The Mozarts, Who They Were (Volume 1)

The Mozarts, Who They Were (Volume 1)
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During a century dominated by absolute monarchy and powerful aristocrats, the Mozart family traversed Europe on the quest for artistic consecration and prestigious promise. Was the ambition of his father, Leopold, combined with the genius of his son, Wolfgang, enough to reach their mission?

The story of their lives, in order to get to know and understand them, follows the sojourns of the adventurous journeys that they carried out. This book takes a penetrating look at the life and experiences of the Mozart family during the 1700's: beyond the myth of Mozart, an in-depth view of their world.   

In this new publication, available in an engaging two-volume series by Diego Minoia, we learn about the life and times of the Mozart family. Everything that there is to discover about these extraordinary characters and the epoch in which they lived is illustrated in this interesting and curious story that narrates approximately thirty years of their lives: travels and encounters, triumphs and disappointments, petty deceit and genius, rebellion and defeat. The story of the Mozart family, told through their own eyes, thanks to a rich collection of letters containing a wealth of information, enriched with detailed study that allows us a complete panoramic view of the circles in which they traveled, between journeys and presentations, intrigue and friendship, compliance to the powerful and desire for autonomy. An overview of a family and of a European continent that helps us understand the Eighteenth Century from a protagonist who rendered it one of the most prolific eras for music.

“The Mozarts: A Family Portrait” narrates the story of their lives until 1775, following them step by step, getting to know and understand them. Would you like to be their traveling companion? We will begin in Salzburg, where the family was formed and where Wolfgang Amadeus and his sister Maria Anna - known as Nannerl - were born to accompany them in their early travels to Munich and Vienna. We will then follow them in their very long European Grand Tour where the two young Mozarts were to become known as child prodigies, journeying through the principle courts of Germany, the Netherlands, France and England. 5,200 kilometers covered and 80 cities, visited in 1,269 days. No rock or pop star has ever accomplished such a tour!

In Volume I, we will follow Mozart to Munich, then on to Vienna, and finally Paris. Volume II will see his return to Salzburg from London, traveling through France and Switzerland. This is the moment when Leopold Mozart's ambitions become more audacious. It was time for Wolfgang Amadeus to begin his formation in becoming a composer, and there was only one place to do this: Italy. And this is how father and son, alone, without the women of the family, confronted their three journeys to Dante's Bel Paese, where they made friends and found recognition, as well as some less complimentary opinions. We will continue to accompany the Mozarts along the various visits on their tour of Italy where they visited many important cities: Verona, Mantua, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Turin, Venice. We will discover through their travels the many interesting facts about how life was lived in the country of Bel Canto - beautiful singing. In the meantime, Amadeus the child, was growing into a mature musician, brought up to perfect his craft, having already composed his first operas, as well as being able to navigate his way through the creation of the sacred and profane vocal and instrumental music. The elderly prince-bishop who had supported the Mozarts passed away and was substituted by Hieronymus Colloredo, whose relationship with the family grew constrained over time. The small and provincial Salzburg didn't allow the young Wolfgang to express his full potential, who dreamed of the capital and a prestigious post at the Imperial Court.


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The Mozarts, Who They Were


Diego Minoia

The Mozarts, Who They Were

A Family on the Quest of a European Triumph

Travels, music, encounters and interesting facts

The historical-sociological conditions, the family,

the childhood and the adolescence of Wolfgang Amadeus

Volume I

(1747 - 1763)

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced without the written consent of the author

Copyright © Diego Minoia 2020

[email protected]

Cover design: Marta Colosio

Diego Minoia

The Mozarts, Who They Were

A Family on the Quest of a European Triumph

Travels, music, encounters and interesting facts

Table of Contents

Volume I

Part 1: Salzburg and the Mozart family

Salzburg - The Prince-Bishops -- Interesting facts on Salzburg -- Music at the Court of the Prince-Bishopric -- The musicians of the Salzburg Court -- The Mozart family (mother, sister, father, Wolfgang) -- Wolfgang's station in the history of music -- The life of the Mozart family in Salzburg -- Mozart's earnings -- The catalogue of the Mozartian compositions

Part 2: School of thought, culture and society in the 1700s

The geopolitical situation during the 18>th century -- The Age of Enlightenment -- Society during the Mozart epoch -- Theater, influence and society -- Theater and the impresario -- The dedications and the earnings of composers and librettists -- The castrated -- Protected, borrowed and stolen musicians -- Music of the 1700s -- The role of the musician during the second half of the 1700s -- The Melodramma -- Music and the church -- The principle forms of church music - The evolution and perfection of musical instruments during the 1700s -- Pre-Romantic Mozart?

