The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements

The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements
О книге

This is the food and nutritional answer to mood disorders – Patrick Holford, the founder of the Institute of Optimum Nutrition, praised it as 'working better than any anti-depressant'. Written by one of the most successful names in nutrient therapy, The Mood Cure shows you how you can permanently lift dark moods and emotions in less than 24 hours.Most mood problems are caused by biochemical imbalances, many of which don't need Prozac or other drugs to cure them. Such drugs are often liberally prescribed despite the risk of side effects.Julia Ross has been working with natural nutritional solutions at her clinic in California for over 15 years – and with dramatic results. She has developed an extremely successful nutritional plan using specific foods and supplements that can lift dark moods and emotions in less than 24 hours. It works by restoring the body's natural chemical balance, thereby relieving mood-related symptoms, such as depression, PMS, stress, low self-esteem, irritability or SAD.Assess your mood profile with a four-part questionnaire• Identify and understand your underlying chemical imbalance• Devise a targeted plan of supplements, good mood foods and menus according to what your body needs• Address hormone imbalances, food intolerances, allergies, insomnia and addiction• Lift the dark clouds of depression and anxiety in as little as 24 hoursNow, with The Mood Cure, you can blast the blues forever.

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The Mood Cure

Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements


To all those who have sought help and not found it.

And to Emmanuel.



Title Page

CHAPTER 6. Too Sensitive to Life’s Pain? How to Amplify Your Own Comforting Endorphins

STEP 3 Creating Your Nutritherapy Master Plan

CHAPTER 7. Out with the Bad-Mood Foods: Ridding Your Diet of Emotionally Hazardous Edibles

CHAPTER 8. Your Good-Mood Food Master Plan: Choosing the Best Foods for You

CHAPTER 9. Good-Mood Menus: Recipes and Ideas for Everyday Eating

CHAPTER 10. Your Master Supplement Plan: Putting Your Mood Repair Program Together

STEP 4 Getting Help with Special Mood Repair Projects

CHAPTER 11. Moods and Meds: When Antidepressant Nutrients Can Do a Better Job

CHAPTER 12. Sleep and Your Moods: Getting the Kind of Rest You Really Need

CHAPTER 13. Nutritional Rehab: The Missing Key to a Successful Recovery from Addiction

The Mood Cure Tool Kits

RESOURCE TOOL KIT Finding Practitioners, Testing, Supplements, Special Foods, Products, and Services

THYROID TOOL KIT Testing and Rebalancing

ADRENAL TOOL KIT Testing and Rebalancing

SEX HORMONE TOOL KIT Testing and Rebalancing

FOOD CRAVING TOOL KIT Are You Addicted to Sweets, Starches, or Fats?



Author’s Note


Other Works


About the Publisher

We certainly need a Mood Cure in the United States, but do you need one in the United Kingdom? Let’s compare the emotional facts of life in the U.S. with those in the U.K. They’re similar, but there are some interesting differences.

U.S. rates of depression and anxiety have tripled in the past ten years, with more than one in five adults now affected. The use of antidepressants is increasing so rapidly among both adults and children that Prozac (Fluoxetine) has become one of the ten top-selling drugs in the country.

How does the mood climate in the U.K. compare? According to the World Health Organization, depression is the second most common disability, after heart disease, throughout Europe, including the U.K., just as it is in the U.S. Within the U.K. itself, more than one in six adults were found to be either depressed, anxious, or both, in a large government survey published in 2001. As a result, Britons are also using antidepressants routinely, but not at quite the U.S. rate. In 2000, Fluoxetine became the seventeenth largest selling drug in the country and Efexor the eighteenth.

What accounts for the British having a serious, but somewhat less alarming, incidence of mood malaise than we have in the U.S.? There are three major factors at work here: food quality, exercise frequency, and access to bright sunlight. The food quality in the U.K. is slightly superior to that in the U.S., with more fresh food and less packaged food eaten, though that quality is steadily declining as it follows U.S. trends. On the other hand, British weather is much worse and Britons are almost as sedentary as Americans. This means that the dietary advantage that you in Britain still have is partly counterbalanced by lack of sunlight and lack of exercise, so you must vigilantly safe-guard it.

The Mood Cure is intended to help you discover mood-healthy foods and avoid mood-toxic foods by learning from our Yankee mistakes. For example, as you read about the low-fat experiment that failed in the U.S., you can consider enjoying butter on your potatoes once again.

This book will also recommend some wonderfully helpful nutrient supplements. Take Vitamin D, for example. It can be a powerful mood enhancer and is especially critical for you in the U.K. because you don’t get enough sunlight to stimulate its natural production. In 2002 the results of a study on the use of supplements made headlines all over the U.K. In it two groups of prisoners in a maximum-security prison were given identical meals three times a day. One group was given vitamins, minerals and essential fats as supplements, including 800 IU’s of Vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin. The other group was given dummy capsules. Those given the supplements committed 40% fewer violent crimes than those who were not.

Our experience at the U.S. clinic that I run is similar to that of the clinicians who administered the U.K. prison study: we have observed that, even when people adopt a relatively nutritious diet (most Americans subsist on diets inferior to the prison diet in the U.K. study!), it’s often not enough to reverse the deeper nutrient deficiencies that can trigger feelings like irritability, depression, anxiety and stress. The use of therapeutic dietary supplements, for a few months, is usually critical for the effective relief of these kinds of mood problems.

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