest, peeked into the parlor. “We know we’ve kept you waiting for dinner. I’ll go tell Mrs. Heaton we’re here now.”

“Sorry we’re late.” Millicent Faircloud hurried into the parlor. She looked very pretty, her cheeks flushed and her deep blue eyes sparkling. It was evident she’d enjoyed the outing.

“We’re glad you’re finally here. We’re starving,” Stephen said.

“I don’t see any packages—you didn’t go shopping?” Matt smiled, thinking they’d gone to the Ladies’ Mile for the day. Shopping was one of their favorite things to do.

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