Part 3: Daily life during Mozart's time

The household in Europe in the 1700s -- Pannier or farthingale -- Laundry -- Ice -- Food and the evolution of taste -- Artists and their role in society - Various habits and interesting facts: household pets, high fashion à la Française -- Paris, the guiding light of fashion -- Gossip and aristocratic parlors -- The "dark gloom" - Parisian parlors and sex - Conservatories and hospitals for the poor

Part 4: The Mozarts family before the European travels

From 1775 to 1762: Leopold Mozart and the education of prodigious children -- The Mozartian epistolary -- The letters dating 1755/1756 -- Leopold Mozart: part author, part businessman -- Augsburg letters to the publisher Lotter -- The production of paper until the 1700s -- Leopold's astuteness -- The Fair -- Publishing in the 1700s and the author's rights -- Leopold's "ploy" - Taxes in the 18>th century -- Nannerl and Wolfgang's musical education in Salzburg -- Wolfgang's first compositions

Part 5: The first journeys of the Mozart family

Traveling in the 18>th century: roads, guides, lodging, dangers -- Some history on the postal service until Mozart's epoch -- The first journeys: Munich and Vienna -- The first journey to Vienna - Vienna, the capital of the Empire -- Interesting facts -- Epistolary from Vienna -- Dress during the 18>th century -- The Academies -- Music at the Court of Vienna -- Business and the diversification of consumerism -- Interior décor -- What did Wolfgang and Nannerl do during their exhibitions? -- The phenomenon of the 18>th century's child prodigies

Part 6: The Mozarts and the Grand European Tour/1-- Germany and the Netherlands

What was the Grand Tour of the 18>th century? - The Mozart's Grand Tour "in reverse" - Appointments in every city - Sojourns along the journey: Salzburg, Munich, Augsburg, Ulm, Ludwigsburg, Bruchsal, Schwetzingen, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Worms, Mainz, Frankfurt, Mainz, Koblenz, Bonn, Cologne, Aachen, Liège, Tienen, Leuven, Brussels, Mons, Bonavis, Gourney, Paris

Volume II

Part 7: The Mozart family and the Grand European Tour/2

Paris: encounters, hopes, gifts, success, interesting facts. Wolfgang's Parisian compositions

Part 8: The Mozart family and the Grand European Tour/3 -- London

London: a "new" world, formative musical encounters, marketing strategies and government crisis. Wolfgang's "Londonese" compositions

Part 9: The Mozart family and the Grand European Tour/4 -- The long return trip

Calais, Dunkirk, Lille, Ghent, Antwerp, Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, The Hague, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Antwerp, Brussels, Valenciennes, Cambrai, Paris, Dijon, Lyon, Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, Zürich, Winterthur, Schaffhausen, Donaueschingen, Dillingen, Augsburg, Munich, Salzburg

Part 10: Salzburg / Vienna / Salzburg

The return to daily life in Salzburg -- A period of settling in and growth for Wolfgang in acquiring further musical knowledge -- A second journey to Vienna -- A period of additional Salzburg study in preparation for the upcoming journey to Italy


The Grand Tour in Italy in the 18>th century, the opinions and diaries of other travelers on the Grand Tour, Europe and Italy during the second half of the 18>th century

Part 11: The first journey to Italy

Salzburg, Innsbruck, Bolzano, Rovereto, Verona, Mantua, Milan, Lodi, Parma, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Sessa Aurunca, Capua, Naples, Rome, Civita Castellana, Terni, Spoleto, Foligno, Loreto, Senigallia, Pesaro, Rimini, Imola, Bologna, Parma, Piacenza, Milan, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Rovereto, Brixen, Innsbruck, Salzburg

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